Already done all that.turns out there's a downed mine cart to smack that I missed
Ah right, misread your original comment. I thought you were just trying to get back into the place.
Already done all that.turns out there's a downed mine cart to smack that I missed
Thats such a cop out reason you're basically saying the game is trash while admitting the mechanics are clearly good and your only problem was the relative tedium.Zodiac's fast forward redeems XII to unimaginable levels. The original game was a slog in every sense of the word. I'd probably put XIII over vanilla XII, and not because I prefer any of the systems in XIII. I like XII's gameplay a lot, but the fact is that most of the fights can be completely "simulated" (letting gambits do 100% of the work against trash mobs and weaker bosses), and having no option to skip it was just terrible. But now I can slap on 2x or 4x speed to get through the trash in the blink of an eye, and lower it back to normal speed for challenging fights where manual input is necessary. It makes the game, 100x better than the original. It's a truly shocking improvement.
Jobs are also cool. I actually have some individualized gambits on characters instead of having basically the same setup on everyone due to a shared skill pool. Wish some of the stronger techniques were doled out a bit earlier in the game so my physical attackers have more to do, but it's whatever. But I guess I could always run a party that's heavier on spellcasters.
Vanilla XII was borderline trash tier for me just due to how long it took to do damn near anything in that game. I was down with nearly everything in vanilla XII on paper (barring the universal license board), but the execution was completely awry. Zodiac Age (well, IZJS, but whatever) is one of the strongest refinements I've seen an existing game receive.
Anyway, there's nothing practical that can be done to a XIII remaster that would change opinion like that. Maybe if story, scenario, and level design were completely reworked, but that's not happening.
Yep. Equipment is huuuuge in XII. Good equipment and licenses can make almost any character playable. The game can beaten at level 1.
I'm still curious, what are the benefits/disadvantages of making someone a mage early on vs. later as their 2nd job??
Still trying to decide if Fran should be an Archer or Red Mage first.
What would be the best match up for these classes?:
Vaan - Shikari
Balthier - Machinist
Fran - Monk
Basch - Bushi
Ashe - Knight
Penelo - Black Mage
Fran's MAG can be maxed out just like Ashe or Penelo, so for endgame at least it doesn't matter quite so much.I'd rather my nukes do 5-10% more damage than the cures do 5-10% more healing, so I feel Penelo and Ashe are optimal as offensive mages, and Fran is perfectly fine as a support mage (either WHM/MCH or WHM/TBM)
Thats such a cop out reason you're basically saying the game is trash while admitting the mechanics are clearly good and your only problem was the relative tedium.
Not having a fast forward didn't make the game trash tier before what a joke and cop out excuse.
Yes! I meant to link this. it helped me out sooooo much.I'm sure it's been linked, but there's a spreadsheet out there that lets you change up job combinations and see all of the licenses you'll get for each.
You'll have to copy it to your own Google Drive to start editing.
Anyone who is still stumped with using each of the 12 jobs once at most optimization possible, I suggest giving this reddit post a read
Poster goes over why some jobs are too important to ignore and boils down which jobs are best fitted into the context of a party
Both of my 2 setups I planned for were actually in the recommended 15 job compositions that is in the post (see rule #5) because of the same reasons I had with the poster
12 job party optimization
...Awesome.Balthier is the worrst Machinist... Even if it would be the most fitting Job Lorewise.
Let's be real, a huge percentage of people in this thread either skipped by or straight up hated FF12 back then, but now we're talking about it being a misunderstood gem etc etc.
Same will happen with 13. The latest or near latest FF always gets shat on. I remember people loving 7 but hating 8, then loving 8 but hating 9. So on and so forth.
I remember people thinking X was too big of a departure with voice acting etc.
Like I said in my first post, 13 has a LOT of good going for it. Some bad, but so does every FF.
They'll make a 13 remaster and this OT for that game will be FULL of people talking about how much they appreciate it and are enjoying it, i guarantee. You could probably trace their post history to the original release and talking about how it's the worst thing ever.
You'd prioritize the job combinations themselves over who specifically gets the jobs, correct? At least as far as regular non-endgame stuff is concerned...
You'd prioritize the job combinations themselves over who specifically gets the jobs, correct? At least as far as regular non-endgame stuff is concerned...
You'd prioritize the job combinations themselves over who specifically gets the jobs, correct? At least as far as regular non-endgame stuff is concerned...
Let's be real, a huge percentage of people in this thread either skipped by or straight up hated FF12 back then, but now we're talking about it being a misunderstood gem etc etc.
Same will happen with 13. The latest or near latest FF always gets shat on. I remember people loving 7 but hating 8, then loving 8 but hating 9. So on and so forth.
