Pai Pai Master
I have a 1.0 code that i didn't even bother to register after the backlash, will that suffice?
I have a 1.0 code that i didn't even bother to register after the backlash, will that suffice?
To play at launch, yes. For early access, no.I have a 1.0 code that i didn't even bother to register after the backlash, will that suffice?
Now, I bought the digital CE from GMG, but didn't have those things appear. Double Hrm.
For people who are legacy does it not say early access because it's embedded in legacy? It didn't say anything about early access for me.
Also when registering a ps3 12 digit code how does it hook it to your square Enix id if it's through psn
Because your PSN is(shouls be) linked to your SE account. Just look in your service list in PSN(FFXIV) and everything should be there.
ARR (PC) is no.1 bestseller in UK Amazon and no.1, no.2 and no.3 bestseller on US Amazon![]()
BRD can't equip CNJ actions anymore (at least I couldn't during phase 4), so I doubt levelling it is still just watched Mr Happies video... I like what I'm hearing about BRD (kind of sad i wasted time leveling CNJ though)
Do what Shop.To did with me, and make it so there's a pre-order section on the website. You go to it after you place your order, and then in your accounts page there's a section with your hidden key, stating:
"Commit to purchase to reveal the key".
If a site like that can do it, I'm sure amazon can (or rather, should). It's just poor website infrastructure is all.
And one more question.
If I cancel my ARR preorder can I still use this early access code I've used to download PS3 client?
I'm considering cancelling my standard edition for the collector's edition!
What are some good headsets? Time to get rid of this 10$ headset and get some quality, looking for great sounds, mic quality can be decent.
man just watched Mr Happies video... I like what I'm hearing about BRD (kind of sad i wasted time leveling CNJ though).
Time to change my leveling plans for this weekend
I applied my PS3 code on the account but didn't have a new client pop up on my download list, though "Early Access" shows up on my Services List. Does that mean we can use the same client from Phase 4 for Early Access?
Anyone? Would like to know if I can keep the client around and not have to download a new one.
Anyone? Would like to know if I can keep the client around and not have to download a new one.
mangggg just get a pair of Sennheiser headphones and a desk mic.
Hi there,
Thank you for your ticket. Keys for this title will be sent out automatically on or before the game's release date.
Hope this helps,
Green Man Gaming & Playfire
Customer Service
For White Mage and Scholar, what do you think would be ideal to increase via your point allotments? All MND? Mostly MND with a little Piety? Half MND, half Piety? I'm leaning toward all MND for the biggest heals, but I just dunno.
For White Mage and Scholar, what do you think would be ideal to increase via your point allotments? All MND? Mostly MND with a little Piety? Half MND, half Piety? I'm leaning toward all MND for the biggest heals, but I just dunno.
ARR (PC) is no.1 bestseller in UK Amazon and no.1, no.2 and no.3 bestseller on US Amazon![]()
Anyone? Would like to know if I can keep the client around and not have to download a new one.
All mind, from what I have experienced there is no issues with MP when you use Shroud of Saints and Aetherdam frequently.
I would say go for MND, higher haling potency sounds better than extra 300 MP or so.
How much MP are 30 PIE btw?
Is whm 30 cnj and 15 gladiator?? or something else??
Anyone? Would like to know if I can keep the client around and not have to download a new one.
Probably not. WHM uses THM and ACN actions now, so levelling one or the other to 15 might be required. Nobody knows the requirements for sure yet, though, as Job quests haven't been available at all during Beta.Is whm 30 cnj and 15 gladiator?? or something else??
You're right, that's a serious limitation in the system as it is right now. To my understanding, Faeries are summoned using Summon and Summon II. Maybe having Physick + Faeries and Conjurer additional spells will be enough to main heal during low level dungeon runs?Something I just thought about... If you are a level 30+ Scholar and queue for a level 15 dungeon, will it let you queue as a healer? You'd think so, but.. you would just have the base Arcanist skillset - only the level 4 healing spell (the cure clone) and whatever abilities you pick up from Conjurer (Protect/Stoneskin). Would you even have your Fairy available?
But this raises the question, if they let Scholars level sync down and do lvl15 dungeons with none of their Scholar abilities, why won't they just let Arcanists have the option to heal in low level dungeons via the Duty Finder anyways?
Finally got the code working. Interesting that the PC EA code works even if your pre-ordered the PS3 version. Doesn't that go against what SE told us a few months back?
GMG support. This confirms a few things.
The question was when do you get the CE/FFXIV Game key.
Something I just thought about... If you are a level 30+ Scholar and queue for a level 15 dungeon, will it let you queue as a healer? You'd think so, but.. you would just have the base Arcanist skillset - only the level 4 healing spell (the cure clone) and whatever abilities you pick up from Conjurer (Protect/Stoneskin). Would you even have your Fairy available?
But this raises the question, if they let Scholars level sync down and do lvl15 dungeons with none of their Scholar abilities, why won't they just let Arcanists have the option to heal in low level dungeons via the Duty Finder anyways?
Not really. I don't think the codes handed out by retailers were platform specific. The keys that come with the games (that will actually let you play past early access) are game specific (if for no other reason than Sony licensing details).
Man, I really want that baby behemoth. I hope that they have that digital CE upgrade thing going on day 1.
This is excellent. I am not sure when I am getting my copy in the mail and was worried that I wouldn't be able to play come launch time.Exactly, if people never receive their games for whatever reason, or because they actually didn't buy the games and just stole the early access codes from Amazon or something, they won't be able to play from much longer.
SE already confirmed this, there's a time frame where you'll be able to play the game just with the EA code, but if you don't register the game then you won't be able to continue playing. No exact time was given, but my guess is either 1 or 2 weeks after the 27th.
For White Mage and Scholar, what do you think would be ideal to increase via your point allotments? All MND? Mostly MND with a little Piety? Half MND, half Piety? I'm leaning toward all MND for the biggest heals, but I just dunno.
Probably will allow scholars to queue as healers and lvl 15 dungeons can be healed with physic anyways.
Phase 4 client is the retail release. Keep it.
Beta 4 client will carry over to launch.
Yes. Phase 4\Early Access\Retail client are all the same.
Probably not. WHM uses THM and ACN actions now, so levelling one or the other to 15 might be required. Nobody knows the requirements for sure yet, though, as Job quests haven't been available at all during Beta.
Edit: now I think about it... That's probably why they gave Physick to ACN in the first place. Getting this spell was surprising as it never showed up in the DATs before phase 4.