In an age long past, the world was suffocating under the crushing grip of war. Only the efforts of the idealistic Avalonian Empire were enough to bring the warm embrace of peace to the land and lead it toward a new age of prosperity.
Fate itself brought together those whose lives were filled with hope and those whose duty sent them from the harsh north. As they locked eyes, the Crystal shed forth an immense light that filled the land, drowning everything in silence.
And then, the world was sundered into light and darkness.

Final Fantasy Dimensions is the latest entry in the Final Fantasy series, previously released in Japan only as Final Fantasy Legends: Warriors of Light and Darkness (ファイナルファンタジー レジェンズ 光と闇の戦士
On field the game plays exactly as one would expect from a classic FF game, battles on the other hand employ the Active Time Battle system with your party allowing for a maximum of five people to participate at a time. Key to the battles is the inclusion of FFV's critically acclaimed Job System that allows for extensive character customization, as well as Fusion Abilities, which are similar to FFIV: The After Years' bands.
In its original release the game was split into thirteen chapters (including the game's free prologue), however this new version is split into five (including the game's free prologue, too).

Final Fantasy Legends: Warriors of Light and Darkness TGS 2010 PV
Final Fantasy Dimensions E3 gameplay video - Cave Battle
Final Fantasy Dimensions E3 gameplay video - Ostrich Murder
Final Fantasy Dimensions E3 gameplay video - Underground Exploration

Final Fantasy Legends: Warriors of Light and Darkness (feature phone version) official website.
Final Fantasy Dimensions portal site.
OST iTunes page