BRD can't equip CNJ actions anymore (at least I couldn't during phase 4), so I doubt levelling it is still required.
This made me sad.
BRD can't equip CNJ actions anymore (at least I couldn't during phase 4), so I doubt levelling it is still required.
Well, for WHM... I plan to go Mostly MND, add a little/lot to PIE and a little to VIT. For ACN, I'm going INT, PIE and VIT being that SCH can use Cleric Stance, I don't mind the gimped heals(anymore) because SCH is not meant to be the Big Healer like WHM.
Is whm 30 cnj and 15 gladiator?? or something else??
So After registering the 18 digit key (6-3-6-3) and then the 20 digit key (4 4 4 4 4), and after it confirmed I am getting the mog items, and it said my registry is a "success".
I went to my SE page, and for some reason it says nowhere "early access".
Both on services, and select services, and service history.
What's going on here?
Well, you aren't just gimping your heals, you will be gimping the shields that Scholar can put on people (which absorb how much you heal someone). (assuming those data leaks are correct)
Anyone who has a ps3 key had any luck registering in the last hour or so?
Same here. Registered both a PS3 and PC code. A-OK.Yep, I registered two (standard and then CE) editions and got EA codes for both on PS3. Both in the past hour.
I just don't see why they didn't let low level Arcanists have the option to heal in dungeons via the duty finder.
Well, you aren't just gimping your heals, you will be gimping the shields that Scholar can put on people (which absorb how much you heal someone). (assuming those data leaks are correct)
I haven't paid close attention to it, but you might have solved a mystery here. I can't say for sure. I remember BRD having PGL, not sure about LNC and it definitely didn't have CNJ anymore. And I didn't really pay attention on WHM. Might be only one other class now, yes.Wait, I was under the impression that jobs only get access to one other class skills now.
When I check to cross class skills on WHM only THM was available. (ACN was at 20 FWIW)
Also when doing the same for BRD only PGL was available.
Anyone know if the pre-order "key" goes either way, or do you need to choose the correct corresponding platform? (I got a PS3 key but I'd like to use it for PC version)
Also, should I just keep spamming it to try to get through?
Yep, I registered two (standard and then CE) editions and got EA codes for both on PS3. Both in the past hour.
Same here. Registered both a PS3 and PC code. A-OK.
You can choose either platform on the list, if you have a 1.0 PC account then the PS3 pre-order code will work if you select the PC platform after entering your key. But remember, that to play beyond early access you're gonna need a PC version key to play on the PC after early access. If you have a 1.0 account then this doesn't apply.
I haven't paid close attention to it, but you might have solved a mystery here. I can't say for sure. I remember BRD having PGL, not sure about LNC and it definitely didn't have CNJ anymore. And I didn't really pay attention on WHM. Might be only one other class now, yes.
[NA] Procedures during Periods of High Congestion (Aug. 21)
We are expecting major congestion during the period starting with the Early Access on Aug. 24, 2013 at 2:00 a.m. (PDT) leading up to the official game launch on Aug. 27, 2013 (PDT).
If a large volume of players attempt to login to the game simultaneously, certain players may receive the following message: This World is currently full. Players in queue: ##. If you receive this message, we ask that you please wait until your login is processed.
In addition, in order to avoid server congestion related issues from multiple characters concentrating in the starting areas, we may implement restrictions on logins and/or the creation of new characters for a period of time after the servers open to the public.
We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.
Thanks for confirming. I kind of remember using Blood for Blood on BRD but I wasn't sure and got confused. So it's still 2 classes per job.BRD have both PGL and LNC skills.
Sorry if this has been already shared, but I found an awesome map where it displays a lot of info: gathering points, FATE spawns, level of the mobs...
Same here, except my CE is the PS3 edition.I put it my 18 digit code again and this time got a NA code.
Also saw my PC collectors edition just shipped.
Finally got it to work. for those of you who are still getting error 3 its because it still thinks you are EU is you are in NA.
-Click on your name at the top of the page and go to your profile.
-When it loads look and see what the address of your profile is. Mine said eu.profile address.
-If yours says this simply change the eu. to na. and press enter once it loads hit back two times and input your code it should work.
hope that helps.
Agreed, for 8 man content in 1.0 it wasn't uncommon to have 2 healers and I doubt things will change for ARR, I hope that SCH will be comparable to WHM in terms of healing and mitigation.
Especially considering duty finder could end up giving you two SCH's.
Going off the amazon lists, they have so many Sennheisers lol
Any suggestion on a certain model? Or are they all generally great?
Agreed, for 8 man content in 1.0 it wasn't uncommon to have 2 healers and I doubt things will change for ARR, I hope that SCH will be comparable to WHM in terms of healing and mitigation.
Especially considering duty finder could end up giving you two SCH's.
Thanks for confirming. I kind of remember using Blood for Blood on BRD but I wasn't sure and got confused. So it's still 2 classes per job.
Same here, except my CE is the PS3 edition.
Is it bad that I'm actually giving serious thought to just ebay'ing it? I only played a handful of hours of the phase 3 beta, and I'm having a hard time seeing myself being able to find the amount of time I'd need to make a monthly sub worth it.![]()
If you pre-ordered, you shoul be given a code to grant you early access this Saturday. If you didnt receive one, contact whoever you ordered from.
Regarding friends, I wouldnt worry too much about your buddies being at max level. You will meet people and you will make new friends. Join a few linkshells, join a few random parties, and youll have plenty of new people to do content with.
BRD have both PGL and LNC skills.
Finally got it to work. for those of you who are still getting error 3 its because it still thinks you're EU when you're in NA.
-Click on your name at the top of the page and go to your profile.
-When it loads look and see what the address of your profile is. Mine said eu.profile address.
-If yours says this simply change the eu. to na. and press enter once it loads hit back two times and input your code it should work.
hope that helps.
Sorry if this has been already shared, but I found an awesome map where it displays a lot of info: gathering points, FATE spawns, level of the mobs...
Monk gets MRD and LNC skills, so no, it's two.Wait, I was under the impression that jobs only get access to one other class skills now.
Yea I would say thats correct, even at lvl 15 SCH will have the fairy to summon and from what they said fairy would have heal over time spells. (Physick will be comparable to cure no doubt and SCH should have no issues healing in dungeons before getting Succor)
GMG support. This confirms a few things.
Hi there,
Thank you for your ticket. Keys for this title will be sent out automatically on or before the game's release date.
Hope this helps,
Green Man Gaming & Playfire
Customer Service
The question was when do you get the CE/FFXIV Game key.
Finally got it to work. for those of you who are still getting error 3 its because it still thinks you're EU when you're in NA.
-Click on your name at the top of the page and go to your profile.
-When it loads look and see what the address of your profile is. Mine said eu.profile address.
-If yours says this simply change the eu. to na. and press enter once it loads hit back two times and input your code it should work.
hope that helps.
Did they change the requirements for jobs? Is it no longer THM/PUG to get BLM?