Real nice of you to drop endgame spoilers just like that.In FFXII we learn that the Occuria are manipulating the kingdoms of man and that Vayne is being manipulated by a rogue one. Okay, so what?
Real nice of you to drop endgame spoilers just like that.In FFXII we learn that the Occuria are manipulating the kingdoms of man and that Vayne is being manipulated by a rogue one. Okay, so what?
Gotta love Foe: undead - Cure
Which doesn't change the fact that it's not a save the world story.
Hm might sent mine back to amazon then. It's over a week too late anyways and I played half of the game without it. The old guide seems still useful for hunts and walkthrough.It blows. The only CE things about it is the hard cover and a forward from Hiroaki Kato. The worst part is, there is no index or even colored tabs to separate the sections. The main walkthrough hardly mentions side events/rare encounters and when it does, it doesn't reference what page to find more info on it. The maps and treasure lists for them are good, but if it's a map outside of the main story, you have to go searching for it in some random part of the extras section. The info's all there but it's not presented very well.
Self = slap foreheadAnd Self: MP<10% -> Charge
Is there a reason to hold on to loot drops, or should I just sell them asap to get bazaar items and money? I honestly can't remember if this game eventually has quests/crafting that use drops.
Is there a reason to hold on to loot drops, or should I just sell them asap to get bazaar items and money? I honestly can't remember if this game eventually has quests/crafting that use drops.
I believe you need to hang on to a certain cactuar needle and a snakeskin (from two separate quests/hunts) in order to eventually unlock an optional area with an Esper. I don't know why people complained about the Zodiac Spear, a single weapon that can be outclassed by high-combo weapons, when there's a whole area that you can't get to because you just happened to sell off a couple of innocuous-looking loot items in a game overflowing with them.
Anyone know where I could either find regen or buy it? I'm passed Mt Bur Omisace and still don't have it
I'm guessing it's not possible to sell off the factoid flower right? And by guessing I mean praying as I'm fairly sure I emptied my loot inventory after that quest...
It's in a chest inthe village in Giza Plains during the rains.
In the village itself or one of the satellite areas?
In the village itself, in the cockatrice pen.
The Sietengrat chest spawned three times for me but I got shit everytimeI'm not doing this again.
Just sell them for the most part, there's a few things like Behemoth steaks where it's better to not sell them all at once though
I believe you need to hang on to a certain cactuar needle and a snakeskin (from two separate quests/hunts) in order to eventually unlock an optional area with an Esper. I don't know why people complained about the Zodiac Spear, a single weapon that can be outclassed by high-combo weapons, when there's a whole area that you can't get to because you just happened to sell off a couple of innocuous-looking loot items in a game overflowing with them.
Thanks guys. So just to be 100% safe, I can just hold on to 1 of each item and sell the rest, right? That way I still have any of the items required for these quests.
I wish they'd just throw quest items into the key items category. Actually, I wish they'd put teleport stones in the items category too instead of loot. I accidentally sold about 30 of the bastards.
Thanks for this.
Hmm...I think I sold one or two of the quest items. Bleah.
Hm might sent mine back to amazon then. It's over a week too late anyways and I played half of the game without it. The old guide seems still useful for hunts and walkthrough.
Why is it that my Machinist Balthier, has the lowest attack power of all my characters with a non elemental gun, yet hits twice as hard as anybody else lol?
Guns ignore defence
If you sold Great Serpentskin, you're screwed on that quest.
Gotta love Foe: undead - Cure
Looking for some GAF input. Just got back to rabanastre. My characters are level 15-8 which feels and I feel a tad underleveled (I'm good on LP as I've played through trial mode 10+ times). As such, whats a good place to grind both for exp and gil (need to buy all those new spells!)? Lhusu mine?after retrieving the dawn shard
Looking for some GAF input. Just got back to rabanastre. My characters are level 15-8 which feels and I feel a tad underleveled (I'm good on LP as I've played through trial mode 10+ times). As such, whats a good place to grind both for exp and gil (need to buy all those new spells!)? Lhusu mine?after retrieving the dawn shard
I'm at the foot of Bur-Omisace and my characters are all around level 52.
