So odd thing just happened.
Did the ELT quest and fought my way through. Got to Loffrey, defeated him then the quest ended. Didn't even have to face all four bosses together.
Started crafting my Fire Katana! 3 days seems a bit excessive lol
My thoughts. Once you spend a few days farming for something, why make you wait 3 days for it? Aw well![]()
Maybe you did PRO instead?
But Loffrey doesn't show up in PRO though.
Had to spend 5 tickets, for 12 total pulls, just to get Alma. Feels like such a waste for the most common character we've had. but ah well, hopefully the robe will come in useful.
Boy they really are milking these banners now. Where the hell is my boy Ramza?!?
From reddit, someone pulled this from the localisation file:
Major drop rate boosts for Agrias, Ramza & Mustadio ! (10/07 01:00 - 10/14 00:59 PDT)
It'll become elemental damage with an Icebrand but it'll still only be Attack influenced.
I'd take a second Luna, if I could. Barrage!Got a gold crystal on my daily, was really excited. It was a Luna![]()
Tell me if i am wrong, but Ramza banner is not worth pulling since its 6* can't even compete with the likes of Chizuru, CoD, Exdeath, WoL or Cecil?
boy they should have go straight to FF13 banner with major boost for Snow and Lightning (again).
So Alma's attack animation es throwing a fucking stone.
A fucking stone.
So Alma's attack animation es throwing a fucking stone.
A fucking stone.
Another Galuf -_- Welp that's a grand total of jack shit for daily pulls on this banner, should've saved
Got a gold crystal on my daily, was really excited. It was a Luna![]()
I hear ya. Nothing but disappointment and gold crystals with crap in them for me too. Not even a single Alma.
Russell for me today. I feel your pain.
I'm sitting at 4,800 lapis right now, so between the dailies and the daily login, I should be good to go by Saturday. Woot!
Iam aiming to do my pulls then (doing daily 250 Lapis pulls meanwhile).Unit: Luneth (6), Refia (6), Arc (5), Ingus (5)
Upgrade: Cloud of Darkness (6)
In the next big content update we should have this new trial
Some tips of what i saw from videos defeating this trial, so you can be prepared when it comes to global:
-Gigantuar has insane DEF (and SPR?), with brute force you wont get nothing. The tip here is carriying bomb items, or a unit with throw (Amarant?) and throw it the frag granade you won in ADV colo. The granade has fixed damage, bypassing defense.
-The 6 bombs explode at 30% i think, so, if you cant defeat them in 1 turn, dont leave them with critical HP before your attacks.
Is there some particular reason that you want to do it now?
If no, I suggest waiting for even better banner. The banner will be here around 1 month from now +- some weeks.
In JP the banner FFIII was with these units:
I am aiming to do my pulls then (doing daily 250 Lapis pulls meanwhile).
Ah yeah, I understand. Banner that starts tomorrow is better than what we have now so if you get extra Lapis wait til new banner is on before pullingWell... I guess no particular reason outside of feeling kinda' stuck with my current units.
Ah yeah, I understand. Banner that starts tomorrow is better than what we have now so if you get extra Lapis wait til new banner is on before pulling. Good luck for your 10+1, dont expect anything, be glad if you get good units, its the way to avoid possible disappointment.
Well, reckon I will not be pulling on this upcoming banner as well.
Really regret not going in deep on Lightening. Dangit.
Yup, I'm waiting until this weekend for the pull. Hoping to get Agrias for the full break and one of the better overall healers. Any other plus unit would be awesome, but I'm expecting to get mostly crap and 1 or 2 decent ones. Fingers crossed!
Is there any anecdotal evidence regarding the time of day you should do a pull? Or if you get better results with your first 11 pull to try and sucker you into buying lapis for more? I know the name of these kind of games is RNG, but I'm just curious to see if anyone has looked into those kind of things.
meanwhile during this banner, i got like 4 Maria
i would kill for 1 Alma
Yep, it'll have global exclusive units since it was compared to JP's swimsuit Majin Fina/Fina/LidWhat's the word on a halloween banner and event? Is that an actual thing?