Going to log, mine, and craft to my heart's content - in bed, on my Vita.
Sorry to be annoying with the questions, but I have one more question about the PS3 --> PS4 transfer process.
The only account I have made is the one I've used for the PC and PS4 betas. If I register my PS3 copy right when the PS4 version releases, will I be able to register it with the account that has my beta character from this upcoming phase?
I only ask because I've done the low level quest grind way too many times now. If I have to make a fresh account when I register my PS3 copy, I just won't participate in this beta phase. Otherwise I'm dying to play haha
Just to follow up. The beta and final version sit side by side on PS4. You will need to download the new client guys.I queued the download for the new client with the old client still installed. When I get home I'll have to see just what kind of mess I've created![]()
Not sure if im understanding your question, but you can register one pc, ps3, ps4 version all on the same account. As far as i know the beta account is actually a real account because theres even an option to begin subbing on it in mogstation.
I think that answers my question, thanks.
Oh yeah, just to add, the beta account definitely carries over since your progress on the beta in 2 days will carry over to the full game.
Just be careful that you are registering the ps3 version to your preexisting account and not creating a second service account under your umbrella S-E account. I know early on quite a few people did that because S-E's system is damn convoluted.
If you log into Mogstation, you'll notice that you have a tab titled "Final Fantasy XIV 1". I messed up somewhere when starting the first beta and somehow created a "Final Fantasy XIV 2" tab.
Just 24 hours to go
What? This is horrible. So every time I make a change on one I need to make a mental log to do it on the other platform?You'll discover that they don't make it easy to cross platform play though. Configuration information is stored locally on the console, so you'll need to setup your UI (including all of your actions on the hotbars) again for the new platform. They don't even store gear sets server-side, which is beyond stupid.
I've actually stopped playing on PC because of this. Maybe they'll be able to do it for PS3/PS4.
Just to follow up. The beta and final version sit side by side on PS4. You will need to download the new client guys.
Will the PS4 beta version I have now (from Feb) be updated when the servers go live tomorrow, or will I have to delete the current version on my HDD and download the FFXIV beta that's available now from the PSN store?
I've never played the game before, can I just download the beta now and have it ready to play tomorrow? This is open for everyone right?
What? This is horrible. So every time I make a change on one I need to make a mental log to do it on the other platform?
As someone who intends to switch between PC and PS4 quite regularly they need to fix this. It hurts my head just thinking about it.
We have a pretty healthy group of European folks in our FC. I can think of about 20 people off the top of my head, and I'm sure there are more.How many EU players play on Ultros?
We have a pretty healthy group of European folks in our FC. I can think of about 20 people off the top of my head, and I'm sure there are more.
What time do the servers go live? It's not like psn is it where it's 5pm est?
There is space, and I imagine that we're going to end up removing some of the more inactive folks again soon. We're well aware of the number of PS4 players who want to join us, so hopefully we can accommodate.Is there any space left in the FC? Didn't get to make my char yesterday, will probably only get a chance to tomorrow night.
8am GMT. Time to work.
really hope they fixed/added the following:
larger NPC text
readible remote play text
30 fps cap option
I just got a PS4 for ISS and MLB14, but also for FFXIV. I know it's been on pS3 since summer, but my PS3 broke down before it was released. The only MMO I played is DCUO( I can't wait to play again) so would it be hard to convert from DCUO.
DO we have a GAFGuild
Never thought I would be getting into this game, but it has a surprisingly good reputation among the PC community. Downloading the beta right now. Does the PS4 support usb wireless keyboards and mice? Or is it BT only?
There are gaf guilds for many of the servers, check this thread:
FFXIV Comunity thread
Yes, PS4 supports wireless usb keyboards/Mice.
Guys I don't know what class to roll!
Guys I don't know what class to roll!
I'd suggest looking at which city you want to start in. Aesthetics plays into the enjoyment.
Then I'd suggest archer because they can move around and attack.
This is a question better asked in the OT, but I'll answer.So I finally reached Level 50! How does the game change now? Obviously there are no new abilities to gain in your main class, nor is there a reason to gain experience points. I've still got some story missions to do, and there are several Lv. 50 dungeons that I haven't had the chance to visit yet. Looking forward to those!
Are there rewards for doing old dungeons to help others out? What's all this about tomestones?
Yes, the client that is availabale on PSN right now will carry over to launch.Sorry if this is a repeat question, but this current PS4 client, will you be able to continue using it during the PS4 launch? I already have a account from PC, was hoping to avoid having to purchase another disc just to install the game to play on the console.
I look forward to seeing some of the fresh blood with the PS4 release. Hope to see most of you in the official release and not just the beta
First time FFXIV player here, jumping in with the PS4 version. Is Ultros the server of choice for GAF in NA?
Yes, the client that is availabale on PSN right now will carry over to launch.
Alright I'll jump in the Ultros server as well. Should be fun. Are there a lot of fan service callbacks to past Final Fantasies in this game?
Alright I'll jump in the Ultros server as well. Should be fun. Are there a lot of fan service callbacks to past Final Fantasies in this game?