Does it require a license and do you have that license unlocked
Yeah, I found it on the board, turns out I'm pretty far off from unlocking it.
Guess I'll sell it instead.
Does it require a license and do you have that license unlocked
Sell everything but teleport stones. There are some rarer items that people say to keep, I guess, but if you ever need them you can farm them I think.
2) The upgrade system: What in the world? So I have to first unlock a spell/ability/equipment and then buy it separately ? Firstly it makes no sense for abilities/spells//techniques as there's only one of each.
In my experience this is the opposite. I've had Shell and Protect set up with Ally: Any and my characters start wasting MP on it the moment we are in an area outside of safe zones. I'd want it to start coming into effect only during fights but the damn thing is constantly on whether you are in a fight or not.No, the gambit system is much smarter than they let on. This blew my mind when I discovered it in the original FFXII: You can pair "Ally: any" with any status changer, protect, shell, dispell, eye drops, phoenix down, or whatever... and it will only activate when it's needed. All of the specific "Ally: status = blind" type gambits are totally unnecessary. Same goes for Foe gambits. EDIT: Though of course there may be some specific complex strategies I haven't thought where they're useful, I dunno.
They should just lock that part of the board/not make it available then like how those other games do it. Cause that's what it's doing...but atleast that way it'll prevent people from spending points on stuff that they can't use. Cause when I am able to unlock that part of board without grinding I am assuming that I am at the level where I should readily find those things. For information, I am underleveled for the point I am at but I still can't buy a few things anywhere as it's not available. But more importantly, suppose I am at the point...even then I have to go to a shop to buy it. Basically it's not tuned right.Lots of games do this, its to put a gate on grinding. They don't want to introduce complex spells or AOEs or whatever until later a certain phase of the game. Perhaps they want to throw swarms of fire-weak enemies at you before you get a big fire AOE, so an encounter will be difficult the first time through but easier later. Lets them control encounter pacing or else meter how many interactions you have to learn at any given time.
In my experience this is the opposite. I've had Shell and Protect set up with Ally: Any and my characters start wasting MP on it the moment we are in an area outside of safe zones. I'd want it to start coming into effect only during fights but the damn thing is constantly on whether you are in a fight or not.
I'd probably have to pair it up with Foe HP > XX so hat it only comes into effect during bigger fight where it's needed rather than everywhere including small fights as well as outside of fights.
All the class choices are viable. And each weapon has it's strengths and weaknesses. Guns damage are based upon the weapon and ammo, they don't take into account a characters stats so they're good for mages. But they also have the slowest charge time.So i made Vaan a gun user and gun seems super weak compared to all other weapons. I know this game don't have respec. So am i screwed? or gun tree gets better in the future.
I just finished the Tomb of Raithwall (hello my second jobs!)
I was watching the series of cutscenes after Raithwall, and I'm still in awe of the tone and dialogue. I always had high respect for XII's storytelling, but after a decade it's actually better than I remembered it.
I grew up with FF in my childhood and teens, and to have a game like XII at the dawn of my 20s was an assurance that this series would grow with me and be a series worth carrying forward into adulthood.
But then XIII and XV devolved into broken shounen anime gobbledegook.... I had actually been questioning whether my reverence for the series' storytelling was a foolish young person's opinion and this was a series for mindless tweens all along.
No, this game exists, and I'm looking at it with 30-something eyes. Seeing is believing: someone actually took FF storytelling seriously once. It could have been a series for adults, or at least smart teens. They just abandoned that effort with later entries.
Aside from the mature tone, it feels like the DNA of classic FF. A ragtag team of heroes, expressing their inner sentiments in wonderfully staged cutscenes. I know it could use more party comraderie, etc, and I don't claim XII has the perfect storytelling. I know it falls apart in the last half. But it was the right trajectory for FF, storywise, and they completely abandoned it to make C-tier children's anime. XII makes me hate the braindead XIII and XV all the more.
It's not there anymore.
The adults set the plan, meanwhile Vaan and Penelo joke around. Balthier says "at least we brought along these two for entertainment" as Ashe facepalms.
I never realized how self-aware this game was
Crossbow? Might sound silly, but you sure you have any Bolts to use them with?Anyone know why I can't equip a weapon when I have the license for it? I unlocked a secondary job and a crossbow under it, but I can't equip the item
Crossbow? Might sound silly, but you sure you have any Bolts to use them with?
I think you can buy Bolts from Nalbina? The game gives you a crossbiw and bolts automatically via the story, and I used Time Mage on Ashe who is also a Knight so have been mainly using swords. I haven't messed around with crossbows muchAh, that was it. Totally forgot about stuff like that >_<
Except for the fact that Vaan had proved to everyone by that point he could fight which would have been useful to then considering their low numbers. Leaving them in Rabanastre means you're also down 2 people to help in combat. They probably weighed that in to bringing them along.Realistically they would have dropped Vaan and Panelo off in Rabanastre on the way to Sand sea and never thought about them again
Which one is that? I'm at the pirate hangout so I'm getting near the end game.You'll be hearing the best one shortly after![]()
I was curious what would happen when I set the music to original or OST in that area. Perhaps obviously, it just plays the music that the IZJS version plays in that area: the Cerobi Steppe music.The new (at least, I think it's new) Nam-Yensa Sandsea music is so incredibly good.
i thought i was ready for Gil Snapper. i was wrong
Haven't played this game in years, but I'm at thenow with 22 hours. How far along is that?Stilshrine of Miriam
Only have 1esper so far, if I recall 4 or 5 of them are got through the story.
RDM has so much utility, especially in the early game. They're the first to get access to AOE spells and they're gr8 backup healers as well as frontliners.So I just got Fran and Balthier, I see people saying Fran as Red mage/Archer, do I make her Red Mage first or Archer first? or Does it really matter
Story wise, at about 1/2 through? But if you haven't really done any major optional stuff yet then overall you are more like 1/3.
Anyone on Vita mind posting how the remote play controls work? I mean what's mapped to what touch controls and how often they are used.
Golmore Jungle is my favorite so far.
Touch screen (front) is used for L2 L3 R2 R3 (top left, bottom left, top right, bottom right respectively).
I find the touch screen not quite as responsive for quickenings but I can chug along fine still.
Yes, but he's also less goofball and annoying.Is vann a discount tidus?
Is vann a discount tidus?
Is vann a discount tidus?
At my favorite part of the game, grinding the mine bridge. Anything I can do to make the skeletons span forever? I can only get to like a 50 chain before they stop coming up![]()
The new (at least, I think it's new) Nam-Yensa Sandsea music is so incredibly good.
All the main story stuff is easy in this game. The challenge comes from optional areas, espers, marks etc. At your current position in story you can go fight Espers: Zalera, Adrammelech, Cuchulainn, Zeromus, Exodus and Chaos. Try the last ones if you want challenge.![]()
This is why you only turn the gambit on during a fight. Keep it off until you actually need it.In my experience this is the opposite. I've had Shell and Protect set up with Ally: Any and my characters start wasting MP on it the moment we are in an area outside of safe zones. I'd want it to start coming into effect only during fights but the damn thing is constantly on whether you are in a fight or not.
I'd probably have to pair it up with Foe HP > XX so hat it only comes into effect during bigger fight where it's needed rather than everywhere including small fights as well as outside of fights.
The game doesn't have English lip sync?