You're right. Might be a whale that did multiple 10+1 pulls and fused all the Almas he got.Maybe he has more than 20?
You're right. Might be a whale that did multiple 10+1 pulls and fused all the Almas he got.Maybe he has more than 20?
Got the mats for the Katana in the oven. Will grab the shield later today and got Alma from my daily pull. What's so special about her? Just her TM? Ultima?
Her tm is what most are after.
Lol. Only use for Delita is his sword, and it's not even the best. Excalibur trumps it by 2 attack :/
I got the katana in the oven on both accounts but wondering what is so special about the shield? 36def but what is the undead repelling attached to it?
I got the katana in the oven on both accounts but wondering what is so special about the shield? 36def but what is the undead repelling attached to it?
Woah, just realized Delita's Moonblade is a 1hander. Excal is a 2hander, but only beats it by that 2 attack =o
Do you have units you need to level up? lol
That is really FFBE, the real deal events finally have come, and all is uphill from here.
Chilly said:ALMA GET!!
Daily pull - Gafgarrion ... I guess he goes in the queue to level up and see what he can do after the event.
Congrats Chilly!!!
Be careful with ADV C-1 Boss. If you dont take it down in first turn, next turn it can oblitarate you because it does 2 sweep attacks.
It is vulnerable to fire.
It stacks with Charlotte's Undead Killer as well. She is Godly as a maxed tank - Shellga is a game changer against strong magic foes like ELT Dungeon. She also protects EVERYTHING, even when she attacks most of the time
Are there units in my inventory that are at least 5* capable that are not maxed out? Then yes, there are units that need to be leveled up.
Grats to everyone to on their pulls!
-- Daily pull: Gold again.... Vann? Um... I'm okay with this? Yes, I'll allow it.
About to get there myself. Reddit notes that the big vulerability to exploit here is that unlike everything in ADV so far, the Roper does **not** have any status effect resistances. So, treat like Frost Dragon and blind/paralyze to victory.
Moving forward, this is probably an important concept to look out for. Most ADV bosses will probably require a very specific strategy unique to them in order to win.
If you want advice, you should focus your gigantuars in leveling your thundaga mages, because it looks like the FFXIII event will require a lot of thundagas, just like this event is blizzaga land.
Swords and Great Swords in this game are 1-hander. Dunno why though. Great Swords are supposed to be 2-handed.
Grats Lyrian you son of a bitch!!
Valentus do you think I'll need more than one Doublehand?
If you want advice, you should focus your gigantuars in leveling your thundaga mages, because it looks like the FFXIII event will require a lot of thundagas, just like this event is blizzaga land.
Bought a 1,200 Ticket from mog and did a pull...
4* Cecil. Ah Yeah! Time to start TM Farming that bitch.
Lightining soloing ELT is ridiculous. She doesn't even need the Ice move.
Wooo! time to solo level some of my characters. Gonna need to wait for Valentus lightninging!
See my pics, it can be tough call. at 5/6 Loffrey didnt die first turn, my Golbez did die. Luckily Blade Blitz is ability so no harm from Silence but Loffrey did almost 3k damage at 5/6 wave...
Edit: It was close, didnt expect them to resist Ice Blitz, so was the resist from weapons or from where?
Yeah I'll be careful. Currently trying to level up Bartz, but have him at 5 star(50 lvl)
Luckily that Golbez took a shot to save Lightning.
Yeah poor Golbez. Its the 5* dupe Golbez, going to max level it for the future magic events (that Thundaga).
Yeah poor Golbez. Its the 5* dupe Golbez, going to max level it for the future magic events (that Thundaga).
Did we get the update to Kuja actually? Where his Lightning damage is boosted per turn?
That's not for a very long time on Global. JP only got that literally a few weeks ago.
Its hard to say. Because so far (in JP and GL) the only unit that really really benefits from Doublehanded is Garland.
