Gonna give it another try. I realized that one of the reasons my WoL was having problems is because the -50% Wind debuff he gets with the stone esper (name escapes me at the moment). That wind damage would pretty much do him in. I forgot to put on Baraeroa on Cloud, so I had to use her own which is still -20% and that wasn't helping. This time I replaced Exdeath with Cecil and I'm gonna give it another shot. Using Valentus' Gilgamesh and seems to be smooth sailing so far. Maybe with these changes I can hold up better this time.
I think if I get this trust moogle, I'll get dual wield to give to Cloud since I'll have 9 of them. Should get one more from arena awards, too.
I think its Call of DutyCloud? He's not out bro..
If anyone wants to know how much lapis it costs to max out 5 TMs from 0 to 100% using the super fast TM farming macro, you can use this formula:
Code:E = Your max NRG T = Time in seconds to complete one loop of the macro 3,333.33 x (300 - T) Lapis = -------------------- E Time = 0.1157 x T days
55 NRG, 40 second clears: 15,757 lapis and 4.62 days.
90 NRG, 35 second clears: 9,814 lapis and 4.04 days.
120 NRG, 35 second clears: 7,361 lapis and 4.04 days.
Thanks, I'm doing this right now and its definitely making me poorer by the hour lol.If anyone wants to know how much lapis it costs to max out 5 TMs from 0 to 100% using the super fast TM farming macro, you can use this formula:
Code:E = Your max NRG T = Time in seconds to complete one loop of the macro 3,333.33 x (300 - T) Lapis = -------------------- E Time = 0.1157 x T days
55 NRG, 40 second clears: 15,757 lapis and 4.62 days.
90 NRG, 35 second clears: 9,814 lapis and 4.04 days.
120 NRG, 35 second clears: 7,361 lapis and 4.04 days.
5 devastating and useful TMs or a variety pack of Rydia, Penelo, Cyan, Clyne and Russell. Honestly though, neither seem like they're worth the equivalent in real world currency.That's......... a lot of lapis. Holy mackerel.
Interesting math, though. I'll stick with the much, much, much slower (but much cheaper) method of farming for now.
Cloud? He's not out bro..
5 devastating and useful TMs or a variety pack of Rydia, Penelo, Cyan, Clyne and Russell. Honestly though, neither seem like they're worth the equivalent in real world currency.
Next, i want to take on the plant boss for the mace. Any tips for that fight? I heard that using the AoE method is the fastest.
If one cant clear PRO nor ELT. This event will be really bad. Cause you lose 14 days of Daily Quest Lapis 50.
That's......... a lot of lapis. Holy mackerel.
Interesting math, though. I'll stick with the much, much, much slower (but much cheaper) method of farming for now.
Can't PRO be outright carried? Pretty sure Reddit is strategizing full teams of Sazhs and company with an strong friend unit to carry them all on PRO, Maranda style, as the optimum course of action right now to maximize gears.
Fairly sure it can be carried easily. But if one is Average Joe player that has 30 or less friends and they Average Joes too. Oh well its Average Joes problem to run easier difficulties so many times that 200 per day comes.
Fairly sure it can be carried easily. But if one is Average Joe player that has 30 or less friends and they Average Joes too. Oh well its Average Joes problem to run easier difficulties so many times that 200 per day comes.
Can't PRO be outright carried? Pretty sure Reddit is strategizing full teams of Sazhs and company with an strong friend unit to carry them all on PRO, Maranda style, as the optimum course of action right now to maximize gears..
ADV isn't that hard at all with pretty much anyone that's above 3* max? Yes, it might take a whole bunch of runs to add up to 200 gears because of crap gear drops without bonus units. But, it's also knocking out the vortex requirement as well.
Besides, isn't that just training people to farm just like we are on PRO/ELT for the 100 cactaurs?
Not that hard at all, just longer.
Manual farming is dedication. If only there was a way for Gumi to tell the difference and hand out dedication awards.FRep for me takes about 90 seconds per run. I cant tweak it to faster, cause I use it on mobile connection and in wlan network. Thus I "burn" 100-300 Lapis per day to TM farming and getting around 4-5% TM per day.
Compared to manual handling of Earth Shrine thats about 100% faster. 0-100% From 44 days to around 22 days.
Youre right. Learn to play
On that note, where are Sacred Crystals dropping in this event? Ran it over a dozen times now and still haven't seen a single one drop yet.
An another, another note, grats to Exvius-GAF for passing the FFRK community in thread length in a far shorter length of time that their respective games have been out. We'll be on OT3 well before they do at this rate.![]()
On that note, where are Sacred Crystals dropping in this event? Ran it over a dozen times now and still haven't seen a single one drop yet.
An another, another note, grats to Exvius-GAF for passing the FFRK community in thread length in a far shorter length of time that their respective games have been out. We'll be on OT3 well before they do at this rate.![]()
Did people forget to pick up Carbuncle? I know I did, and I haven't seen a single person on my friends list using it. Not a bad time to finally do it since we all seem to be ignoring the event anyway.
