|OT| - Posted by Ebil (Image heavy, may require stretching windows or using a browser's zoom out feature.)
Google Doc text version for mobile/bandwidth concerned and easy word search.
Google Doc for Version 1.0 Storyline and Lore resource directory
Riposte said:The OT above was designed by Ebil and I to be an elegant, yet comprehensive guide that provides answers for both new and potential players and looks beautiful while doing it. It is highly encouraged you give it a good looking over before you ask any questions, especially if those questions begin with "How do I..." or "When do I...". Seriously, it is worth checking out, even just for the great visuals Ebil put together.
On that matter, I'll say I'm extremely thankful for the opportunity to work with Ebil on a fun and rewarding challenge - couldn't have asked for a better partner. I wanted to make one of the most visually appealing and useful OTs and I think we may have succeeded. Also thanks to Jijidasu for volunteering to look over what I wrote. For the |OT2| I will carry over and edit the 2nd post of the first (containing avatars, community, reviews, and resources). Banners by Ebil.
Wall of Shame

A set of FFXIV: ARR avatars, new and old, can be found here. For common courtesy, please do not use the same avatar as someone else.

Steam Group
(To run FFXIV with the steam overlay go to Games > Add a Non-Steam Game to My Library and add the executable. With the steam overlay it is easy to use steam chat and browser without tabbing out.)
NeoGAF Player List (See the directions above and below the list)
NeoGAF Linkshells and Free Companies (By World)
Free Company: Ethereal
Leaders: Yura Hiza, Asuke Shoyo (NeOak)
Guild Website:: http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/freecompany/9231112598714319939/
Durandal (JP data center)
Linkshell: Nocturne
Leader: jijidasu (Aki Rouscelia)
Guild Website:: http://nocturne.guildwork.com/
Linkshell: Gather Against Fate
Leader: STAB-Gatekeeper (Vesaa Sasaki)
Free Company: Huge Materia
Leaders: Broadbandito (Ada Blood)
Guild Website: http://hugemateria.guildwork.com/
Ragnarok (NA/EU data center, recommended for EU timezones)
Linkshell: Warriors of Chaos
Leader: Khrno (Khrno Abaddon), ebil (Ebil Elebil)
Guild Website: n/a
Sargatanas (NA/EU data center)
Linkshell: NeoBelieve
Free Company: Red Dot
Leaders: kiryogi (Eithne Rain), Ravidrath (Ravidrath Astolph), Omlet (Mishaela Aveeli), and a non-Gaffer (Mac Aroni)
Guild Website: http://reddot.guildwork.com/
Ultros (NA/EU data center)
Linkshell: Gather Against Fate
Free Company: Gather Against Fate
Leaders: androidcandy (Strawberry Shortcake), Paprikka (Safflower Amariyo), ROBOKITTYZILLA (Maple Cookie), Aeana (Tiv Einsfell)
Guild Website: http://neogaf.guildwork.com/
As described in the original OT (under "Getting Started"), legacy characters are currently restricted to legacy worlds (servers). Even when the world transfer service becomes available, they will be unable to move to new servers for several months. New characters can be made on either new or legacy servers. The primary difference is that no character on new servers will be older than than the Phase 4 Beta. Measure the pros and cons of both, though minor and temporary, and make a decision for yourself.

USGamer 10
Vandal Online 9.5
TenTon Hammer 9.2
Multiplayer.it 9.0
Machinima 9.0
Polygon 9.0
The Digital Fix 9.0 (PS3)
Playstation Universe 9.0 (PS3)
Gametrailers 8.7 Video review featuring GAFers!
Game Spot 7.0
Game Revolution 7.0

