Was the drop rate nerfed or only the King Mog prices?
Hello everyone! I have been waiting a long time to be able to post but this thread has proven to be invaluable for this game. So thanks for that.
Here is my ID as I have plenty of spots for friends, although some of you were kind enough to add me already:
I am currently sharing Lightning but just got lucky and pulled a Snow, so I will share him after a bit of leveling.
Drops are the same, only abilities are up. Rest is the same.
Hello everyone! I have been waiting a long time to be able to post but this thread has proven to be invaluable for this game. So thanks for that.
Here is my ID as I have plenty of spots for friends, although some of you were kind enough to add me already:
I am currently sharing Lightning but just got lucky and pulled a Snow, so I will share him after a bit of leveling.
Hello everyone! I have been waiting a long time to be able to post but this thread has proven to be invaluable for this game. So thanks for that.
Here is my ID as I have plenty of spots for friends, although some of you were kind enough to add me already:
I am currently sharing Lightning but just got lucky and pulled a Snow, so I will share him after a bit of leveling.
Toss me a fr:
Got 1 friend slot free: 147.899.569. Have gaf in your name / msg text.
Yup. So nothing new, a lot of cry for a small thing. We just need to get used to these.
The thing is we shouldn't have to get used to it. It's bullshit and you know it. Giving the same drop rate and increasing the cost by 3x is not the way to keep your customers.
Toss me a fr:
Got 1 friend slot free: 147.899.569. Have gaf in your name / msg text.
Yup. So nothing new, a lot of cry for a small thing. We just need to get used to these.
Holyshit man, it's not the same drops compared to any event ever and this is not a cry for a small thing. This is a gigantic slap in the face to every player be them whale or not.
Was the drop rate nerfed or only the King Mog prices?
Drops are the same, only abilities are up. Rest is the same.
Only thing that got 2-3x price was those 4(?) abilities. Were you going to buy them all?
All the other stuff in King Mog is same priced than JP / last event.
What sucks is that Lightning is not in gacha nor gives bonus 100% for the first week. But otherwise Iam ok with the event.
I have a bad feeling that next week, when Lightning, Fang and Hope shows up with their respective bonuses, Snow Vanille and Sazh bonus will be turned off. This way people will need to pull again if they want to continue farming.
I have a bad feeling that next week, when Lightning, Fang and Hope shows up with their respective bonuses, Snow Vanille and Sazh bonus will be turned off. This way people will need to pull again if they want to continue farming.
Not relevant at all actually. Just because I may not doesn't mean others won't. Nothing should be more expensive if the drop rate stays the same. Oh well not everyone will agree and some people will just go with the flow but I hope enough people leave reviews and facebook comments to at least get them to realize balance is the way to go.
Do the cactuars show instead of round 3 or in addition to? And can there be multiple?
Cactuars show _only_ on 2nd battle.
I have a bad feeling that next week, when Lightning, Fang and Hope shows up with their respective bonuses, Snow Vanille and Sazh bonus will be turned off. This way people will need to pull again if they want to continue farming.
It's fucking stupid that they give you all these metal gigantaurs from the mog king, but then you have to use them up to level your bonus characters to make farming worthwhile.
So if cactuars show, will it replace the behemoth, or come before the behemoth? And can there be more than 1?
One single Jumbo Cactuar replaces Behemoth.
you dont need to level the bonus characters
Just carry them with your strongest units. you still get the bonus even if they die
Except that this dungeon is not that easy compared to the BF event dungeon. On BF event dungeon I ran like 2 Serias and 2 Karls and had 1 Elza helper solo the whole thing.
On this one I'm using 95/100 Cecil, 100/100 CoD, 80/80 Gilgamesh, 80/80 Vanille, and 40/40 Sazh and unless I bring a helper with 650+ ATK, I can still lose the ELT dungeon occasionally.
If I drop CoD or Gilgamesh for another bonus unit, I'm goign to lose every time. So I don't see any way to get more than 2 bonus units in my party short of levelling up Sazh, and that's a risky proposotion considering how bad he is.
Drop Cecil. you dont really need a tank. Focus on AoE and DPS. With Elzas ravaging blow applied attacks like Triple Attack/Cut Through/CrushingBlow/CallofVoid make quick work of the bosses.
Maybe even have Vanille throw in a cheer here and there
I'll give it a try, but if I drop Cecil then nobody has Dispel for the Myrmidon.
I just looked at the Reddit survey BTW. If this rate continues the way it is, Pro is looking like a pretty solid proposition, as you could load up your entire party with bonus units and end up with more gears / NRG than ELT
I'll give it a try, but if I drop Cecil then nobody has Dispel for the Myrmidon.
I just looked at the Reddit survey BTW. If this rate continues the way it is, Pro is looking like a pretty solid proposition, as you could load up your entire party with bonus units and end up with more gears / NRG than ELT
Thats ok
You should be able to down myrmidon in the first round
And some espers have Dispel i think?
Bring Elza friends for Ravaging blow and Madness Rush
I need to know if is Snow as a character is worth it for anything or is he complete trash? I'm willing to put some work into him if he's worth something even just for a month or 2 and I'll farm that 1 materia for him as well, but I don't know his worth.
I cooled down from earlier I reworked my team after some tips here and also realized I forgot to switch some of my arena equipment to event equipment. My CoD is apparently 526 ATK now. Wow who would've guessed lol. As long as I bring a strong friend unit I can clear it with my weak Snow, so I'll get the materials I need for the fist weapon and some tickets and be happy where I am.
Snip -- totally logical and soundly reasoned post.
Cactuars get!! Bartz at 6* L84 for his wind barrage, Snow at 6* L72 to counter everything, and ExDeath has his DC and is around 6* L90. It's a good morning, because now I finally feel I have some flexibility in setting up my party. Also, will level these units even more doing dailies over the weekend and next week.
And now, back to the regularly-scheduled TM farming for the next week, until Lightning and Hope banner arrives. Hopefully, I can put a good 10-15% on my TM team by then. At that point should be close to DC for Refia...
-- I somehow lost on ELT. The 3rd guy took me a long time to grind down and the last fucker railed me hard once I got him down to 33% or so. Savage.
-- After clearing BGN / INT / ADV / PRO I have exactly 90 gears. 3+5+8+10 = 26 NRG. So 90 gears for 26 NRG, or 3.46 per NRG lololololol
-- probably gonna be a struggle just to hit the daily 200.
I need to know if is Snow as a character is worth it for anything or is he complete trash? I'm willing to put some work into him if he's worth something even just for a month or 2 and I'll farm that 1 materia for him as well, but I don't know his worth.
I cooled down from earlier I reworked my team after some tips here and also realized I forgot to switch some of my arena equipment to event equipment. My CoD is apparently 526 ATK now. Wow who would've guessed lol. As long as I bring a strong friend unit I can clear it with my weak Snow, so I'll get the materials I need for the fist weapon and some tickets and be happy where I am.