I can't seem to recreate this, I think the 32 steps thing is too hard for me to get
As much as I didn't love Vayne,Replaying this after 11 years makes me appreciate more Vayne as a villain. He is not crazy powerful like Kefka, Sephiroth or Kuja, he is not straight evil HAR HAR like Mateus, Ultimecia or Yu Yevon. No, he is the fucking Frank Underwood of Ivalice. He is ruthless beyond contempt, a mastermind schemer that takes his time to escalate the ladder and achieve his ambitions.
The scenes whereVayne goes back to Archades toreport to his father and justify his actions in Rabanastre and its posterior assassination are excellent. Both scenes finish with "and so house Solidor lives on" but in whole different contexts, it reminds me a lot of "a Lannister always pays its debt" from GoT.
The only bad part is the final battle andVayne transformation into an ugly aberration from hell. I liked the fact that he is a Monk character fighting-wise, sadly little afterwards they throw the idea out of the window.
Certainly a more adult kind of villain and, above else, a gray villain which isn't evil for the sake of being evil.
Is it just me or is it impossible to buy more than a few new equips when they unlock? I want to re-outfit my party but I could only afford one or two new weapons... and no armor.
Just got to the Tomb of Raithwall, and did like one hunt so far, for reference.
Monk's easy access to HP and Strength licenses has made Ashe obscenely stronger and more resilient than the rest of my party.
I can't seem to recreate this, I think the 32 steps thing is too hard for me to get
As much as I didn't love Vayne,I remember appreciating the hell out of his finale. He actually cared about what he was doing. And the SMALL and very simple act of him apologizing to his ghost partner when he realized he'd lost (can't remember his name...started with V?) made me really like him. Too many stoic bosses who care about no one or anything, and for him to say sorry and even bring up his fallen comrade Cid was amazing to me. I haven't played this in years and just started Zodiac Age, so my details are awful. But I am hoping this playthrough I come to appreciate the rest of Vayne a lot more other than his end.
Money is rare early on. Don't worry too much about it. Also, try to set it up so that someone steals from every enemy, that gets you a bunch of additional items to sell.
Speaking of which, is there any loot that is worth keeping? Teleport stones let you use the yellow crystals, anything else I should be stockpiling?
As much as I didn't love Vayne,I remember appreciating the hell out of his finale. He actually cared about what he was doing. And the SMALL and very simple act of him apologizing to his ghost partner when he realized he'd lost (can't remember his name...started with V?) made me really like him. Too many stoic bosses who care about no one or anything, and for him to say sorry and even bring up his fallen comrade Cid was amazing to me. I haven't played this in years and just started Zodiac Age, so my details are awful. But I am hoping this playthrough I come to appreciate the rest of Vayne a lot more other than his end.
Holy shit some of these hunts get intense. I was fighting Ring Wyrm and it was pretty easy until he went into berserk mode towards the end of the fight. The real MVP was Vaan who is my Whm/Uhlan. He was hitting him for like 600 a pop and his healing was more than clutch. I can't believe I passed up this Final Fantasy back in 06. I'm loving it.
Yea, the RNG timing makes it difficult to reproduce consistently. The good news is once the chest spawns, the bow itself is extremely consistent. You can mix up the step numbers a bit and see if a different number in that same general range makes the chest appear for you.
Barheim is awesome. I already got a better weapon for Vaan called Platinum Dagger with 83atk and Immobilize on hit. Well, at least I think it dropped here? I keep pulling out my inventory menu and finding surprise upgrades haha. Also it's pretty fun to inflict immobilize and confuse on every enemy lol.
I'm stuck atand cannot beat it. I'm level 23... I've tried everythingdeath wall boss
Geting the Black Hole occurrence is so much bullshit. This goddamn trophy.
The gambits are pissing me off. For example I have set to cast poison but lets say the enemy is poisoned or immune, then they still keep casting it.
