What happens if you only need 3 points, but the pot gives 5?
It'll just eat it and you'd lose out on the remainder, just like metal cactuars. That's the crappy thing about these pots, it's not clear anywhere how much you can boost each stat.
What happens if you only need 3 points, but the pot gives 5?
It'll just eat it and you'd lose out on the remainder, just like metal cactuars. That's the crappy thing about these pots, it's not clear anywhere how much you can boost each stat.
Meh, pots are pretty much aplenty if you Arena a lot.
Yeah I use tons of them, just wish there was an easier way to know how many each character can use.
Chilly stopped playing 2 weeks ago and he's still the top poster of this thread.
Yeah I use tons of them, just wish there was an easier way to know how many each character can use.
The only I haven't used are my big HP pots, not exactly sure who would benefit the most from them.
I've been wondering how can I view how many points my character is at?
For the steal trophy, does it count if the steal fails or the enemy does not have an item?
Meh, pots are pretty much aplenty if you Arena a lot.
Yeah I don't see the problem with using pots or wasting one for a few points I'm swimming in those damn things taking up my space dammit.
I guess I should try to clear ELT event, huh.
Yup, maxing out most of Fencer's stats and MP Pots going to Tilith. Starting on Elza next.
Old school RPG strat says to max out whatever your specialized character is already good at. So use DEF and HP pots for Cecil, for example. Make him more and more untouchable.
Some higher up must REALLY love FF3...... and hate FF9.
What do you think the chances of us being able to pull Elza again? I have a little over 20k Karma left over and I'm not sure what to use it on. I pretty much got most of the essentials (6* material, weapons, Trust moogle, authority materias, and HP 15%).
Near 100%. The BF banner will come by again for Tillith's 6* upgrade. It's practically a guarantee she will be on the banner, as she is tied to that collab.
Along with Vargas. That means it will be twice as hard to get Elza the next time she visits us again.
Not true
Almost all gear you'll equip will be DEF + HP. He's a tank. What he lacks is SPR, which is used for Magic defense.
While for example your healer will have an overabundance of it and it's effects on +healing are limited. It would be better to give SPR to Cecil and your DEF and HP Pots to your healer. To help counter their weaknesses. What typically will kill your healer will be a melee blow. You need to increase there chance to survive that foremost.
The same is true for MP pots. You would think your healer, but really they'll typically have the highest MP by several hundred. It would be better to give them to your ATK or Support characters, due to the high damage spells requiring large amounts of MP(Far more than any healing spell) and limited MP pools. Luneth goes from 3.4x being able to use his 45MP move to 4.9x being able to use it. This also effects auto refresh, 5% of 155(7.75) vs 220(11) MP returned each round before equipment, buffs, and Espers.
The only two that should go to the typical units would be ATK and MAG pots, since they'll see the greatest gain from them.
Along with Vargas. That means it will be twice as hard to get Elza the next time she visits us again.
That is true, so mixed blessings there.
Wait.... what?
The score tallying for the trust moogle is over, but the tally is still continuing for the weekly pots?
Meh, whatever. At this point, I'm ensure top 3k for the week anyways. /shrug
I decided to try to pull for a Gilgamesh with a ticket. The initial gold crystal evolved into a rainbow crystal and ended up with Luneth! Not a bad consolation prize as he'll be my first base 5*.
I decided to try to pull for a Gilgamesh with a ticket. The initial gold crystal evolved into a rainbow crystal and ended up with Luneth! Not a bad consolation prize as he'll be my first base 5*.
I decided to try to pull for a Gilgamesh with a ticket. The initial gold crystal evolved into a rainbow crystal and ended up with Luneth! Not a bad consolation prize as he'll be my first base 5*.
Not bad at all! Grats on the sweet 5* base DPS.
Sheesh, not bad at all, grats
I remember the feeling when I did a daily one day and pulled Delita out of the blue, not even on his banner. Even though he isnt a top unit, he is darn great and enjoyed him since then.
And holy cow, golem staff is overpowered in the arena. I use Gilgamesh's divider then 2 or 3 out of the bunch comes out of it petrified. Then double cast blizzaga out of Exdeath, Tellah and Arc and everyone is dead.
One time I started second, the other party destroyed everyone besides Cecil and Gilgamesh on my team. Gilgamesh's divider petrified everyone besides Cecil on my turn and then fun ensued, it saved my ass!
Congrats, man. Having a top damage dealer will open things up for you, I'm sure.
My Exdeath still not having dual cast is really a burden in the Arena, Gumi please remember that the enchanted maze exist!
My Exdeath is at 72 level, I like to Dual Cast Meteor so Exdeath has it as ability. Helps a lot in arena.
It does have 100 cactuars and 10 sacred crystals to boot, last event didn't have the crystals.that feeling that you could be doing actual content, but instead just macro grind tm seems like a better use of nrg lol.
haven't even bothered doing the elite event dungeon!
hope the new event isn't too hard, and at least have some metal cactuses so i can evolve some dudes.
Double meteor does 2 x 999 dmg. Not worth it. Chain a ga spell ( I prefer blizzaga) with another good mage and it'll out damage meteor.
I can kill high hps Cecils in one round with three mages dual casting blizzaga.
Double meteor does 2 x 999 dmg. Not worth it. Chain a ga spell ( I prefer blizzaga) with another good mage and it'll out damage meteor.
I can kill high hps Cecils in one round with three mages dual casting blizzaga.
Heh, must be nice having 3 mages with dual cast. I have never gotten a Ludmille. I do find it funny how the community just assumes everyone has these kinds of TMs or can easily get them. Dual Wield and Dual Cast elude me.
Exdeath and Arc have them naturally.Heh, must be nice having 3 mages with dual cast. I have never gotten a Ludmille. I do find it funny how the community just assumes everyone has these kinds of TMs or can easily get them. Dual Wield and Dual Cast elude me.
Haven't gotten any Arcs?Also, if you have TMs, maybe you can be dual casting, but some of us can't. Exdeath is my only dual caster right now.
Mine hit 80 tonight and learned Dual Cast. I went and celebrated in the Arena with dual casting Meteor, blowing opponents up. It was a great way to celebrate Exdeath's milestone. Going to be lighting up the Arena even more. Pew pew pew.
Double meteor does 2 x 999 dmg. Not worth it. Chain a ga spell ( I prefer blizzaga) with another good mage and it'll out damage meteor.
I can kill high hps Cecils in one round with three mages dual casting blizzaga.
I dunno. At least groups I've been having, they don't survive past one or two rounds. Sometimes a Cecil might. But Cecil gonna be Cecil. We just single target rofl stomp then.
Also, if you have TMs, maybe you can be dual casting, but some of us can't. Exdeath is my only dual caster right now.
Yeah I don't mind if a cecil live after dual meteor plus tri thunder spells. Kinda want to get a second Exdeath up to 6* lvl80 to double dual Meteor for close to 4k damage. That would surely kill most characters in arena, Also, checked out the top ranking for monthly and that dude is already at 2k+ points. That's insane!
Heh, must be nice having 3 mages with dual cast. I have never gotten a Ludmille. I do find it funny how the community just assumes everyone has these kinds of TMs or can easily get them. Dual Wield and Dual Cast elude me.