It's more fun this time because thanks to the job system I can experiment around with the combination of classes.
Lol what are you even doing? I'm at the same spot and my characters are 22-24.I'm at the foot of Bur-Omisace and my characters are all around level 52.
It's more fun this time because thanks to the job system I can experiment around with the combination of classes.
I'm at the foot of Bur-Omisace and my characters are all around level 52.
It's more fun this time because thanks to the job system I can experiment around with the combination of classes.
You're seriously over-leveled...
Lol what are you even doing? I'm at the same spot and my characters are 22-24.
I just left Bur-Omisace!
Where am I at %-wise in the story? I don't think I mean to do optional stuff, if the hunts all need to be done in order that sounds way too tedious for me.
I just left Bur-Omisace!
Where am I at %-wise in the story? I don't think I mean to do optional stuff, if the hunts all need to be done in order that sounds way too tedious for me.
I just left Bur-Omisace!
Where am I at %-wise in the story? I don't think I mean to do optional stuff, if the hunts all need to be done in order that sounds way too tedious for me.
Yeah I feel like it's a good idea to do hunts as they come. Otherwise you'll be overleveled and will miss the strategy needed to take on some of the hunts if you were on an even level.I'd say you're at about the halfway point.
Hunts can be done at anytime, but you're missing out on the challenge the longer you put them off.
Yeah I feel like it's a good idea to do hunts as they come. Otherwise you'll be overleveled and will miss the strategy needed to take on some of the hunts if you were on an even level.
Unless wrecking everything in sight appeals to you. Then go right on ahead. Either way there are going to be some hunts towards the end game that test you no matter what you do.
This is downright annoying that all the ninja swords are behind quickenings. There's 4 quickening spots but you can only select 3 so either a Koga Blade or Iga Blade can never be used. That's just bullshit that they do that.
Yeah I feel like it's a good idea to do hunts as they come. Otherwise you'll be overleveled and will miss the strategy needed to take on some of the hunts if you were on an even level...
Either way there are going to be some hunts towards the end game that test you no matter what you do.
I've actually been kind of disappointed at how the new license boards actually discourage you from not being overpowered. If you take your time to explore the maps, you'll be swimming in LP but won't have access to most of the gear, meaning the best use of LP is on power-up licenses which give you an obscene edge early on.
I'm gonna do a more minimalist playthrough (avoid getting licenses until I hit difficulty walls) after this to see if I can squeeze more challenge out of the story.
If you beat trial mode you unlock New Game+ Weak Mode which keeps your characters at level 1.I've actually been kind of disappointed at how the new license boards actually discourage you from not being overpowered. If you take your time to explore the maps, you'll be swimming in LP but won't have access to most of the gear, meaning the best use of LP is on power-up licenses which give you an obscene edge early on.
I'm gonna do a more minimalist playthrough (avoid getting licenses until I hit difficulty walls) after this to see if I can squeeze more challenge out of the story.
Yeah I did. Apparently you have to watch an NPC for some time before opening it.did you have the diamond armlet equipped? Isn't that one of the prereqs?
You don't need to go back to Rabenastre to check boards. Any town with the Tavern icon will have the same boards as all other towns. So any time you hit a new city just check the board.The story is moving along at a very steady pace and rarely encourages me to head back to Rabanastre to check on the board. It just feels weird to take a break from stoppingto go take out some aggressive wild life.a possibly imminent invasion by two different empires
Can I do the super tough end-game hunts without doing the earlier ones? End-game stuff sounds fun but if I have to slog through the early ones to get there (especially since I not only have to take the hunt quest, I then have to go talk to whoever put the message up then return to them for completion) I just won't bother. Maybe on a replay or if I get the supposed PC version down the line. I've barely done any grinding and I'm still overpowered.