Not sure what you're asking here.Thinking of picking up the Collectors edition. How did it turn on PS3/PC?
Not sure what you're asking here.Thinking of picking up the Collectors edition. How did it turn on PS3/PC?
Anyone have any idea how trophies will work when using a character that has a lot of progress from the PC version?
For example, I used to play FFXI on the PC. Then, I picked up the 360 version when it was available. When I first logged into the 360 version with the character that I was using on the PC version for the previous 2 years, a metric ass load of achievements popped all at once.
I'm just wondering if this would be the case when logging into the PS4 version for the first time with a character that has met the criteria for most of the trophies (once the retail version is available, of course).
Not sure what you're asking here.
Ah OK. I have the digital CE (and I'm not high enough to use much of it yet) so I couldn't say.How did it turn out, sorry
Like were folks happy with the artbook and such?
Did put the ps4 in safe mode and rebuild data base? That fixed it for me.
I know on ps3 you have to complete 1 of whatever the trophy calls for, for it to pop. 1000 guildleves? Do 1 guildleve and you get the trophy after having done it on pc. So just do whatever is required once and so long as you meet the requirements it pops.
Ok, makes sense. However, do you know how that would work if I already beat the main scenario? I'm not sure how I could make the Warrior of Light trophy pop if I have already finished the main quest line on PC.
Well, crafting seem to suck badly
I would love to make batches of basic components instead of wasting time on doing thousands of them one at a time
Well, crafting seem to suck badly
I would love to make batches of basic components instead of wasting time on doing thousands of them one at a time
Is there a total beginners guide somewhere? And by this, I mean GO HERE, NOW GO HERE because I have absolutely no idea what to do or where to go. It's telling me to go the Lancers Guild. Well, I can see a Carpenters Guild but no Lancers Guild. I am actually finding it quite frustrating how difficult this is to even get into the basics!!![]()
select the quest in the quest summary and you'll have a summary of teh quest and another button with "map" telling you exactly where you should go to continue y-our quest.
loved what crafting i tried
what are the best trades for a sch? for money making? i'm thinking alchemist and weaver but i'll probably dabble in all of em.
There's maintenance (almost?) every week. There were major server problems last night on the regular worlds though.Do we have any idea what this maintenance is covering?
Thanks, but that doesn't helpI'll look for a wiki with an exact step by step guide of where to go..
Has the level cap been raised past 20 now? Thought I saw somebody level 40 yesterday.
Well, the touchpad also works as a mouse, so you could mouse over to the X on the window and hit close too!My only complaint about the ps4 version is the way they used the touchpad as the select button. I started the beta yesterday and those annoying hints pop up and i have to keep pressing the touch pad until it gets highlight it to read it and close it. other than that its pretty smooth.
No. does not craft to make money in this game anymore. You're free to level all of the crafts. None of them really suit any one class to be honest. Since everyone can be everything, there are no specializations within the crafts that fit one class better than another. It's also the reason why there is no economy to speak of in the game except buying Relic/EX Primal runs. =P
Yeah, I was wondering what I was going to do for a living. =/This is kind of disappointing, coming from memories of FFXI.
Not nearly as bad.Can any FFXIV vets who have played TERA prior to this comment on whether this is as ridiculously grindy to get decent gear / crystals / stats at endgame?
Basically, how is the RNG factor in this one?
Wonder if that could be fixed with something like limits on craft jobs you can undertake. Say you can only do 3 at a time (or period and make your choices wisely because it's permanent).
If you allow for someone to swap a new job for one of your 3, the downside is the loss of all acquired levels for that swapped out job (meaning you'd have to re-level it, if you ever went back).
Something like that would get back to people potentially having specialized skills, meaning that items would become "rarer" because fewer people can make them, or it could lead to character explosions, as people would create enough secondary characters to cover all their crafting needs.
I say all that, but from what I tried out on just leathercrafting, the crafting process in XIV is actually fun, while FFXI's crafting process was abject garbage (put your items together in some inventory blocks, press a button, hope it works and pray it'll give you 0.1 xp!
Not nearly as bad.
The permanent fix is to attach a security token to the account, either the hardware keyfob or the smart phone app. And you can remove the restriction by resetting the password.My girlfriend's PS3 RR account has been restricted for some reason. It says that it's because of a 'change in connection or suspicious activity'. She's brought her PS3 over to my house and put her console on my wi-fi, so I think we know why there's a 'change in connectivity, but how do we fix this?
Oh thank god for that. The phrase 'Masterwork' still makes me twitch.
My girlfriend's PS3 RR account has been restricted for some reason. It says that it's because of a 'change in connection or suspicious activity'. She's brought her PS3 over to my house and put her console on my wi-fi, so I think we know why there's a 'change in connectivity, but how do we fix this?
Finally done Sastasha. Easy when the team knows what to do. Also reached 20 with my archer, where the conjurer's guild?
The permanent fix is to attach a security token to the account, either the hardware keyfob or the smart phone app. And you can remove the restriction by resetting the password.
