It's only been a month.
Seeing how active the mods are here in the last 2 threads also, leave it to them to decide seriously.
Did you purposely ignore my second question or do you simply not know its answer ?
It's only been a month.
Seeing how active the mods are here in the last 2 threads also, leave it to them to decide seriously.
I did 180. Got my relic this past weekend and overall love the game. Now it's a mix of doing CM/AK here and there. Leveling my other stuff I want to level and helping out the FC. If you look at the game as just grinding AK all day every day, then yes you will hate it. Better to get enjoyment out of more things until 2.1 and etc hit.
I did 180. Got my relic this past weekend and overall love the game. Now it's a mix of doing CM/AK here and there. Leveling my other stuff I want to level and helping out the FC. If you look at the game as just grinding AK all day every day, then yes you will hate it. Better to get enjoyment out of more things until 2.1 and etc hit.
~ ☆ ~ DOOME FOR GUILD LEADER 2013 ~ ☆ ~
Crown me as the next guild leader of ultrosgaf and I will enact legislation for the extermination of the cat man menace from our noble guild.
I think they said the fantasia is used for good the moment you leave the character customization screen
Yeah now that Im good equiped I can help some FC mates and its fun.
Also now that I got a relic I feel more "free" on doing other things like continuing my botanist and lvl up MNK.
Im unsure about starting a Coil set right now. I mean, I want to see it and get the loot obviously, but having to schedule runs almost everyday sounds kind of offputting to me right now.
Not sure about it being best, but its really, really good. I've been preaching to WHMs to use their dps skills in groups for awhile now (when I'm on another class), but apparently a lot of them don't like to @.@
Unless the tank isn't very well geared, or people are standing in shit, I could usually dps 70% of the time in AK. 400+ Stones, and 600+ Holys aren't anything to scoff at.
Did you purposely ignore my second question or do you simply not know its answer ?
Not sure about it being best, but its really, really good. I've been preaching to WHMs to use their dps skills in groups for awhile now (when I'm on another class), but apparently a lot of them don't like to @.@
Unless the tank isn't very well geared, or people are standing in shit, I could usually dps 70% of the time in AK. 400+ Stones, and 600+ Holys aren't anything to scoff at.
wow didn't know WHM dps could get that high, maybe I should lvl up WHM as well haha.
Side note, should be getting my Fantasia potion by the end of the month, after seeing this
I'm tempted to go Lala for the lulz
My group only does runs 3-4 days a week. It doesn't take too much time. Even getting just turn #1 down to get a bit of loot each week would help and only take an hour or so.
Did you purposely ignore my second question or do you simply not know its answer ?
I have Fracture and Blood Bath. BB is OK for minor healing and I use it to supplement my HP until my Second Wind is ready to go again or to lighten the load off healers a tad.
Fracture is a higher damage gain than any other skill you have for a single GCD. It's like 220 potency after the DOT is calculated. (100 + 6 ticks of 20, as I recall). So it's a very potent skill that you want to be using. I work it in after a Greased Lightning rotation because I have 10-12 seconds left. usuallg giving me 1-3 skills before I need to begin rotation again to keep my GL up.
Of all the Cross-Class stuff. Fracture, Blood for Blood, and Invigorate are the absolute must have/use for Monk.
I don't mind it, but I tend to be more worried about some of the burst dmg that can hit the tank and keeping them above at least half. I've been looking for a good way to quickly move back and forth in Cleric Stance, since I seem to have to wait on casting animations to reset the stance and move to the next spell.Can't remember if it is or is not attached to the GCD since I don't use it that often during parties.
Edit: N/m
3 days seems like the best for me.
All groups have their own schedule on my FC (right now I think everyone is doing 5 days), so I guess it boils down to see how we will schedule the new groups. We just got a decent batch of new relic players (including me).
This just comes from the FFXI days for me, when the endgame schedules practically killed my free time on anything excluding work and FFXI...
~ ☆ ~ DOOME FOR GUILD LEADER 2013 ~ ☆ ~
Crown me as the next guild leader of ultrosgaf and I will enact legislation for the extermination of the cat man menace from our noble guild.
New thread! RIP in peace Montblanc and Guy.![]()
Do you ever get TP starved w/o invig up?
I'm using the same set up pretty much and I like using Fracture for that extra damage. But i feel like it's causing me to be tp starved. Either that or there's a rotation for low tp I don't know about :x
Hm, didn't know Fracture was so potent. Luckily its a low level skill so I guess I'll do some quick MRD leveling.
I grinded out 34 LNC last weekend because I felt like I wasn't adequate enough w/o it so I already have that.
Oh, just check out BB and its also low level. Nice.
Yeah, I get those same worries. Like I said, it largely depends on the gear of the tank. If the tank is well geared I usually just toss out a Stoneskin + Divine Seal'd Regen then go to town dpsing.
Those mobs after Demon Wall hit much harder though, so that's where I usually have to really be careful.
Mont isn't coming back either? Had no clue about him. I'd at least thought he'd be around for another month or two.
Mumble is already a sadder place without him. Hope he comes to hang out there at least.![]()
As leader of SuperGirlFunTime, you've got our endorsement! Bet we can whip you up some nice glitter posters for your campaign.
As a healer, is there a way to focus target the tank and then regularly target the mob and then easily cure my focus target while casting DoTs and whatnot on the mob? I cant seem to find a command for it.
As a healer, is there a way to focus target the tank and then regularly target the mob and then easily cure my focus target while casting DoTs and whatnot on the mob? I cant seem to find a command for it.
I think you target your party members through macros despite whatever target you're focused on using <p1> or whatever number. So I'd do that. You just need to make sure to move the tank into the correct slot at the start of every party.
Only thing I can think of is to create a specific macro that will only cure your focus target. I'm not 100% sure what the command for a focus target in macros is though so you'd probably have to play around with it.
Not sure about it being best, but its really, really good. I've been preaching to WHMs to use their dps skills in groups for awhile now (when I'm on another class), but apparently a lot of them don't like to @.@
Unless the tank isn't very well geared, or people are standing in shit, I could usually dps 70% of the time in AK. 400+ Stones, and 600+ Holys aren't anything to scoff at.
I drank my Fantasia today. Started as lalafell came out as a cat.
Why isn't this topic in "Community" yet ? What are the criteria for moving OTs there ?
Ran Sunken Temple of Quarn last night. Fucking A, that's a dungeon! Weird part was having to wait for a DF Group to assemble even though I queue'd as a tank.
Afterwards I did some looking, LOL at all the wipes this place makes. I think we died twice on the first boss and that was it. Once we saw all the mechanics it was gravy. But, I literally watched a dude on Twitch wipe to that boss for hours on end last night.
So yeah, "it's hard" so people don't run it. Screw that, it's fun and challenging. I hope the upward trend in dungeon complexity continues, cause I'm loving it.
It's whenever one of the mods thinks to move it once a month or so has passed. Plus we like to give notice.
So I guess consider this notice, I guess. I'll probably be moving it soon. Everybody subscribe.
AK goes so much faster when the healer does damage. If only they all would :[
Why so many people leaving before trying Coil?. There is more content beyond primals