No patch notes, just a series of posts on the official forums with bits and pieces of what to expect. Someone may have gathered them together at some point, not sure.Are there patch notes? I've apparently missed them.
No patch notes, just a series of posts on the official forums with bits and pieces of what to expect. Someone may have gathered them together at some point, not sure.Are there patch notes? I've apparently missed them.
How do you read it with red text?!!? My eyes are bleeding @_@
I needed something drastically different from green (the color I use for LSs) so that I would never mix the two up. Red just looked the best out of the left over colors!
Oh man, 20 whole minutes? This coming from the same guy who wouldn't teleport himself to Coerthas for Chimera? Sure why don't I teleport two extra times to pick you up and bring you to something you needed also.
The same guy who left two FC members hanging mid AK run because he misunderstood something the pug tank said? Sure, let's waste everyone's time by leaving the instance screaming and crying "elitist". (I wasn't there for this one, but I had the fun of watching it unfold over FC chat)
And lastly, this:
lol, yeah I think you should stop considering it and go ahead and find another FC.
I sure hope this is Anime Bodypillow
The name alone makes him untouchable.
This is something that's being addressed in the update tonight.
Okay, here is a list of the things we should expect in the hotfix. Not patch notes, just a summary of the forum posts.
- Changes will be made to the way equipment is bound.
- Introducing additional servers and enhancements to act as a countermeasure against the congestion to enter "Amdapor Keep."
- The difficulty for level 50 dungeons will be adjusted.
- The number of areas where you can acquire Allagan Tomestones of Philosophy and Mythology will be increased as well as the amount you can acquire.
- Implementation of a population cap for each field. (update: The population cap is planned to be introduced separately. )
- Adjustments to the spawn rate of monsters that drop diremite web and additional locations where Karakul can be found.
- The amount of experience points that can be acquired on botanist and miner, as well the experience points that can be acquired from their fieldcraft leves, will be increased.
- User interface elements related to materia and target information will be adjusted.
drastically different colors, yet so many MT. D:
You should set one as default so you only have to use a slash command for one of them!*So I won't visually mix them up!
I can't help it if my fingers continue to forsake me though... when you're constantly typing /l /fc /l /fc /l /fc /l /fc some slip ups are bound to get through here and there![]()
Okay, here is a list of the things we should expect in the hotfix. Not patch notes, just a summary of the forum posts.
- The difficulty for level 50 dungeons will be adjusted.
- The number of areas where you can acquire Allagan Tomestones of Philosophy and Mythology will be increased as well as the amount you can acquire.
Thanks again to that last minute Garuda HM group. Nice to have that out of the way for my monk.
Now I just need about 3000 more tomestones to finish my Darklight. D:
Just going to assume that this is them doing what should have been done, in making WP a real alternative to AK by making it a little harder, and making it drop myth as well. This will also help with the reserving instances to AK since people will be spread across 2 instances.
Of course this only works if they really make it equivalent, as in same tomes per typical clear time. I do not expect perfection in that regard in their first pass though.
"The difficulty for level 50 dungeons will be adjusted" is so hilariously ambiguous. It could mean ANYTHING.
Anyways, I'm already sick of AK after doing it maybe 6 times, so alternatives would be welcome. I did WP as much as I could get away with, but it's harder to form groups for that and I already have all the drops from there I might want (the shield and...that's it).
This gearing-up grind has been frustrating because I don't feel like I'm making any progress. I've gotten basically no drops at all out of AK (aside from my neck which was a tiny upgrade), and no weapons from the primals. Tomestones are kind of unexciting and slow-going, since I need to save up so many for my head+chest and leg+feet pieces.
I thought the name was great at first, that changes once you realize how petty a player they are.
The should add level 50 versions of low level dungeons right now.
I'm very bored of AK/CM/Prae/Wanderer there is no point to go old dungeons for nothing, level 50 difficulty and new drops should make it interesting.
Okay, here is a list of the things we should expect in the hotfix. Not patch notes, just a summary of the forum posts.
- The difficulty for level 50 dungeons will be adjusted.
- The number of areas where you can acquire Allagan Tomestones of Philosophy and Mythology will be increased as well as the amount you can acquire.
- Implementation of a population cap for each field. (update: The population cap is planned to be introduced separately. )
I do believe it is our responsibility, to the awesomeness of his name, to provide guidance to said player. A new player may get overwhelmed by the noted trolly atmosphere of the FC, and not realize the boundaries of their actions while also not understanding why other people in the guild can get away with being dickbags in joking manners. He clearly seems new since he saw not being helped in a mmorpg for such a short time as a sign of selfishness, and not something that you have to forgive since everyone playing is actively going about their own things and can't be expected to come to the aid of someone else at the drop of a hat.
Just saying. He has a really good name.
Everyone that I've had the pleasure of partying with in the Ultros FC thus far has been great. Even after all those hydra wipes (lol) yesterday, it was good to see everyone sticking it out with nary a complaint.
Though, I did find some racism towards Keepers of the Moon Miqo'te ;-)
WAT?!?! But Keepers of the Moon Miqo'te are awesome!!!
Guys, I'm disappoint.
I do believe it is our responsibility, to the awesomeness of his name, to provide guidance to said player. A new player may get overwhelmed by the noted trolly atmosphere of the FC, and not realize the boundaries of their actions while also not understanding why other people in the guild can get away with being dickbags in joking manners. He clearly seems new since he saw not being helped in a mmorpg for such a short time as a sign of selfishness, and not something that you have to forgive since everyone playing is actively going about their own things and can't be expected to come to the aid of someone else at the drop of a hat.
Just saying. He has a really good name.