Basic Game Utility / News
http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/ - The Lodestone. The most important FFXIV website. ♦
sqex.to/Msp - The Mog Station. Used for all FFXIV account/subscription/promotional items management.
http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/forum.php - Official forums. (Note the "Dev Tracker" feed.)
https://twitter.com/FF_XIV_EN - Official Twitter
http://arrstatus.com - Server status site.
http://www.guildm8s.com/Default.aspx?G=8 - FFXIV news timeline (covering many blogs, etc.). ♦
Fan Sites / Other Communities
http://ffxiv.zam.com/ - Long established MMO site with large forum community.
http://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv - FFXIV subreddit since 1.x.
http://www.reddit.com/r/FFXIVRECRUITMENT - Subreddit dedicated to LS/FC recruitment.
http://www.bluegartr.com/index.php - An endgame-centric forum originally known for its FFXI community.
http://bluegarter.guildwork.com/forum - The other Blue Gartr forum, also endgame-centric (long story lol.)
http://ffxivrealm.com - A new forum for ARR.
http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com - Biggest role-player forum.
http://xivpads.com - Collects Lodestone data for players to track themselves and other utilities. ♦
(NeoGAF Guildwork sites are found under the Community section, above.)
Databases / Wikis
http://xivdb.com - An extensive data-minded database, with game-like maps and character wardrobe. ♦
http://xivwiki.com/Main_Page - A wiki by the xivdb guys.
http://www.ffxivinfo.com - Similar database, with more written content.
http://www.ffxivpro.com - General database which also collects player and market data. Successor to FFXIAH.
http://home.comcast.net/~nakomaru/ffmaps - Maps
http://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Main_Page - FFXIV 1.x wiki being readapted for ARR. Successor to FFXIclopedia.
http://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/FF14_Wiki - Brand new wiki for ARR.
http://www.ffxivfate.com - FATE maps.
A Guide By A Tank For Future/Current Tanks Tank Guide for learning how to play GLD/PLD and MRD/WAR.
Dragoons: A Rotation Reborn Dragoon Guide showing you the basic fundamentals and more.
http://valk.dancing-mad.com - Deep combat system analysis with calculators. ♦
http://eorzeareborn.com - Site with general guides covering duties, crafting, macros, etc. ♦
http://igoumedia.com/finalfantasy14 - Another guide site in the same fashion.
http://www.ffxivguild.com - A third guide site.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvWTiTvRintgdDR0aXFESXROSzl4OUtqdFVDbW1aMHc#gid=0 - List of important food items in the game.
http://betterds3.ciebiera.net - Enables use of a PS3 controller on PC.
http://forums.pcsx2.net/Thread-XInput-Wrapper-for-DS3-and-Play-com-USB-Dual-DS2-Controller - PC Dualshock 3 support, no motioninjoy required (courtesy of Baleoce).
http://ffxiv.game-junkie.net/HUD - HUD simulator for planning customization.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkadXJVMJCR4dFNIU1lZODdiMUMzNVJCczcyZldoVmc#gid=16 - Google doc used to calculate Discipline of Land attributes using copy and paste on the summary sheet (must save doc first).
http://ffxivlogrep.com/summary - Japanese Parser. (English translation on top right corner.) ♦
http://xivmodels.com - Model viewer (Spoilers).
Story and Lore
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f1RVGK0nY9VC0nM779rmZrEVd43XZy5xIC0X_2SXWp8/edit - Same link found at the top of this post. ♦
Video/Music Content
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8u8kLELS40 - YouTube channel of Mr.Happy, covering game mechanics, lore, and tips. ♦
http://gamerescape.com/category/aetheryteradio - Gamerescapes podcast.
http://zantetsuken.net/sequencebreak/sbxiv - Another long running FFXIV podcast.
http://www.xivnation.com/category/xiv-reborn - GameBreakers new FFXIV podcast.
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsJwMyjShVUzySDolxLweBrSbJs1PLpqL - Matt Fusss piano arrangments of FFXIV music. ♦
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aj4taWT-MzpZdHlmdGd3LU44c0tESFBmcGtVUjNSNFE#gid=0 - List of missable items (including what ring you get for answering the prologues question).
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...mR0Qjk4QzV2SmYzVzhYTVdCSkE&toomany=true&pli=1 - List of shared skills between classes and jobs.
http://dimensionaldeath.com/index.php?page=huntinglogs - Hunting log maps.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkadXJVMJCR4dFc1dFdfZ3BMOE0tQ1VwR2N3QnVqZEE#gid=1 - Shows what types of equipment each discipline of hand makes.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0As3pVWz2bGVDdDZqbUoycWFzSzRDVDhUdWUzZGFlQlE#gid=0 - List of fishing tackle and their uses.
http://nix80.livejournal.com/22903.html - Blog post covering materia, including maximum enhancement values.
http://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1k6gt5/ffxiv_rainmeter_hud_download_link_inside - FFXIV Rainmeter skin. Themes the desktop after FFXIVs UI.
http://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1klktx/playing_on_multiple_computers_heres_a_quick/ - Reddit post detailing how to carry over macros, settings, and UI. ♦
http://www.bluegartr.com/threads/117761-Unlocking-dungeons - List of dungeons and how they are unlocked.
http://www.bluegartr.com/threads/117575-Minion-List - List of minions and where they are obtained.
http://ffxivarr.forumotion.com/t3-mog-station-explained-qa-ce-items-days-remaining-etc -FAQ concerning the Mog Station, accounts, legacy status, etc.
Graphics Modding Guide
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=66551296&postcount=7248 - Courtesy of Jijidasu
If you have any comments or criticisms or would like to see a resource added, please say so in this thread or PM me. Thanks for reading!