I wish I could cast spells on the run.
SMN is amazing. I didn't realize till I did an AK run with a relic+1 SMN and he would just throw up DoTs then switch mobs. When I switched over the mobs were usually lower than half HP and we blew up AK in like 28 minutes or something. I kinda wanna level one but leveling 2 dps lol
in general though the classes seem to be pretty well balanced with the exception of WAR, who just gets outclassed by PLD so easily. SCH/WHM are both great and all dps seem to have their uses.
SMN is amazing. I didn't realize till I did an AK run with a relic+1 SMN and he would just throw up DoTs then switch mobs. When I switched over the mobs were usually lower than half HP and we blew up AK in like 28 minutes or something. I kinda wanna level one but leveling 2 dps lol
in general though the classes seem to be pretty well balanced with the exception of WAR, who just gets outclassed by PLD so easily. SCH/WHM are both great and all dps seem to have their uses.
Finally got turn 1 down. Jeez. That was some shit.
Woo, another DL piece down. So now I'm half DL and half AK Gear, dunno how much I really need for Titan survivability outside of the 3.3k HP marker.
Primals are still on some bullshit with their drops though. I've seen so many books and cudgels over the past week and a half of constant grinding, but none of the weapons I actually need. This is some vintage RNG shit here.
I think you'd be hard pressed to kill titan if all your DD was just in HQ lvl 55s.That's it really. Long as you can dodge you're fine.
Primal weapons aren't necessary for anything - honestly I think they're a bonus for your other jobs when they hit 50 as an alternate method of sparing yourself a run or two of AK for mythology tomestones![]()
Yes. There is an option to turn off auto facing your target on skill use.Running ak and as a whm finding moving during demon wall tricky.
See - it I target something with a cure spell, my char turns towards them. Then when I need to move I sometimes get all turned around.
Is there an option or setting I don't know about? Any tips?
Running ak and as a whm finding moving during demon wall tricky.
See - it I target something with a cure spell, my char turns towards them. Then when I need to move I sometimes get all turned around.
Is there an option or setting I don't know about? Any tips?
Are you on Hyperion my chance?
So pretty much like a lot of MMOs where the archer has really good DPS, like RO and TERA. Dat range. I take it the best class to survive with is PLD? Or is it WHM/SCH?
Maybe I was lucky before but running Brayflox now as a WHM makes me weep in sorrow more than once, not like when I did it as a tank the first days of the game. Is like player skill is going backwards, maybe is just anecdotal evidence or maybe FATE explotation is breeding a new batch of awful players but the fact is strange the run I don't find an awful tank.
I see tanks using provoke for pulling, and when I told them they shouldn't use it that way i mostly got ignored. I see tanks so badly geared that I had to spam Cure II every 2 seconds on the first boss so they wouldn't die, running out of MP and wiping. I see tanks not using correctly flash or overpower so they lost hate on groups of mobs almost instantly.
The provoke problem is so widespread that is rare the time I don't see it used wrongly. I was running WP yesteday and the PLD kept using Provoke to pull, I mean lvl 50 at the guy dosn't even know that. He was truly awful, he was spamming Halone without even building the damn combo! he kept losing hate against the WHM and me (DRG). We basically carried him through the dungeon.
Of course he ignored most of my advises....
No wonder ppl is starting to sell Hydra to Titan wins....
Maybe I was lucky before but running Brayflox now as a WHM makes me weep in sorrow more than once, not like when I did it as a tank the first days of the game. Is like player skill is going backwards, maybe is just anecdotal evidence or maybe FATE explotation is breeding a new batch of awful players but the fact is strange the run I don't find an awful tank.
I see tanks using provoke for pulling, and when I told them they shouldn't use it that way i mostly got ignored. I see tanks so badly geared that I had to spam Cure II every 2 seconds on the first boss so they wouldn't die, running out of MP and wiping. I see tanks not using correctly flash or overpower so they lost hate on groups of mobs almost instantly.