It's undoubtably the most powerful Quickening finisher, so yeah it can be a challenge to do.
I believe it requires 4 of each level Mist, 4 level 1's, 4 level 2's, and 4 level 3's.
Although I wonder if the input lag throws this off when trying to get a Mist charge.
Is it just me or is it impossible to buy more than a few new equips when they unlock? I want to re-outfit my party but I could only afford one or two new weapons... and no armor.
Just got to the Tomb of Raithwall, and did like one hunt so far, for reference.
Monk's easy access to HP and Strength licenses has made Ashe obscenely stronger and more resilient than the rest of my party.
Do the Magic/Battle Lores directly upgrade your stats or is it just a background buff/increase that you don't see in your stats?
+1 to Strength and +1 to Magick Power.
It doesn't sound like much but it all adds up, Monk gets 16 Battle Lore and are also very close to eachother.
You need to be more specific with your parameters. Say for example, only use poison on eemies at a 100% health. Now your character will use poison on the enemy once and that's it. And if you meet an enemy immune to poison...well, either just attack manually real quick, manual commands always override anything else, or equip someone else in your team with the gambit to prioritize enemies that are targeted by your poison caster.
I can't seem to recreate this, I think the 32 steps thing is too hard for me to get
I can consistently spawn a chest every 7 zones with another method but even waiting for the kid to stop by his father 4 times, I don't get the seitengrat.
I understand but if i casted poison there is no reason to cast it immediately. Why can't they do the next thing i put in the gambit list? For example i have both poison and slow with same conditions for both. But they only kept spamming one of the spells regardless if it is immune or actually casted successfully
I love Barheim. That is the segment made me love the game.
Jungle area spoilers:
I fought a sorta-plant-dragon and for the first time I actually had to try! Has a nasty AOE debuffer & afflictions that was a pain in the ass. Had a good time.
Put a gambit above it that is:I understand but if i casted poison there is no reason to cast it immediately. Why can't they do the next thing i put in the gambit list? For example i have both poison and slow with same conditions for both. But they only kept spamming one of the spells regardless if it is immune or actually casted successfully
Hmm okay. Asking because I made Basch a Bushi, and I've gotten a couple of Magick Lores unlocked for him and it still hasn't moved the bar in terms of the first katana being even close to as good as the 1H Iron Sword you start off with. I'm still really early on obviously, but that continues to really bug me lol.
I can't seem to recreate this, I think the 32 steps thing is too hard for me to get
I've tried 40 or 50 times counting steps and have not spawned the chest once.Any proof whether this is step-based or time-based? Seems like a stopwatch with some sort of time-based situation would be way easier than trying to count footfalls.
Have you tried with walking or does it have to be running from the start? I'm not having much luck with the steps.
What part of the story are you at. I hace Larsa in my party sand I can't get the chest to spawn. Maybe because of him?It's definitely not consistent for me, BUT it does work given time. I managed to get 2 Seitengrats so far, which isn't bad considering how low the chance of it appearing normally is. I'm gonna give it a few more tries and see if I can get more consistent results, thanks!
What part of the story are you at. I hace Larsa in my party sand I can't get the chest to spawn. Maybe because of him?
How do you count the steps?Larsa's is in my party as well, so I don't think that's a factor :/
Does anyone know where I can get Haste the earliest? I just got it on my time mage and would like to get it as soon as possible.
How do you count the steps?
Went into Barheim at lvl 25-28 and now I'm 40-50. Also got some incredibly powerful weapons and armor. Time for a break..
I swear to God I've tried with 3o, 31, 32, 33 and 34 steps and nothing.I just count 32 left steps, I've noticed that the two times the chest did spawn it was actually 32 left + 1 extra right step, but it might've been a coincidence since that wasn't consistent either (some times it didn't spawn even with 32 + 1)
Thank you! When do I go there? Last thing I did was tomb of raithwall.It's in a pot in Eruyt Village.