As much as it annoys me, this seems to be the only thing they can do at this point even if I don't like them just reusing content like that. What would have been ideal would have been just flat out removing some of the random non story dungeons along the way to 50, and instead making them lv 50 instances to the equivalent of AK and WP right from the start. Something like Darkhold, with it's unique mechanics, no real reason to go multiple times, and no story reason behind the level it is at would have worked much better as a cap instance without leaving a noticable gap in the leveling path. There are a number of others that could also work in the same way that I know that people just already skip, or run once for hunting log.
Too late now for that kind of thing so my point is worthless.
Tera's grind was much much worse. Gear upgrading systems in MMOs are horrid and Tera's was incredibly Korean, the RNG luck you needed to +12 your gear without committing suicide first was unreal.
He reported another FC member for 'harassment' and /tell'd them about it while they were AFK. Not to mention that this is probably one of the most helpful members within the FC who had pretty much zero contact with the person before this happened.
Oh, I know. I know. After the 30th Baldur's Refuge that I got absolutely nothing for doing I logged off and pretty much never came back. At least doing AK gets me SOME progress. And crafting is fun in between dungeons. A little TOO fun, I'm constantly funneling all my money into it and all I have to show for it is a pile of HQ french toast. After my thanksgiving weekend away from home I have tons of leves ready to burn through for Armorer though.
He reported another FC member for 'harassment' and /tell'd them about it while they were AFK. Not to mention that this is probably one of the most helpful members within the FC who had pretty much zero contact with the person before this happened. He's not 'misguided', he's just a douche.
Also what Unknown Soldier said.
I need 500 fleeces to hit 50 WVR
don't kill my lambs!!
It's like us grinding for narga gear.... only way less fun"The difficulty for level 50 dungeons will be adjusted" is so hilariously ambiguous. It could mean ANYTHING.
Anyways, I'm already sick of AK after doing it maybe 6 times, so alternatives would be welcome. I did WP as much as I could get away with, but it's harder to form groups for that and I already have all the drops from there I might want (the shield and...that's it).
This gearing-up grind has been frustrating because I don't feel like I'm making any progress. I've gotten basically no drops at all out of AK (aside from my neck which was a tiny upgrade), and no weapons from the primals. Tomestones are kind of unexciting and slow-going, since I need to save up so many for my head+chest and leg+feet pieces.
<se.6> all day
But now that I've hit level 40 I'm seeing people spamming three-letter acronyms and terminology that have no meaning to me. It's like everyone speaks some form of english that only they understand.
Aw yeah, Battle Bongos are Best Bongos
I feel like I should be leveling up Marauder for that last cross-class skill for my Paladin, or maybe something entirely different, like a DPS job as a secondary.
I Especially for a Japanese writer, who's a few generations removed from horrifyingly-advanced empires encroaching on his homeland with a political hierarchy nominally based on animism, a situation only resolved when the empires were co-opted by reform-minded locals.
I don't mean to start a big old brouhaha here, but this sentence makes perfect sense if the writer has Ainu or Okinawan roots, but makes none at all if he's of the Yamato majority.
And I still argue that Gaius was right.
Eorzea is a place where humanoids are locked in eternal civil war with beastmen who summon Primals that kill wantonly and without mercy. The governments of all three city states are all equally flawed, one was founded by lawless pirates, the second lives in eternal terror of elementals who dictate who lives or dies, and the third is basically Midgar ruled by a corrupt alliance of a hereditary monarchy and plutocrats. Oh, and we haven't even touched on the religious zealotry of the fourth city-state, Ishgard, ruled with absolute authority by a Pope who sends out Inquisitors to declare death in judgment from arbitrary witch-hunts.
All Gaius wanted to do was bring peace, stability, and order to a realm which was locked in eternal internecine warfare, worshipping false Gods, and on the brink of being destroyed by the Primals, the summoned false Gods of beastmen. If he used Ultima Weapon to destroy the primals and scatter the beast tribes, imposed a single uniform government and abolished the useless city-states, and ended the feuding of the various factions, the people of Eorzea would have benefited greatly.
Instead, Gaius is gone. The beastmen are summoning even more powerful and dangerous forms of the Primals. Bahamut is awakening from 5 years of slumber and Ultima Weapon, which could have been used to defeat him, is no more. The people of Eorzea still live in fear that their end could come at any moment, on the end of a beastman's spear, crushed under the fury of a Primal, or annihilated by Bahamut himself. Gaius would have stopped all this, and saved Eorzea.
And I still argue that Gaius was right.
Eorzea is a place where humanoids are locked in eternal civil war with beastmen who summon Primals that kill wantonly and without mercy. The governments of all three city states are all equally flawed, one was founded by lawless pirates, the second lives in eternal terror of elementals who dictate who lives or dies, and the third is basically Midgar ruled by a corrupt alliance of a hereditary monarchy and plutocrats. Oh, and we haven't even touched on the religious zealotry of the fourth city-state, Ishgard, ruled with absolute authority by a Pope who sends out Inquisitors to declare death in judgment from arbitrary witch-hunts.
All Gaius wanted to do was bring peace, stability, and order to a realm which was locked in eternal internecine warfare, worshipping false Gods, and on the brink of being destroyed by the Primals, the summoned false Gods of beastmen. If he used Ultima Weapon to destroy the primals and scatter the beast tribes, imposed a single uniform government and abolished the useless city-states, and ended the feuding of the various factions, the people of Eorzea would have benefited greatly.
Instead, Gaius is gone. The beastmen are summoning even more powerful and dangerous forms of the Primals. Bahamut is awakening from 5 years of slumber and Ultima Weapon, which could have been used to defeat him, is no more. The people of Eorzea still live in fear that their end could come at any moment, on the end of a beastman's spear, crushed under the fury of a Primal, or annihilated by Bahamut himself. Gaius would have stopped all this, and saved Eorzea.