Do people who played in the beta, but had never played the game before qualify for a free month when first subscribing?
Do people who played in the beta, but had never played the game before qualify for a free month when first subscribing?
Well, right now on the beta, I tied my SE acct that has my Windows CE registered to it with my PSN acct on the PS4.
Well you gotta buy the game. But whatever version you buy (PC, PS3, or PS4) you always get 30 days free. The free days stack too if you buy more than one version.
Hopefully Square Enix will fix some of the issues (tiny, unreadable text and such) and I'm sold for a day-one buy in April. At least for that "free" month
The only complaint I have is that the combat seems very repetitive. It clearly feeds off WoW, but each class in WoW has a multitude of spells to use, even by level 20. In FFXIV I was just spamming stone & aero every 20 seconds as a level 15 conjurer.. really dull.
Do DPS mages (forgot the name) have more spell variation? I had originally intended to roll one but I mistook dps mage for a conjurer and Gridania is cool as balls anyway.
DPS'ing as a conjurer is really the most boring thing on earth. They only reason why they gave Conjurer a special mount at level 30 was so that people would actually level that class.
Thamaturge does have a bit more variation, for them it's all about balancing MP to do maximum damage. Basically, the more you cast fire the stronger your fire spells get but they use more MP. When your MP gets low you switch to blizzard which refills your MP faster but does less damage.
Hopefully Square Enix will fix some of the issues (tiny, unreadable text and such) and I'm sold for a day-one buy in April. At least for that "free" month
The only complaint I have is that the combat seems very repetitive. It clearly feeds off WoW, but each class in WoW has a multitude of spells to use, even by level 20. In FFXIV I was just spamming stone & aero every 20 seconds as a level 15 conjurer.. really dull.
Do DPS mages (forgot the name) have more spell variation? I had originally intended to roll one but I mistook dps mage for a conjurer and Gridania is cool as balls anyway.
on dpsThe only complaint I have is that the combat seems very repetitive. It clearly feeds off WoW, but each class in WoW has a multitude of spells to use, even by level 20. In FFXIV I was just spamming stone & aero every 20 seconds as a level 15 conjurer.. really dull.
Do DPS mages (forgot the name) have more spell variation? I had originally intended to roll one but I mistook dps mage for a conjurer and Gridania is cool as balls anyway.
Hopefully Square Enix will fix some of the issues (tiny, unreadable text and such) and I'm sold for a day-one buy in April. At least for that "free" month
The only complaint I have is that the combat seems very repetitive. It clearly feeds off WoW, but each class in WoW has a multitude of spells to use, even by level 20. In FFXIV I was just spamming stone & aero every 20 seconds as a level 15 conjurer.. really dull.
Do DPS mages (forgot the name) have more spell variation? I had originally intended to roll one but I mistook dps mage for a conjurer and Gridania is cool as balls anyway.
Tanking is definitely the best in this game. You've gotta be paying constant attention and use many different skills while changing targets frequently. Very involving.
DPS being boring doesn't surprise me. It's DPS.![]()
Tanking is definitely the best in this game. You've gotta be paying constant attention and use many different skills while changing targets frequently. Very involving.
DPS being boring doesn't surprise me. It's DPS.![]()
Tanking sucks in this game in my opinion. The skills are boring, there are too many cooldowns to keep track of, and your abilities don't generate nearly enough threat if DPS are being stupid. And of course, you get blamed if DPS are being stupid, not the DPS. I'd rather managing threat be made easier so I can focus on my surroundings better.
I regret picking gladiator when I first made my character,
Tanking sucks in this game in my opinion. The skills are boring, there are too many cooldowns to keep track of, and your abilities don't generate nearly enough threat if DPS are being stupid. And of course, you get blamed if DPS are being stupid, not the DPS. I'd rather managing threat be made easier so I can focus on my surroundings better.
I regret picking gladiator when I first made my character,
Yep. Same here, although I managed to reach lv8. I'm interested in giving this a go if there is an y special sale.I really should've started this earlier. Currently Lv. 5 and still doing mostly fetch quests, but I like getting familiar with the interface and Gridania's layout. I appreciate the simplicity of the combat so far, too. It's pretty chill which is really nice in tandem with the art/music. I'm liking the lore and the writing a lot, too. ("Thank the Elementals.")
So yeah, I've only played for a few hours total (and I'll play a little more this evening), but I think this did it for me. It feels like a real piece of work on SE's part. It's fun, it nails the vibe you get from most FFs, and it has a great sense of self. I'm in.
It's actually not a horrible rotation for PLD.
Really enjoyed the beta. Some funny lines in there with references to film and games.
That is perfectly accurate, lol.
EDIT: Oh wait it is missing an "Do you have Shield Oath up?" check at the start. That's an embarrassing mistake to make.
noooo i never got to level 15 to ride my first airship![]()
Is that when you can do that? Bummer.
I'm really hyped for this now.
Wait, you could chat in the beta?!
So... just started leveling CNJ so I can unlock dat PLD.
Why doesn't it auto-attack automatically? This is infuriating.
I've tried macro'ing it to Stone, but "/action auto-attack" is simply a toggle, so every other cast on I'm actually turning it back off. There's a conditional macro command... right?
I'm being serious, I didn't see anyone talking at all. Ever.
It is unlikely people went out and bought keyboards just for the PS4 beta.
They'll need them for the live servers though.
The auto attack is hitting a mob with your weapon. Stone is an ability, not auto attack.
/ac "Stone" <t> <wait.3>
/ac "Stone" <t> <wait.3>
/ac "Stone" <t> <wait.3>
/ac "Stone" <t> <wait.3>
change the wait.x to your cooldown rounded up
It is unlikely people went out and bought keyboards just for the PS4 beta.
They'll need them for the live servers though.
Any way to hide ui without KB?
Sounds like I really screwed myself playing Conjurer. Shame the beta wasn't longer than a week or I'd have been able to test out some other classes. Thamaturge sounds a lot better though, I'll probably give that a shot.
Funnily enough, there were a lot of conjurers running around, it surprised me actually.
Huh? I asked for a way to conditionally turn on auto-attack via a macro, not repeatedly cast Stone over and over again. With tank/melee classes auto-attack will start on its own when you cast an ability. On CNJ it doesn't, you have to manually activate it yourself.
I'm being serious, I didn't see anyone talking at all. Ever.