I thought carbuncle is more of a esper for healers/support?
I still have many slots left (Nomidor), i dont give a fuck about OP friends, ExviusGAF is getting more stronger.
I someone active here still havent added me, post your friend number to add.
Scary.Weekly TM Update No.3:
Doing good. Seem to be averaging 20%-ish a week for Zidane. Should have them finished in like another two weeks.
Switch In Edgar for the weekend so I can get a Machine Killer to help my FFXIII team for Farming for Moogles.
Weekly TM Update No.3:
Doing good. Seem to be averaging 20%-ish a week for Zidane. Should have them finished in like another two weeks.
Switch In Edgar for the weekend so I can get a Machine Killer to help my FFXIII team for Farming for Moogles.
This user has reached their friend capacity.Same! 344,017,137.
Nice one! How much lapis are you spending per week on your TM farming?
Lately, 2-3 refreshes a day and one at night when I go to bed. My intial Stamina is used for daily rewards. The stamina gained is set for farming or doing a couple more vortex runs for Bartz. Then I refresh throughout the day. Could probably do more refreshes but it's just that class, gym and other things get in the way too and I sometimes actually have to use my phone as a phone.
With Lightning and the DWs I can have a full DW'ing team soon.
Did people forget to pick up Carbuncle? I know I did, and I haven't seen a single person on my friends list using it. Not a bad time to finally do it since we all seem to be ignoring the event anyway.
I thought that if a tank uses an attack that they won't cover others. However, twice now I was doing Colosseum and Cecil jumped in front of Refia to cover her after using Barrage to attack.![]()
Btw, PSX - TLOU!!!! My favorite multiplayer in awhile, can't wait to play through SP and MP on part II!!!!!
I could've sworn Barrage was a forbidden ability in Arena this week yet I got hit it by a Lightning just now. Is there any other Barrage like ability that gives the 4 hits but is allowed?
I think it was determined that was just a visual bug and tanks would still take the damage despite not visually moving in front of the unit it was protecting after certain actions. It was fixed around the arena release iirc.
I could've sworn Barrage was a forbidden ability in Arena this week yet I got hit it by a Lightning just now. Is there any other Barrage like ability that gives the 4 hits but is allowed?
It wasn't Electric blitz. It was just four clean hitselectric blitz is a motherfucker, ain't it
(dualwield looks like barrage, too)
Think this was it, I'm pretty sure I've seen Cecil defend against counter attacks on my turn where I had him attack.
Dual Wield plus Twin Lance gave a mini-barrage effect
No Gigantuars today, man this event is so depressing.
Fuck it. Time to use 11 tickets.
1st. Anzelm :-(
2nd: Faris :-(
3rd: lennah :-(
4th: Gilbert :-(
5th: cyan :-(
6th: tellah :-(
7th: golbez:-(
8th: ingus :-(
9th: ingus :-(
10th: garland :-(
11th: sazh New![]()
Didn't you get Snow via a daily on your main, too? I NEED SOME OF THAT LUCK!Alt daily Snow. Alt is trying to get Bartz & Exdeath (have 0). Thus used 2 tix in that banner.
Cyan & Kefka...
Nice. I want Vanille.Daily was a Gold Vanilleset her as leader if anyone is still actually doing the event.
Congrats man!Daily was a blue crystal, turning to gold..Snow.
Done for this banner![]()
You wanted two Snow, you got two Snow (in addition to a few other great units). Nicely done!OK, I tried to be as rational as possible. My daily pull was trash and if I don't get Snow soon, he will be worthless because next week Gumi will probably deactivate his bonus.
I want 2 Snows because of the TM, but I need to grind this event at least for the tickets and cactuars. So against my better judgment I decided to do an 11 pull.... Here is the result:
To be honest this is one of the best possible pulls without a rainbow I have ever had lol.
To be clear, no money was spent (I spent a lot on black Friday bundle) and no money will be spent until I see the events will get better.
Holy hell, stop tempting me to spend the few Lapis/tickets that I have!Got all jello and wanted Snow. Did a yolo 11-pull:
Was not disappoint...
Now I have a full FFXIII team to run the event! Add on the two Sazh I already have from dailies.
Chizuru is life. \o/HOLY SHIT!!! Daily pull Yellow. I thought oh screw this what troll today. But instead got my first Chizuru!!! OMG! So happy!!!
If you didn't already have Firion, he's a great pull (well, eventually great, once he gets his enhancements).Decided to use tickets since I could really use another bonus boost in this slow grind. Fran and Firion, immediately got buyer's remorse >.>
Weekly TM Update No.3:
Doing good. Seem to be averaging 20%-ish a week for Zidane. Should have them finished in like another two weeks.
Switch In Edgar for the weekend so I can get a Machine Killer to help my FFXIII team for Farming for Moogles.
Weekly TM Update No.3:
Doing good. Seem to be averaging 20%-ish a week for Zidane. Should have them finished in like another two weeks.
Switch In Edgar for the weekend so I can get a Machine Killer to help my FFXIII team for Farming for Moogles.