The audio quality is so bad in this, not sure if there's something wrong on my end. The FFX remaster sounded 10 times better.
The audio quality is so bad in this, not sure if there's something wrong on my end. The FFX remaster sounded 10 times better.
They're pretty good to try aim for, too. One thing I always tried to balance when going through the story was, 1. how fun it was to do optional hunts and grind, 2. how easy it was make 'dangerous' story enemies feel weak. First time I faced a Judge, I kinda laughed because he was so easy. I try to go into it a little overleveled down and it's actually kinda a fun fight, and he feels a bit bad ass. It's a cool set piece to have a longer fight on, too, when you're not Level 20 and absolutely destroying him with a Gladius and Burning Bow lol.Reddit has a post about recommended levels throughout the game so here it is since there has been some questions regarding that. Looks about right to me though if you want to tackle the extra areas asap then these are a bit on the lowside.
This is a cool idea.Doing a Random Jobs Run (Choosing with a number between 1-12, pretending job selection screen was a 12-hour clock).
Ended up with:
Vaan: Foebreaker - Archer
Penelo: Uhlan - Shikari
Balthier: Archer - Red Battlemage
Fran: Red Battlemage - Archer
Basch: Red Battlemage - Uhlan
Ashe: Archer - Machinist
All those Archers and Red Battlemages D:;;;;;
Doing a Random Jobs Run (Choosing with a number between 1-12, pretending job selection screen was a 12-hour clock).
Ended up with:
Vaan: Foebreaker - Archer
Penelo: Uhlan - Shikari
Balthier: Archer - Red Battlemage
Fran: Red Battlemage - Archer
Basch: Red Battlemage - Uhlan
Ashe: Archer - Machinist
All those Archers and Red Battlemages D:;;;;;
I've noticed there's a crackling when the music goes quiet, not sure if it's just my headphones though
The music, sfx, or voice?
First two should be fine. Voices were badly recorded for some undisclosed reason, they cleaned them up a bit tho.
I'm definitely during a pure Red Mage playthrough one day.This is a cool idea.
I'm definitely during a pure Red Mage playthrough one day.
Either that all all gunners or ninja haha.
Voices definitely sound off, but it's mainly the sound effects. They sound super flat and compressed, almost like a 3DS/Vita game. The OST is the only thing that sounds good.
I mean it's a PS2 game so it's probably well below 3DS/Vita. They sound cleaned up from the original version, but they didn't change the intent of the audio.
I think of the sound effects in this game as being "representational" anyway. The strikes, pick up noises, and death growls don't seem to be aiming for a realistic soundscape so much as being video game "chimes" representing gameplay events.
Cluckatrice whupped my ass, my whole party got petrified and I only had 1 gold needle
Is Revenant Wings for DS worth checking out after I finish 12? I know it takes place after and is more lighthearted, but just wondering if there is anything story or character wise that makes it a worthy addition to the original game.
Cited that quote for youAll guns? Haha, "FUCK STATS, I HAVE EXPLOSIONS" - Arcturus
how far into the game is the sandsea? I think that's as far as I've ever gotten.
3DS and Vita games usually have poor audio because of space constraints. FFX Remaster sounded miles ahead of this, this is terrible.
The Final Fantasy 5 Job Fiesta comity would like a word with you sir.
Is Revenant Wings for DS worth checking out after I finish 12?
No honestly, play tactics A2 if you want more of Ivalice
Quick tips for people, not sure if it was stated before, but you guys should do the trial mode asap (first stage you an get a diamond armlet which boost the treasure chest reward, it's upstairs in a chest)
And if you make it to stage 10, steal the boss, you'll get the Sword of Kings it's a 2 handed weapon with 53 attack power and it requires no licence (so anybody of any jobs can use it)
The gameplay in Revenant Wings was so off-putting I just couldn't keep going. A2 is great fun though.
What's the best way to play ffta2 in 2017 legally? I own a wii u and 3ds
Doing a Random Jobs Run (Choosing with a number between 1-12, pretending job selection screen was a 12-hour clock).
Ended up with:
Vaan: Foebreaker - Archer
Penelo: Uhlan - Shikari
Balthier: Archer - Red Battlemage
Fran: Red Battlemage - Archer
Basch: Red Battlemage - Uhlan
Ashe: Archer - Machinist
All those Archers and Red Battlemages D:;;;;;
Doing a Random Jobs Run (Choosing with a number between 1-12, pretending job selection screen was a 12-hour clock).
Ended up with:
Vaan: Foebreaker - Archer
Penelo: Uhlan - Shikari
Balthier: Archer - Red Battlemage
Fran: Red Battlemage - Archer
Basch: Red Battlemage - Uhlan
Ashe: Archer - Machinist
All those Archers and Red Battlemages D:;;;;;
I would like them to further automatic the Gambit System by giving the ability to add another condition to each line. Like Fire-Weak + MP > 50%----> Cast Fire. Gives even more specific commands that way.
I would like them to further automatic the Gambit System by giving the ability to add another condition to each line. Like Fire-Weak + MP > 50%----> Cast Fire. Gives even more specific commands that way.
Man I had forgotten how bad the lip syncing was in this game, its really distracting during cut scenes and odd since I don't remember it being so bad in FFX or X-2's remaster. I mean there were a few things here and there but nothing this bad.
I really wanted this too, but I guess they might not want to make it too complicated. The Gambit system is like a baby version of Scratch already.
So someone remind me just what the hell the Monographs were again. Were they just items that passively boost certain enemy group's rare item drop chances as long as you have them in your inventory? Or did they change the loot tables entirely?
I got a promotional code from Amazon for FFXII, but when I try to redeem in PSN the code seems to have too many digits to input?
I'm playing through FFX HD right now and the lip syncing is pretty bad. If anything, it's worse than the original version because they fucked up the faces and facial movements.Man I had forgotten how bad the lip syncing was in this game, its really distracting during cut scenes and odd since I don't remember it being so bad in FFX or X-2's remaster. I mean there were a few things here and there but nothing this bad.
It's for a Prima guide thing, not PSN.
But it says instructions to redeem on PSN? Maybe it's the Jak and Daxter free game that has been advertised?
I'm not too far into the game yet, but so far I had assumed that they redid the lip sync for the english dub, because it's much better than X. (Except for CGI cutscenes.)
I'm playing through FFX HD right now and the lip syncing is pretty bad. If anything, it's worse than the original version because they fucked up the faces and facial movements.
I feel so stupid now I never realised it got ds port!!