I am finding this oddly relaxing to play.
That is fantastic. Will buy 2 Ps3 copies lol.
EU PS Blog said:Please be aware that after transferring to the PS4 you will be unable to play the PS3 version using your existing copy.
Users who wish to play using both the PS3 and PS4 are required to purchase the PlayStation 4 version separately.
Please note: To transfer your PS3 account, you must have logged in to it from a PS3 at least once.
Uh, what happened to my entire move set? I only have heavy swing and foresight now...
Just wondering, but is the physical Collector's Edition worth it for the artbook? I already have a PS3 digital copy but I kind of want that artbook.
Did you accidentally change move sets? If you hit R1 it should bring up the move sets you may have changed it over. If that doesn't switch it back you can hold down R1 and you'll see the playstation buttons that allow you to set custom ones you just may be on that.Anyone? I'm really confused.
If I remember correctly. You need to use PS3 version atleast once in game (with PS3) before you can upgrade it to PS4.
Oh yeah. PS EU Blog according to PS4 FFXIVARR
Anyone? I'm really confused.
Need some context.Did you just login? Did you enter a dungeon? etc
Did you level sync or something? If you level sync and do something thats lower level you will only have access to the moves at that current level
If I remember correctly. You need to use PS3 version atleast once in game (with PS3) before you can upgrade it to PS4.
Oh yeah. PS EU Blog according to PS4 FFXIVARR
does this mean that if i log in once on ps3 and then transfer to ps4 that i will loose my free month and will have to pay a subscription on ps4? if so, that sucks.
does this mean that if i log in once on ps3 and then transfer to ps4 that i will loose my free month and will have to pay a subscription on ps4? if so, that sucks.
god damn that month long ban was brutal.
in any case, this is my first time really trying out an mmo and i love it. pre ordered the CE (big box, art book & moogle minion really sold me). the security token would have been cool too, but now those are just more convenient on my phone.
the jobs from 5/tactics, the combat from 12, the scale of 7, the respect for the series that 9 had. all it needs are the minigames from 8 & 10!
the frame rate was sketchy yesterday but much better this morning. hitting 60 in the main city. after the population shot up, the frame rate goes back to 30ish. i have faith the devs will follow through on their plan to work that out, they clearly love their work and outside of a few ui choices it really shows throughout. the image quality and art direction are solid and the music is incredible.
i'm playing a level 15 CNJ on beta world 4, but will go ACN in phase 2/full game. both will get me to WHM which i'm looking forward to playing with ultros gaf.
I feel like waiting for another phase if they're just gonna wipe all these characters when this phase is done. I already have characters from the PC version, why play with one that won't count...
Btw, if one of my characters is around Lv30 marauder, is there any do something with the char to make them not a tank anymore, or is that imprinted on them from creation? I really hated being the tank.
So umm when does it start getting interesting? Just killed some Aurelias and the battle system feels very slow (picked the class with the battle axe), does it get much faster and more exciting?
Not big into MMOs but I figured I should give this beta a try. Only one I played much was RO, but if this one picks up I could stick with it for a while.
The first 10 levels are like pushing a boulder up WOW-Clone Mountain. You just have to put up with it.So umm when does it start getting interesting? Just killed some Aurelias and the battle system feels very slow (picked the class with the battle axe), does it get much faster and more exciting?
Not big into MMOs but I figured I should give this beta a try. Only one I played much was RO, but if this one picks up I could stick with it for a while.
Just logged back in, at lvl 9, not undergoing any mission...I don't know what happened.
You won't loose it as there is no seperate account system all versions share the same account so if you register your copy on mogstation it applies your free month to the account. So even if you log into the PC version that month is just the same.
Once the PS3 version is registered to your account. Just don't play it until just before the account migration opens to maximise free time on the PS4 version.Does the free month initiate automatically once you play and register the PS3 version?
Not in this phase.just started installing ps3 version and you can bring over your ps4 beta character to full game-sweet
Tried clicking?Sorry but i have to ask ..i can show a pointer kinda like thing when i use the touchpad , but how do i select with it ? i tried swaping , double tapping , several bouttons , how do i select when i have the touchpad pointer ?
I don't think the frame rate ever hit 60. From the moment I controlled my character the fps felt jerky since I'm use to the 60 fps on pc. This has to be running at 30 and below.
Not in this phase.
Interesting. Phase 1 was always supposed to be a full wipe.really? im installing on ps3 currently (cheaper to upgrade to ps4 version and I LOATHE character wipes), and when I logged into PS3 it asked if I want to bring my current ps4 player into PS3- showed my level 16 marauder and everyhing
still downloaing now so I dont know just yet- 20 minutes left at 4.27mb/sec
I don't think the frame rate ever hit 60. From the moment I controlled my character the fps felt jerky since I'm use to the 60 fps on pc. This has to be running at 30 and below.
Not sure if this is what happened to you, but it's worth a shot: hold down R1 and press the triangle button to switch Crossbar Set 1.
You have access to a total of 8 Crossbar sets and you can freely switch between them by holding R1 and using the face buttons and d-pad.
game is making me regret never getting that chocobo tattoo
even in your inn room?
regardless, it was considerably smoother in big towns earlier today.
Playing on a big screen with jutter around 30ish is tough on the eyes, hope they manage to smooth it out, it is a beta after all- We have been spoiled with 60fps so far on PS4.
I'd love to know this as well-it's very difficult to see on a 60" as well :/On another note, one thing I dislike is the text being so damn small on my 50" TV. Anyone knows how to enlarge the text?
I am actually playing on a plasma and was able to tell right away, because 30fps games have a weird motion look on plasmas.
Interesting. Phase 1 was always supposed to be a full wipe.
yea making me make new character. damnit hahaInteresting. Phase 1 was always supposed to be a full wipe.
So umm when does it start getting interesting? Just killed some Aurelias and the battle system feels very slow (picked the class with the battle axe), does it get much faster and more exciting? .
Try different emails also make sure you are not using email that been used previously to make SE account use a fresh one that you never used to play any Square Enix game.Ok I give up. I have tried to register for this but it won't send me an email with some code I need. I don't know how to get into it
Try different emails also make sure you are not using email that been used previously to make SE account use a fresh one that you never used to play any Square Enix game.
Worth mention people few pages back said when they used gamil they received the code but not with hotmail.
I'd love to know this as well-it's very difficult to see on a 60" as well :/
switched to my 23" monitor and can read everything fine but my desk isn't nearly as comfy as my couch haha
You won't loose it as there is no seperate account system all versions share the same account so if you register your copy on mogstation it applies your free month to the account. So even if you log into the PC version that month is just the same.