Heck, they're getting rid of the weekly cap for Myth in 2.2, so you could basically just grind Myth until you have a full set of endgame myth gear, and its basically some of the best gear in the game, below the new stuff they're adding for the new Coil turns.
Gear types go like this.
AF1 (Artifact 1): Is the "class attire" you see in the cutscenes and promo material. You get this for getting to 50 and beating your class questline. Its replaced quickly.
Darklight: the next step up from AF1, its ilvl70 and purchased with Philosophy Tomes, which are much easier to come by than their cousin.
Darksteel: Crafted ilvl70 armor. If its melded with materia up the wazoo, it can be above darklight and in some cases almost as good as ilvl90 gear. Its expensive.
Crystal Tower: ilvl80 gear that drops from the 24-man raid, but currently you can only earn 1 piece a week. Supposed to change in 2.2.
AF1.5 (Was AF2 until Devs named an upcoming set AF2): Same look as AF1, palette swap. Much better stats ilvl90. Tied for best gear in-game with Allaghan. Currently you can only earn 450 Myth a week, which would mean it would take ~2 months for a whole set. This is changing in 2.2.
Allaghan: Drops from the toughest 8-man content in the game, The Binding Coil of Bahamut, ilvl90, different stats and look from AF1.5. The "best" loadout in game for many classes currently is a mix of the ilvl90 gears. Currently the best weapons in the game for most classes drop here.
ilvl90+: Whatever they're having drop from the 4 new turns that are coming out in 2.2 in March.
There's also the EX Primals, which drop ilvl90 accessories, and there's a quest-chain to get your relic weapon (which is the one you see in most promo artwork for a respective job). Most people basically just grind up the chain and replace their worst piece of gear when they can afford or have something new. My fiance' was ilvl50 and a few weeks later she's ilvl75 or so.
Grats! The dungeons can be pretty fun when you finally finish it. Conj guild is in Old Gridania
Alchemist and weaver are good choices for a scholar. That would let you make all of your basic equipment. If you wanted a third, goldsmith might not be a bad idea, since it would let you make your own jewelry.loved what crafting i tried
what are the best trades for a sch? for money making? i'm thinking alchemist and weaver but i'll probably dabble in all of em.
That wouldn't fix the fundamental problem. Right now, the best gear that crafters can make is ilvl 70 gear. Doing so requires about a weeks worth of high-end dungeon grinding to get the materials to make one item. With that same number of materials, you can just buy enough ilvl 70 gear from a vendor to halfway equip a class. High-end crafted gear is nothing more than a luxury item. And even then, there is no means for crafters to make ilvl80 and 90 gear.Wonder if that could be fixed with something like limits on craft jobs you can undertake. Say you can only do 3 at a time (or period and make your choices wisely because it's permanent).
If you allow for someone to swap a new job for one of your 3, the downside is the loss of all acquired levels for that swapped out job (meaning you'd have to re-level it, if you ever went back).
Something like that would get back to people potentially having specialized skills, meaning that items would become "rarer" because fewer people can make them, or it could lead to character explosions, as people would create enough secondary characters to cover all their crafting needs.
Yeah, crafting is fun. The choice to make crafting work using many of the same rules and systems as combat (i.e. using gear and class abilities) was brilliant.I say all that, but from what I tried out on just leathercrafting, the crafting process in XIV is actually fun, while FFXI's crafting process was abject garbage (put your items together in some inventory blocks, press a button, hope it works and pray it'll give you 0.1 xp!
This is super helpful, thanks a bunch man; I've bookmarked your post for future reference. I'm probably not going to play much more of this beta phase, I've seen and heard enough to know I'm in; I'll wait until I can start making progress on my future Main in phase 2. I'm going to roll Arcanist first with a view to Scholar but I think getting Arc to 30 gives me flexibility in what to do next to a certain extent.
I did enjoy thaumaturge quite a lot though!
Glad someone can get someone out of my insane ranting on the game, LOL. I've played a lot of MMO's since EQ, and this is probably the first that's been able to actually hold me. Even managed to get my fiance' hooked.
Its actually worthwhile to try and level a job in each archetype (Tank, healer, DPS), since your tomes don't care what class they're earned on at level 50. So if there's someone running a dungeon in your group who needs a dps, you can run it as a dps class and still put those tomes towards your WHM or SCH gear.
Yeah for those working on playing the game for the long haul I also greatly advise the 'one of each archetype' path. I have WHM, BRD, and DRG and I seriously wished I had went and leveled a tank instead of SCH while working on the main missions. So often we can't do an FC event together because we lack a tank and need to go find one in shout/player party wars. The ability to have a player able to fill any role with competency (emphasis on competency... early on it was very hard to gear for more than one job to due mythology/BC restrictions, now its slightly easier with mythology cap change and darklight stuff is so easy to get you will be geared for another job in no time) is a huge boon to the ability to enjoy the game, especially with playing other friends. When I'm not working on getting mythology or doing CT runs during the week I'm trying to level PLD just so I finally have a tank job to use, even have a couple mythology and CT equipment waiting for it when it hits lvl 50.