If you dont have full break, the poor's man option always could be a krile dualcasting deshell and imperil for maximun magic damage
He has 40% Crit and one of his attacks has 160% attack modifier with a Ignore 40% defense ignore. He also has Barrage and his Debuffs are stronger and last longer than Full Break's if you can only debuff those stats or don't need to debuff the others. Unless someone has Lightning, Delita is easily a top unit in Global for now.
Nice congrats! Getting close for enough mats... Should probably hit today. I want to upgrade Garland.
Second day in a row for an Alma pull. Can't complain. Keffka (wtf auto correct) and Lenna will be getting one I guess!
Still have room on my list for folks, if any one would like: 936 875 612
My alt tossed you a fr. 4* Chorizo leader, hopefully under one day 5*.
Fuck the events in this game are so boring. Grind grind grind, absurd energy costs, absurd drop amounts, just eurgh.
I love the game but these events are soul draining.
I really hope they slow things down in the next updates, how the hell do they expect people to finish story mode and do the quests if they keep releasing content that requires a enourmous amouont of grind?
Too bad the content we will got from here until FFIII batch doesnt justify to pull for a delita (maybe babil's tower event...)
And more that we will get another chance to have Lightning rate up in the FFXIII banner, its not a good idea to pull for delita (if one gets him via a ticket pull or daily pull, awesome, but no more than that...)
He's obviously not an amazing magic user, but a great utility unit that can do a bit of everything.
Edit: Just got the recipe for Hero's Ring, how many of them should I make?
Pulling for him is a separate thing than whether or not he's a good char or not. I'm just dispelling the idea that he's suddenly a bad character because Luneth is coming or whatever. He's still a Top 5-10 char even when Luneth hits and is well worth using if you get him.
Has any event ever been repeated in the Japanese version? Or can we just say goodbye to ever get a Fencer, Gravity Rod, Shining Splendor etc? Not that they are good, as the new content will make them worse as time goes.
No repeat events yet.
Do you know if there is any Mace soon to be released that is better than Lunar Pestle?
Yeah. The Thorn Mace or whatever.
It's a reward from a challenge battle. It doesn't give MAG or MP but it has 78 attack and gives the Maneater trait which synergizes well with Cloud of Darkness.
Yeah. The Thorn Mace or whatever.
It's a reward from a challenge battle. It doesn't give MAG or MP but it has 78 attack and gives the Maneater trait which synergizes well with Cloud of Darkness.
Two tickets!
Two tickets!
So far in this event I got:
All the quartz
Chirijiraden (in the oven right now)
In the process getting the materials for Escutcheon
Left to get: All the tickets
Pull on this banner: Edgar, Alma and Galuf
Are you spending lapis for reffils? I'm impressed with people getting so many shards. in so little time.
Are you spending lapis for reffils? I'm impressed with people getting so many shards. in so little time.
Nah, just focus on running ELT and you can get that much. The NRG potions from daily login bonuses and rank-ups help a lot too. I've gained two ranks and about 6600 shards in the last 3 days with no lapis spent.
So I just realized I have 4 Zidanes. What are the uses of 2 Dual Wields for future content? I feel with the grouping of healer/phys dps/mage/ 2 tanks it is kind of not needed later or should i just farm 2 anyway?
You could always stick one on of your tanks, but it will also be useful when you have to swap in certain units for certain content. CoD with the right weapons and Dual Wield @ 6* is a MONSTER.
You could always stick one on of your tanks, but it will also be useful when you have to swap in certain units for certain content. CoD with the right weapons and Dual Wield @ 6* is a MONSTER.
You could always stick one on of your tanks, but it will also be useful when you have to swap in certain units for certain content. CoD with the right weapons and Dual Wield @ 6* is a MONSTER.
How are you guys pulling Edgars? I've been wanting on for a long time now and I only saw him drop when I first started this game when I was rerolling
For now thats it, now wait for the new content.I think I did all the story content but Industrial City Dilmagia has a "NEXT" on it - I ran around in there and nothing happened. Any idea what I missed, or that there for the next content patch?
I finished up through Wind Shrine and everything.
I knew you could do it!ALMA GET!!
Nicely done!Daily pull - Gafgarrion ... I guess he goes in the queue to level up and see what he can do after the event.
Congrats Chilly!!!
I would allow it too, but Vaan doesn't like me. :/-- Daily pull: Gold again.... Vann? Um... I'm okay with this? Yes, I'll allow it.
Cecil hype!Bought a 1,200 Ticket from mog and did a pull...
4* Cecil. Ah Yeah! Time to start TM Farming that bitch.
The Goddess.I guess I will grab some unit that wants 50k exp and do the ELT with this friend from my friend list.
Let the friend carry me
Edit: It was close, didnt expect them to resist Ice Blitz, so was the resist from weapons or from where?
:/Two tickets!
Where do we get the mats for the this events recipes?
Hopefully they aren't event only, but knowing my luck they probably are.
Go pay the moogle king~
He has 40% Crit and one of his attacks has 160% attack modifier with a Ignore 40% defense ignore. He also has Barrage and his Debuffs are stronger and last longer than Full Break's if you can only debuff those stats or don't need to debuff the others. Unless someone has Lightning, Delita is easily a top unit in Global for now.
He gives enough mats to create both?
If so, that's great. I'm farming ELT anyways.
So Alma's got her uses but what about Gaffgarion. Does he have anything going for him at all? I can't see anything really good about him.