Did a 10+1 pull to try to get some banner units after the daily got me Rakashaka or whatever. Landed 2 Snows, a Xiao, a Ludmille, 2 Zidanes and some crap units. Overall that's a damn good pull though.
Look at these rainbow pulls!
3% away from DualCast - skipping Dailypull and will refresh my stam to get it done instead.
Refia about to eat.
No sound? Looks like she talks a lot...but I have no idea wtf she's saying. It's like looking at a mime.
Well, I understood her last three words. F*ck you, bye *rolls eyes*.
Look at these rainbow pulls!
Good. I got 3* Shadow, use the daily Lapis to nrg instead.
Fuck it. Time to use 11 tickets.
Heh yeah....how many % left until you have "Throw" ?
Once i have DC i can chill again when it comes to TM farming - my other TMs are nice to haves but nothing essential.
You jinxed it. You monster.Good luck man !!
He Did...... haha horrible pullsYou jinxed it. You monster.
He Did...... haha horrible pulls
You jinxed it. You monster.
He Did...... haha horrible pulls
Gotta thanks anyone sharing a bonus unit, super useful for me.
Gotta thanks anyone sharing a bonus unit, super useful for me.
Anyways, be it a bad event, I dont have a choice to keep going. I need the cactuars to finish Gilgamesh and I need the rest of the cactuars and 6* mats for the CoD I pulled last week...
Gilgamesh + 5 scrubs destroys the cocoon!
I should get elzas spear today, lets see how that upgrades my game.
Amazing pull, congratz for the Alma!
OK, I tried to be as rational as possible. My daily pull was trash and if I don't get Snow soon, he will be worthless because next week Gumi will probably deactivate his bonus.
I want 2 Snows because of the TM, but I need to grind this event at least for the tickets and cactuars. So against my better judgment I decided to do an 11 pull.... Here is the result:
To be honest this is one of the best possible pulls without a rainbow I have ever had lol.
To be clear, no money was spent (I spent a lot on black Friday bundle) and no money will be spent until I see the events will get better.
Cecil ate all my tough pots. What's the limit on these enhancers? Gave him some def pots too.
The yellow numbers in Stats are the max possible increase.
Btw. Got my 4rth bartz today plus a clyne.
OK, I tried to be as rational as possible. My daily pull was trash and if I don't get Snow soon, he will be worthless because next week Gumi will probably deactivate his bonus.
I want 2 Snows because of the TM, but I need to grind this event at least for the tickets and cactuars. So against my better judgment I decided to do an 11 pull.... Here is the result:
To be honest this is one of the best possible pulls without a rainbow I have ever had lol.
To be clear, no money was spent (I spent a lot on black Friday bundle) and no money will be spent until I see the events will get better.
Daily pull Arc - my fourth one. Two Omnirods in my future
Was able to get two runs of the cactuars this morning, so I have 7K of the 10K gears necessary for Snow's weapon. I got kicked from a lot of FL's for sharing Snow, and mine isn't garbage either. Oh well, their loss
Back to the TMR grind...
Daily pull Arc - my fourth one. Two Omnirods in my future
Was able to get two runs of the cactuars this morning, so I have 7K of the 10K gears necessary for Snow's weapon. I got kicked from a lot of FL's for sharing Snow, and mine isn't garbage either. Oh well, their loss
Back to the TMR grind...
Daily pull Arc - my fourth one. Two Omnirods in my future
Was able to get two runs of the cactuars this morning, so I have 7K of the 10K gears necessary for Snow's weapon. I got kicked from a lot of FL's for sharing Snow, and mine isn't garbage either. Oh well, their loss
Back to the TMR grind...
C-murph that is a GREAT 11-pull. Lightning, Snow, and WoL in the same pull, and some great TM's to boot.