It's weird, I never really liked Noctis' design (too generic and Sasuke like) but I really like the look of that sprite (especially the swords in the air).
Congrats to everyone who managed to get some tms today.
Are you kidding me, FFXV instead of the GOAT FFVII??
I guess it would be wise to release FFXV around the same time the game is released.
Yesterday I got home just after midnight. I was about to set up my tm farming when I realised that when I wake up I would be too close to a rank up to efficiently use my nrg. Thus I made the only logical decision. I stayed up till 2am using all of my nrg and arena orbs before ranking up, then used my arena orbs on the refresh before starting my tm farming for the night.
It's safe to say I have an unhealthy addiction lol.
I went through the event for the first time to use my nrg. Fairly easy event (for me at least). Did everything first time except no KOs on elite because Gilgamesh decided to just focus on Agrius turn 1 and I got no cover.
My first five star daily... Gilgamesh!
Congrats on the Gilgamesh, guys!
was so scared it was gonna end up a rainbow garnet or some shit like that
It's on like Donkey Kong.
Congrats! DKC gets even more beastly.GUNGNIR BOYZ
I'm glad I pulled Elza because I can actually put it to use.
I'm surprised that they didn't announce something FFVII-related during the recent live-stream. Given the games' popularity, it's largely overdue, but maybe they're waiting for the game to drop in interest before they release them.Are you kidding me, FFXV instead of the GOAT FFVII??
I guess it would be wise to release FFXV around the same time the game is released.
Do you automatically wake up every 2-3 hours to make sure your TMfarming hasn't crashed? Because i do :-/
I don't have a 5* base or duel wind... Worth going all in for gilgamesh or waiting out for tidus?
Two Genji gloves tho.
So basically twin lance + dual weild = guaranteed 1 lb per enemy with cecil.
I run Phantom forest and got like 80 lb exp per run. Take me like 30 minutes the 26 fights
So basically twin lance + dual weild = guaranteed 1 lb per enemy with cecil.
I run Phantom forest and got like 80 lb exp per run. Take me like 30 minutes the 26 fights
Good shout. My tm macro is also designed to do lbs, but your lb is not guaranteed every run. Just tested it with lance and it definitely adds to the consistency of the run.
I was skimming over the notes from the JP 1st Anniversary event and Janken keeps coming up. Can anyone enlighten on what that is exactly?
Does barfira work on the grenades exploding? Trying to complete the last mission, failed three times already.
Yes, that's the one. I'll try the blizzard and pray it works. Tired of wasting nrg because I want to complete it.Yes, but if you are writing about the 5 grenade encounter in Widow's Peak, it may not be that much help.
Grenades explode at 50% life, which in Widow's Peak, is at 12.5k HP. Self-Destructs are fire 1-for-1 HP damage. Half of 12k damage is well.... yeah.
You need to either have a whole bunch of AoE limit breaks ready to go, need to sleep/paralyze them, or just bring a bunch of mages to mass chain Blizzaga on them to clear the round.
Yes, that's the one. I'll try the blizzard and pray it works. Tired of wasting nrg because I want to complete it.
Cloud of Darkness
Which Esper should I have on each character?
Cecil : Golem
Vaan : Ifrit or Diabolos
Lenna : Carbuncle (or Siren if you don't own it yet)
Exdeath Ramuh
CoD : Ifrit or Diabolos
You can put Shiva instead of Diabolos for a few more ATK but personally I love Man-Eater.
Yeah, mostly focusing on TM Farming for the next couple of month into the new year. I kinda have a rough idea of what I what to do. Most of the events I go through rather quickly and usually don't have to repeat them. My team is doing fairly well and was able to tackle everything so far. I did very little karma grinding in the last event. Bought essentials I wanted. Elza upgrades, Mog, and a couple other materias... Probably going to continue with that trend for all future King Mog events.
I have such a backlog of TMs I want right now that it's my main priority:
Two Dualcasts will be replaced with Two Ultimas.
Three Dual Wields will be replaced with Three Black Cowls.
After those are done I have a couple of options to choose from: Weapons (Excalibur x 2, Death Scythe, Omnirod), Armours/Accessories (Maximilian x 4, Minerva Bustier x 3, Bracer x 3, Aegis Shield x 3). Not to mention I still have to do another 4 Dualcasts and another Ultima to throw in there somewhere.
Probably going to end up combining two and two Maximilians, two Minervas and two Aegis Shields. The Bracers I'll run all three to 100%.
Lapis refills. Most of my hard earned Lapis is going on refreshes. Basically, keep my phone running while I'm off doing other things. lol.
Cecil : Golem
Vaan : Ifrit or Diabolos
Lenna : Carbuncle (or Siren if you don't own it yet)
Exdeath Ramuh
CoD : Ifrit or Diabolos
You can put Shiva instead of Diabolos for a few more ATK but personally I love Man-Eater.
How do I level my Espers? I know obviously you use the shards, but what's the optimum way?
All of mine are still 1*![]()
How do I level my Espers? I know obviously you use the shards, but what's the optimum way?
All of mine are still 1*![]()
Gumi favors Japan over global confirmed.Man, JP got so many summon tickets from the Fan event and 1 year anniversary this weekend. I'm sitting at 37 right now and I started with 0 earlier this week, lol.
I think I understand why BM is such a good TM. Is it because it stacks on top of DW or DH?
Only downside is that it's only for katana's. Who can use a katana besides Chizuru, Firion and WoL?
Oh I see, looking it up now. Looks like Luneth, Gilgamesh and Lightning can use katanas too.
I only have Chiz, Firion and WoL. How many BM should I farm when I have three Chizuru's? Theoretically, would I even have all three on my team at one time?
I think I answered my own question. If I had Luneth, Lightning and a combination of Firion or WoL I would be able to use all three.
I guess I'll farm my other two BM after my current batch and a batch for Elza.
But, there isn't enough super powerful katana weapons for three characters. At most, maybe one. Hmmm
Man, JP got so many summon tickets from the Fan event and 1 year anniversary this weekend. I'm sitting at 37 right now and I started with 0 earlier this week, lol.
Pretty sure Global gonna get the same treatment when we get our anniversary...
That's where the munny isGumi favors Japan over global confirmed.
*Excluding: Orlandu.
Next you have an external battery pack connected to your phone the whole time?!haha, battery life on phones now are terrible. I only use my phone when I can for this during work and by the time I get home it's on around 10%, I use my iPad for most the other times.
But I have a question about phones. If I were to get a new phone will I lose my current amount of Lapis?
Who cares about Orlandeau, looks at this badass
As long as it's the same OS as your last phone, e.g. iOS or Android, etc., lapis will transfer.