The provoke problem is so widespread that is rare the time I don't see it used wrongly. I was running WP yesteday and the PLD kept using Provoke to pull, I mean lvl 50 at the guy dosn't even know that. He was truly awful, he was spamming Halone without even building the damn combo! he kept losing hate against the WHM and me (DRG). We basically carried him through the dungeon.
Of course he ignored most of my advises....
No wonder ppl is starting to sell Hydra to Titan wins....
Just got my GLD to level 30, and finished up his class quests. This is one of the first MMOs I've played where at no part was I lost, or had trouble progressing due to FATE groupings etc. Really enjoyable.
Just grabbed my second class (CNJ) and got it up to level 11 this evening. Hopefully tomorrow I can get it up to 15 and get my PLD.
Question, is there any reason to level CNJ beyond 15 if I have no intention of playing one? I just mainly want to play as a PLD (I think).
I have no trouble getting gold as a dragoon. If you're trying to hit the back you're doing it wrong unless you're at very specific level ranges in the low end as the mobs don't last long enuff to make it worth it. Even then trying to get in position isn't with it. For large gangbang fates as a goon, pop a heavy thrust then just do TT > VT > FT (or as much as you are able for your range.As a DRG I feel like we're at a disadvantage against other classes. MNK are probably too.
- Almost all of our attacks take a long time to complete which is annoying when trying to tag mobs during fates.
- The first AOE is level 42, that's bullshit considering fates are spammed by dozens of players spamming AOEs to tag mobs.
- Placement is a mess, if the mob moves during the animation of my attacks I loose my combo or my bonus, and mobs moves a lot, specially during fates.
It's also millimeters based, and I do believe there are dead space between back and sides of mobs.
I lose a lot of time always getting in place to attack and pray the mobs don't move when I hit the button...
- It takes a long time to reach full dps, I have to hit the back than the side (or vice-versa) and then I can do max damage
I have no trouble getting gold as a dragoon. If you're trying to hit the back you're doing it wrong unless you're at very specific level ranges in the low end as the mobs don't last long enuff to make it worth it. Even then trying to get in position isn't with it. For large gangbang fates as a goon, pop a heavy thrust then just do TT > VT > FT (or as much as you are able for your range.
Kind of funny, I remember this one BLM going into a rage on another BLM in a Ifrit pug awhile back because he didn't use Blood for Blood before he used LB. I guess that 5 minute rant he went on was for nothing lol.
Dragoons should get their Wyvern pet back as a solution for decreased mobility DPS.
And Monks should get offensive auras that buff melee DPS.
Why yes. Yes I am.
I have no trouble getting gold as a dragoon. If you're trying to hit the back you're doing it wrong unless you're at very specific level ranges in the low end as the mobs don't last long enuff to make it worth it. Even then trying to get in position isn't with it. For large gangbang fates as a goon, pop a heavy thrust then just do TT > VT > FT (or as much as you are able for your range.
Darn it. I can't get this certain part of the Lucky Star theme when I hear Titan's music.
lucky star part
titan part
Is moe the reason I beat Titan Hard the first time?
Woo, another DL piece down. So now I'm half DL and half AK Gear, dunno how much I really need for Titan survivability outside of the 3.3k HP marker.
Primals are still on some bullshit with their drops though. I've seen so many books and cudgels over the past week and a half of constant grinding, but none of the weapons I actually need. This is some vintage RNG shit here.
3. 3k or more is all you need to survive if you can dodge.
I had 3 pieces of DL (hands, boots, helm) and AK/i55 gear on my Monk. I had the Garuda weapon to pull my weight in the fight but otherwise, totally survivable. I'd definitely recommend some angry duty finder runs to learn it.
The ground aoe lag is so fucking bad, have they said anything about this. Game seems smooth otherwise but the lag on the aoe effects is just pathetic.