Reroll immediately.
hmm okay, thanks. I did feel like I had shit luck looking up at the tier list today lol
Any particuliar heroes I should look out for?
Reroll immediately.
hmm okay, thanks. I did feel like I had shit luck looking up at the tier list today lol
Any particuliar heroes I should look out for?
Dont be slave of the "tier lists", its better ask like you are doing now for what unit have.
Basically, you need lightning lol, try to reroll until you got one. Everything else can be replaced with any kind of unit (except a full break user)
hey guys, installed the game not long ago. I'ts pretty fun tbh... But i've been reading online about ''rerolling''. Should I do it?
I'm basically rank 11, the only ''notable'' summon I got out of like 10 summon tickets + a few lapis summons were a 4 star gaffgarion, a 3 star alma ( I don't even know if that's supposed to be good? lol) , a 4 star rydia and a 4 star maria. That's it
Should I bother rerolling or getting summon tickets is easy?
Rerolling is okay if you don't want to play. Been rerolling my alt account for a few days now. No rainbows. Yellow ones with Shadow, Russell, and Luna.Bt since it is an alt one doesn't bother me. You could be rerolling forever for something good or be one and done.
Why are these Tactics characters kind of lackluster?I want Orlando, which is why I won't get him.
But he is good, right?
Request sent!
Also add away those who haven't though I think I have everyone who posts here lol
If you are starting now and you plan to take this seriously, rerolling for a Lightning can`t be stressed enough. Look at the amount of important events that need either an army of mages or one single Lightning. It will be easier to focus on one character instead of several ones, so just focus on her and thank us later.
How long will she stay top tier? I imagine once other 6* come out it'll change things. Unless idea is slow roll out on 6*.
How long will she stay top tier? I imagine once other 6* come out it'll change things. Unless idea is slow roll out on 6*.
How long will she stay top tier? I imagine once other 6* come out it'll change things. Unless idea is slow roll out on 6*.
How long will she stay top tier? I imagine once other 6* come out it'll change things. Unless idea is slow roll out on 6*.
Orlandu sama will knock her around a bit.
I would take a T.G. Cid or Tidus over a million Lightnings.
I would take a T.G. Cid or Tidus over a million Lightnings.
Orlandu sama will knock her around a bit.
The unit I want most is Tidus. I might even spend money trying to get him. I also want my WoL, Terra, and CoD to be 6*. After that, I don't even care. Anything else will be just gravy.![]()
I have been but a Small Mouth Bass in this game so far..but for Orlandu and Tidus I am probably turning into a Humpback. I can already feel the blowhole forming.
The Orlandu love is so good right now. When does the banner come up with him in it? Forever from now?
Yes, pretty much.
LOL. Wait, what was that? I hear whale sounds...![]()
One of the reasons I pulled a lot on Lightnings banner is because the other units were good. Well, getting dual cast as a TM from a crap unit seemed worth pulling. What other units were on Thunder God cids banner in Japan? Any good consolation prizes?
Lets not get carried away though, none of you have mentioned the TRUE best character coming in the future.
The main characters from the eventual Chrono Trigger banner event?Lets not get carried away though, none of you have mentioned the TRUE best character coming in the future.
Lets not get carried away though, none of you have mentioned the TRUE best character coming in the future.
Lets not get carried away though, none of you have mentioned the TRUE best character coming in the future.
Lets not get carried away though, none of you have mentioned the TRUE best character coming in the future.
Cloud as a base 6*?
Seph, obv.
Cloud as a base 6*?
Emperor sucks!
The main characters from the eventual Chrono Trigger banner event?
I wish. ;_;
Cloud as a base 6*?
(I can't wait til they inevitably drop FF7 and FF8 units into the game)
But am I gonna be salty when one of you jerks pulls Thunder God Cid in a daily the second he becomes available.
Well, you can put money on that not being me. My luck with characters in this game is terrible.
I'm surprised that they don't have FFVII characters in the game...and that Zidane is still 5*. They must really hate FFIX. Heh, heh.
I wouldn't be surprised if one of the next events in JPN is Zidane/Kuja upgrades. They better add Steiner/Quina/Beatrix as well. Eiko can come also but meh.
Soleil...Lawrence and Ovelia not sure how any of them are. Soleil is also a 6* the other two are 5's. Not sure on TM's.
Dude seriously
Beatrix needs to happen
Yeah, doesn't seem so although Ovelia's Staff looks like it may be pretty good.
For now!
Damn looking at some future TMR holy shit...Arc with a +91 MAG Rod...efff me...I must have it.
Emperor's TM:
Trust Reward = マティウスの悪意
19 ATK 109 MAG Rod, Skills: [HP+10%] +10% HP
Yeah and the FFIII Banner is fucking insane!!!