[EU] FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn Hot Fixes (Oct. 17)
The following feature has been implemented.
- A maximum limit has been placed on the number of players who can be in one area.
* If you attempt to move into an area which has already reached its maximum limit, you will receive a message saying you cannot enter that area. Should this happen, please wait awhile and try again.
The following issues have been addressed.
- When leaving the Duty Finder under certain circumstances, the player sometimes became undetectable to monsters.
- In the Amdapor Keep instance dungeon, monsters would become immobile under certain circumstances.
- After the 2.05 patch, players would occasionally receive the “90000 Error” or “Square Enix Account Authentication Error” and be disconnected from the server.
Well I hope that limit is incredibly high, otherwise this is going to be very irritating.Looks like the this is what the maintenance and update was for. http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/97920-EU-FINAL-FANTASY-XIV-A-Realm-Reborn-Hot-Fixes-%28Sep.-27%29?p=1442543#post1442543
Looks like the this is what the maintenance and update was for. http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/97920-EU-FINAL-FANTASY-XIV-A-Realm-Reborn-Hot-Fixes-%28Sep.-27%29?p=1442543#post1442543
After the 2.05 patch, players would occasionally receive the 90000 Error or Square Enix Account Authentication Error and be disconnected from the server.
This was during Beta Phase 4, i.e. for shits and giggles. But I certainly hope Squenix will balance the PvP just a tiny bit beyond what you see here before it's released in 2.1. Because what is seen in this video is Tera and Aion levels of balanced PvP.
Well I hope that limit is incredibly high, otherwise this is going to be very irritating.
Looks like the this is what the maintenance and update was for. http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/97920-EU-FINAL-FANTASY-XIV-A-Realm-Reborn-Hot-Fixes-%28Sep.-27%29?p=1442543#post1442543
I would laugh if the limit was low enough that you wouldn't physically have enough players and parties there to LB Odin before he Zantetsuken's and wipes everybody.
Alright I got my synthesis solver into a state where I feel like I can call it alpha. Feel free to download it and give it a try.
Hope some people here find this useful and give me some feedback.
Looks like complete shit tbh.
I hope the limit is high enough, I can see the South Shroud having some issues. Those poor Quarrymill FATE fiends...
I'm a little bored at work so I crunched some numbers and compared my current gear with Darklight stuff and determined which upgrade gives me the biggest bang for my bucks.
Current equipment for base reference: Corner Pressure
Excel sheet:
I basically weighted the STR bonus twice as much as the VIT bonus and divided by the price of Tomes for each piece (multiplied with 100 and cut off after second decimal for easy readings). The other stats are are not included in the formula.
Since I'm still not sure wether to get Striking or Maiming accessories, I left out their second tier stats.
I'm tempted to get the Leg piece first since that STR+8 and VIT+9 boost looks very appealing but the belt is definitely a worthy choice, too.
Might go with legs > belt > body > head > hands = feet and see what AK drops for me.
After I'm done with the left side I will fill up my accessories with Darklight stuff.
Payment Method : Credit Card/Debit Card
Continued Automatically
You are putting way to much thought into something that is really simple, and you will find that out when you start doing ak. You will be loaded with gear before you know it, as well as all the tomes you can eat. As for your DL gear path something to think about is the hit cap, which is somewhere around 400-420 for everything not coil, and around 460 for coil. You will be riding the lower cap pretty fast when you start getting gear, so much so that the Peltast pants from AK are actually better for dps then darklight until you start running coil.
If you want to put thought into things, think a little higher up to myth tome gear. Something you will have to balance against if you are doing coil, what gear is feasibly available to you though coil, and what of the myth gear is better then what you can get from coil. For instance, the allagan chest and pants for DRG are from turn one I believe. However the 825 myth tome AF2 chest is better itemized while the same ilvl for you then the allagan chest. Then there are things like how the boots and helm are better from allagan, but they are from deeper in, so may not be realistic to assume you will get them anytime soon.