I remember people thinking X was too big of a departure with voice acting etc.
Like I said in my first post, 13 has a LOT of good going for it. Some bad, but so does every FF.
They'll make a 13 remaster and this OT for that game will be FULL of people talking about how much they appreciate it and are enjoying it, i guarantee. You could probably trace their post history to the original release and talking about how it's the worst thing ever.
I might have to restart anyway, messed up Basch by unlocking 2 quickenings/mist attacks.
I can't settle on jobs and this thread isn't helping! For 100 responses, we have 100 different answers!
I went with this;
Vaan - Shikari/Foebreaker
Balthier - Machinist/White Mage
Fran - Archer/Red Battle Mage
Basch - Knight/Time Battle Mage
Ashe - Bushi/Uhlan
Penelo - Monk/Black Mage
I think this is good according to that Reddit post.
Why is there a massive black bar at the bottom of the screen during cutscenes?
Why is there a massive black bar at the bottom of the screen during cutscenes?
Space for subtitles, it was the same on PS2. Just the style they went for.
I was curious about this too. I know that if you have subtitles turned on they all show up nicely in the black bar. Maybe this is something they weren't able to change from the original? ¯\_(ツ_/¯
Edit: hardcore beaten
So this should be ok?:'Worst Machnist' sounds more dramatic than it actually is. His animation speed while shooting is slightly slower with guns vs. other characters, but it's only like 0.2 seconds slower. Other weapons on other characters have the same compromise or worse. Lots of people here are picking Shikari/Foebreaker for Vaan even though he's slow with both DaggersNinja Swords and Axe/Hammers. You should only care about this you're looking at bleeding-edge optimization or if that character is your main DPS character.
So this should be ok?:
Vaan - Shikari/Red Mage
Balthier - Machinist/White Mage
Fran - Monk/Foebreaker
Basch - Bushi/Uhlan
Ashe - Knight/Time Mage
Penelo - Black Mage/Archer
Or should I swap any of the second jobs?
Bizarre choice, but thanks for answering!
ThanksAbsolutely. In fact, it's my favorite setup.![]()
If you have subtitles off and that's your preference, you may as well as well have them on for this game, otherwise you have a pointless black bar during cutscenes.
Let's be real, a huge percentage of people in this thread either skipped by or straight up hated FF12 back then, but now we're talking about it being a misunderstood gem etc etc.
Same will happen with 13. The latest or near latest FF always gets shat on. I remember people loving 7 but hating 8, then loving 8 but hating 9. So on and so forth.
I remember people thinking X was too big of a departure with voice acting etc.
Like I said in my first post, 13 has a LOT of good going for it. Some bad, but so does every FF.
They'll make a 13 remaster and this OT for that game will be FULL of people talking about how much they appreciate it and are enjoying it, i guarantee. You could probably trace their post history to the original release and talking about how it's the worst thing ever.
Let's be real, a huge percentage of people in this thread either skipped by or straight up hated FF12 back then, but now we're talking about it being a misunderstood gem etc etc.
Same will happen with 13. The latest or near latest FF always gets shat on. I remember people loving 7 but hating 8, then loving 8 but hating 9. So on and so forth.
I remember people thinking X was too big of a departure with voice acting etc.
Like I said in my first post, 13 has a LOT of good going for it. Some bad, but so does every FF.
They'll make a 13 remaster and this OT for that game will be FULL of people talking about how much they appreciate it and are enjoying it, i guarantee. You could probably trace their post history to the original release and talking about how it's the worst thing ever.
Nopeand whilst I didn't mind the linearity of XIII and enjoyed it on a gameplay levelit's definitely the least interesting mainline Final Fantasy they created and opinions on it would probably worsen than improve if they released a remastered version.
Just got my Copy
Is there a list of the classes and which weapons they use.
Thanks In Advance
I enjoy building, configuring and deploying my AI death squad to murder everything in sight. I don't enjoy slowly watching them do it.
Fast forward is the number one feature a game with simulation elements should have.
...fuck let's see how deep the lag goes...
And without it the game clearly sucks.
OK. I mean it's fine and everything, but I think you know how ridiculous that is being to say the game was ever trash without it.
Missing something you really wanted, sure.
It's noticeable, but sheesh it isn't THAT bad.
It's noticeable, but sheesh it isn't THAT bad.
After much deliberation, thinking about this setup. Any feedback?
Vaan - Shikari/Foebreaker
Penelo - Machinist/White Mage
Baltheir - Monk/Uhlan
Fran - Knight/Time Mage
Ashe - Bushi/Black Mage
Basch - Archer/Red Mage