Square-Enix doesn't understand security. No shock there, the amount of hacking and botting in this game is unbelievable for a paid sub MMO.
Square-Enix doesn't understand security. No shock there, the amount of hacking and botting in this game is unbelievable for a paid sub MMO.
I hate RNGs.
Does regen give off a lot of hate early in the fight? I was having trouble getting enough enmity on war today at AV, crowd mobs run straight for the whm.
Around what level should I concern myself with getting someone to meld materia to my equipment and what should I focus on as a DRG?
Is it different for specific equipment since everything has its own stat caps?
I hate RNGs.
Yeah, every tick of regen builds aggro. I usually avoid regen and medica 2 if I know adds are coming.
Odd, I'm usually good casting Regen with my tank keeping aggro fine~Yeah, every tick of regen builds aggro. I usually avoid regen and medica 2 if I know adds are coming.
Odd, I'm usually good casting Regen with my tank keeping aggro fine~![]()
I hate RNGs.
Odd, I'm usually good casting Regen with my tank keeping aggro fine~![]()
If you aggro gets really bad try using Shroud of Saints, that thing saved my life many times during hard times for healing~ :3At the beginning of the fight, the adds would go straight for the whm when they haven't even reached me yet from the pullit's fine after a few aoes but I need to be able to do that first lol
I don't know what else is going on though but my friend told me it's usually the regen that make things tough at the beginning, the enmity was especially bad when melee accidentally run and aggro other stuff.
If you aggro gets really bad try using Shroud of Saints, that thing saved my life many times during hard times for healing~ :3
People that is permanently using regen at AK and Castrums speedruns sure are annoying, speciallt at Castrum....
And then, there's those healers that will always have regen on you regardless of the situation (for example, Castrum's boss fights -_-) what a shame
And they complain that they're always tanking
About Paladin.... i don't understand why everyone gets the AF2 Body... i mean, are all of you aware that Caduceus from BC drops the Allagan body? which is as good or even better >_> and it 's just Turn 1
i cant remember the last time i popped shroud for the emnity reduction
About Paladin.... i don't understand why everyone gets the AF2 Body... i mean, are all of you aware that Caduceus from BC drops the Allagan body? which is as good or even better >_> and it 's just Turn 1
Yeah if you start a pull and still have regen on from a previous fight they will immediately attack the healer. I try to keep in mind the length of a fight and not regen if I feel it's going to be over quickly but sometimes I make a mistake or its just an accident out of habit. A lot of trash pulls don't require regen anyway.At the beginning of the fight, the adds would go straight for the whm when they haven't even reached me yet from the pullit's fine after a few aoes but I need to be able to do that first lol
I don't know what else is going on though but my friend told me it's usually the regen that make things tough at the beginning, the enmity was especially bad when melee accidentally run and aggro other stuff.
also you can click off regen yourself
Meh, too much work.
are you aware that it's hideous
Either you get lucky or you can become another one of those guys who complain about not getting their ifrit weapons after farming it for x times.
About Paladin.... i don't understand why everyone gets the AF2 Body... i mean, are all of you aware that Caduceus from BC drops the Allagan body? which is as good or even better >_> and it 's just Turn 1
I don't know what better solution SE could have done for the tomes, but good grief is grinding AK/CM/Prae monotonous. It's absolutely ridiculous, but I can somewhat see why so many shouts need relic +1 for a lot of these LFG runs.
But I guess that's just the nature of the endgame grind.
Question guys.
When I was getting my DL accesories, I went to the Striking ones for my DRG (+Critical Hit rate) cause everywhere said Critical Hit is the best stat after Strenght for DRGs.
But now I have heard that you need around 460 acc for Coil, an my acc right now is 446 (gear: I do wonder if I had to get some of the Maiming acc for DRG. What do fellow DRGs at Coil think about this?
Thanks in advance![]()
IMO, you should go for Relic+1, if anything.
are you aware that it's hideous
Dude, is fucking awesome.
Much better than a recolored AF.
I don't have a problem doing 5-6 AKs a day, I can handle 9-10 Praetoriums, more if I have to. It's fun to me. I just enjoy playing the game, I guess.
Do you just have a Legacy chocobo you've been riding and haven't unlocked your actual Grand Company chocobo? Your companion chocobo will always be your GC chocobo, you can't party with your Legacy chocobo (as far as I know anyway). So you probably still have to do the GC quest to get that chocobo to proceed on to the companion.
For WHM, should I buy myth gear or go for +1 on relic first? Most people are saying +1, but some are saying that it's not too good for WHMs. Still think I'm going to +1 either way.
Also, what kind of gear is required for coil? I just got my relic weapon and will be getting my final DL piece soon.
Same...I'm totally fine running AK. It's not really any different to me from sitting around in camp in FFXI for hours fighting the same mobs over and over again. At least you're constantly on the move in a dungeon and fighting a small variety of enemies. I would do all my runs on Mondays if the queue times weren't so bad.
Pretty much this. In AK at least you get to play the game, practice rotations, ect.
In CM it's just wait wait wait![]()
i guess maybe the two bosses i can, everything else dies too fast
i guess maybe the two bosses i can, everything else dies too fast