Basically, get in the game, get a primal weapon, start running ak, and work from there. Will take 2 weeks to even start thinking about first myth item, and possibly 3 if you are going for the relic+1 right out the gate.
Those 15 minute runs we were doing earlier don't look as good anymore...
10:13 Speed run of Wanderer's Palace
Jade Nephrite is finally at a point where I feel comfortable crafting HQ Hard Hippogryph Leather / HQ Vanya Silk with my Leatherworker / Weaver. Is there even a market for these items? On the Ultros Server there is none or 1 on the market at any given time and I really don't have an idea of what they should sell for? 700K for a listed HQ Vanya Silk?
My favorite part of Crafting is learning a new recipe and realizing that I was previously paying WAY too much for the item on the Market Board, I tend to give this stuff away to friends for FREE!
In the coming week I'm going to give discounts to GAF FC members on HQ Rose Gold Nuggets / HQ Darksteel Nuggets, if I unloaded all my inventory on the Market Board I'd crash it! I can't sell the Nuggets faster than I collect the Ore... unless I severly undercut everyone![]()
I generally use the history of sales to determine a good selling price. Sometimes the current market price I feel is too ridiculous and I actually sell what I have at a much lower price even if there's demand at a higher price D: Of course this is a bit stupid but I'm ok with that.Jade Nephrite is finally at a point where I feel comfortable crafting HQ Hard Hippogryph Leather / HQ Vanya Silk with my Leatherworker / Weaver. Is there even a market for these items? On the Ultros Server there is none or 1 on the market at any given time and I really don't have an idea of what they should sell for? 700K for a listed HQ Vanya Silk?
My favorite part of Crafting is learning a new recipe and realizing that I was previously paying WAY too much for the item on the Market Board, I tend to give this stuff away to friends for FREE!
In the coming week I'm going to give discounts to GAF FC members on HQ Rose Gold Nuggets / HQ Darksteel Nuggets, if I unloaded all my inventory on the Market Board I'd crash it! I can't sell the Nuggets faster than I collect the Ore... unless I severly undercut everyone![]()
Jade Nephrite is finally at a point where I feel comfortable crafting HQ Hard Hippogryph Leather / HQ Vanya Silk with my Leatherworker / Weaver. Is there even a market for these items? On the Ultros Server there is none or 1 on the market at any given time and I really don't have an idea of what they should sell for? 700K for a listed HQ Vanya Silk?
My favorite part of Crafting is learning a new recipe and realizing that I was previously paying WAY too much for the item on the Market Board, I tend to give this stuff away to friends for FREE!
In the coming week I'm going to give discounts to GAF FC members on HQ Rose Gold Nuggets / HQ Darksteel Nuggets, if I unloaded all my inventory on the Market Board I'd crash it! I can't sell the Nuggets faster than I collect the Ore... unless I severly undercut everyone![]()
Am I missing something?
No, it seems I am. Missing a month to be exact, for when the updated stat weights were added. I was still going off the ones that use to be in the op there, posted on page two of that thread, and floating around a few other websites. Reading though to see what caused the change now, but you are correct.
That being said something to think about is how close the pants are when compared to ones that cost so many tomes, so it still may be better not rushing for the pants first. All depends on what you get while running AK of course, so the advise to just get to running it stands.
Alright, so what are folks doing for the last stretch of Wanderer's Palace with the Tonberry Stalker if your group isn't capable of burning them down before he gets to you? I've run into problems where people just run up the stairs when I pull the first two tonberries, causing the Stalker to spawn.
Is there a good place to hide? Should I run back to the 2nd boss's room?
Stop mining the gold ores with me lol
Always run into each other
I have to unload like 1,000 Gold Ores.... >.>;
(Not joking I have enough gold ore + sand to create a fucking gold castle and a gold sandy moat around it)
I generally use the history of sales to determine a good selling price. Sometimes the current market price I feel is too ridiculous and I actually sell what I have at a much lower price even if there's demand at a higher price D: Of course this is a bit stupid but I'm ok with that.