Taking of example Delita 6star (that doesnt have innate dual weild):
With Doublehanded: 652 ATK (Sakurafubuki, black cowl, black belt gi, 2 bracers, 1 ATK+20%, 1 Fencer TM)
With Dual Weild: 675 ATK (Excalibur, Sakurafubuki, Black cowl, black belt gi, 2 bracers, 1 ATK+20%, 1 Fencer TM)
You see that the difference is not that big, but whats the catch: You need 2 bracers to get that little difference. If you cant have 2 Gaffgarion TM and only can access to hero ring, Delita's ATK with doublehaded goes down to 622 with 1 hero ring and 1 Bracer, and 592 with 2 hero rings (because doublehanded doesn work on percentual ATK modifiers) (with dual weild the ATK goes down to 660 and 645 respectively)
And the most important thing: with dual wield you can access to dual elemental attack (you can equip excalibur and the fire katana and your attacks will be both holy/fire element), and with doublehand your attack will be the element of your only weapon equipped.
I think that doublehand so far is a TM only garland can take full use of it. I suggest only get one if you can (and if you have access to get dual weild TM) and focus your grind time to other TMs.
Edit: It was close, didnt expect them to resist Ice Blitz, so was the resist from weapons or from where?
Ok, just got past the Roper in C-1.
Wow, that is no joke. That's a huge power creep over everything else. Makes Frost Dragon look like a pansy.
3x Sweep (AoE) per round for around 600-800 **each**, AFTER Cheer AND being Power/Full Broken (so, ballpark around 2100-2300 damage AoE each round).
Only reason I lived was that everyone had at least a HP+15% on and just barely made the thresholds for surviving each round. Ended up using Lenna --> Curaja + Tellah+WoL --> Cura (yes, triple heal) while Artemios was trying to land paralyze and Kefka blind.
Third round, paralyze stuck and the Roper went down very fast afterwards.
The Roper fight is a literal definition of being on the receiving side what we are doing to the knights in the FFT event, lol.
Excalibur is Light element. Loffrey and his buddy have 50% resist for Light.
Ok, just got past the Roper in C-1.
Wow, that is no joke. That's a huge power creep over everything else. Makes Frost Dragon look like a pansy.
3x Sweep (AoE) per round for around 600-800 **each**, AFTER Cheer AND being Power/Full Broken (so, ballpark around 2100-2300 damage AoE each round).
Only reason I lived was that everyone had at least a HP+15% on and just barely made the thresholds for surviving each round. Ended up using Lenna --> Curaja + Tellah+WoL --> Cura (yes, triple heal) while Artemios was trying to land paralyze and Kefka blind.
Third round, paralyze stuck and the Roper went down very fast afterwards.
The Roper fight is a literal definition of being on the receiving side what we are doing to the knights in the FFT event, lol.
Woah, just realized Delita's Moonblade is a 1hander. Excal is a 2hander, but only beats it by that 2 attack =o
Lacking WoL Full Break seems like a game over for that fightYou can't even restart it with lapis right? lol
Power Break will work as an equivalent.
No continues in the Colosseum.
That said, you have a couple ways to approach this.
1) You can glass cannon this with chaining Firaga. It only has about 36k health at, PRO level defenses. Be warned though, though that if you go this route, either you or the enemy is one and done. If you don't kill it on the very first first round, gg.
2) Land paralyze (better) or blind to avoid Sweep. Paralyze is better, as there is a chance of Sweep still landing while blinded. It is unlikely that a blinded roper will land all 3 sweeps on the same unit. Bad RNG is a thing however, and if neither lands, you better have the HP and healing potential to get back to full every round to try again.
If the roper is not power broken, then nothing short of a maxed 6* or 5* tank is going to survive the first round. So... pray that paralyze or blind lands quickly if you go this route.
Lol. Only use for Delita is his sword, and it's not even the best. Excalibur trumps it by 2 attack :/
Alma's robe is currently the best robe, i think. I'll use tickets on the last day of this banner to try and get her.
Yeah, got Delita as my first 1/2 daily pull of this banner.
But aside from barrage, he doesn't seem too useful.
I should have bought material for Katana and Shield first before Summons ticks.I'm such an idiot.
I should have bought material for Katana and Shield first before Summons ticks.I'm such an idiot.
Don't have the time to get more?
Shield is cheap. Katana mats aint cheap![]()
Feels good bros, Also I've ranked up twice in two days it's crazy.