Just pop a few on the board at a time. Consider it like a DoT, that you'll get more money selling it over a period rather than unloading all at once.
Also gimme your unwanted stuff >_>
Hello friend...
Sounds like a first world problem. My brother is currently is the situation where he is pretty much broke, doesn't know how to maky any money without quests and has no money to efficiently level a crafting class without first having to grind through a gathering class.
You missed my point; I wasn't talking about completion, but a guarantee of watching CS unmolested. The fact you state is why I don't claim you only need one tank or one healer, but why you need both. For example, if you get 2 healers also watching cutscenes then you are no risk of the group rushing ahead without you. If you only have 1 healer with this assurance, they may rush ahead with the other.you don't need 2 tanks or 2 healers for prae lol
I don't know if the history should be taken seriously, I can list something like this for say 500K tell my friend to buy it, the trade him the Gil he paid me for it for it, it will then show that it was sold for that amount ( minus taxes ) but it really wasn't, hell I've never tried but can you buy off the Market Board... from yourself?
If you stack in the corner on either side of the last little room the stalker will just pat into the room and back out. As in hug either the left or right wall as you walk into that room with the tonberries guarding the last door, and go right for the first corner, away from said tonberries. Can drag the group after the tonberries on the stairs to that corner if you want. May or may not cause you to agro the last set of tonberries though, I don't recall. Someone can also just lead the stalker back to where ever if he is ever getting close, but ymmv depending on how good the person is at that.
This was during Beta Phase 4, i.e. for shits and giggles. But I certainly hope Squenix will balance the PvP just a tiny bit beyond what you see here before it's released in 2.1. Because what is seen in this video is Tera and Aion levels of balanced PvP.
It's like a drug, I can't stop mining, I have HQ 400 / 800 Standard Darksteel / Gold Ore. That's enough to make 400 if Each Nugget
I don't know if the history should be taken seriously, I can list something like this for say 500K tell my friend to buy it, the trade him the Gil he paid me for it for it, it will then show that it was sold for that amount ( minus taxes ) but it really wasn't, hell I've never tried but can you buy off the Market Board... from yourself?
If you want quick Gil at low levels, Harvest Lightning / Earth Shards... they are lv 1 and they usually sell for 40 - 60 Gil each and Everyone needs them, that's like 25K per hour. There are very few ingredients I buy, mostly fishing stuff, some skins and Fleece... such a high premium for Fleece!
Looks like complete shit tbh.
Asked and answeredHello friend...
doesn't know how to maky any money ...without first having to grind through a gathering class.
Peltas Breeches:
Strength +16
Vitality +18
Critical Hit Rate +24
Skill Speed +17
Darklight Trousers:
Strength +20
Vitality +22
Accuracy +19
Determination +18
I find it hard to believe that STR+4 and Determination +18 is outweighted by Critical Hit Rate +24.
My only source of information on DRG stat weight is from the Dragoon: A Rotation Reborn thread over at the SE forums:
Weapon Damage: 7.54
Strength: 1
Determination: .22
Crit: 0.16
Skill Speed: .146
According to that, both STR and Determination are ranked higher on the list and both are higher on the Darklight Leggings. (7.96 vs 6,322)
Am I missing something?
guys I have a doubt
should I spent my tomes on hero's accessories or on AF2?
currently i have a full DL set minus the accessories
Outside of the popular fate grind hubs like quarrymill, fates all over the world are ghost towns lately. Reminding me of RIFT when players stopped doing the rift invasions because after a while they had earned all the rewards offered in those specific zones. I hope this isn't something that gets worse, as it's killing a good way to formerly level up new classes, now feel like being forced into fate grind groups.
Asked and answered![]()
I agree with you. Primary stat is so important for dps, I don't even look at the other stats unless primary stat is equal. however, vit is pretty important for some things like Titan.
You should save up myth until you have 900. Most will agree your first 900 should go to upgrading your relic weapon to +1. After that it seems to go in different directions.
It's likely that Crystal tower will drop iLVL 80 gear to fill the gab between DL & Allagan/AF2.