Dead Prince
just home now. updating the client. oh well. guess i'll play D3 on laptop in the meantime.
Just did a Crystal Tower run on my White Mage. Outside of the mini-boss before King Behemoth, the framerate stayed pretty stable. Most of the time it looked like it was 60 FPS. Overall, the performance is insanely impressive and generally matches the highest end computers.
The Allagan Bomb before King Behemoth hit the framerate pretty hard tho. Only time it dropped down to 30ish. Must have been the size of the room + all the effects.
Okay, so I transferred to ps3 to ps4, but when I log into ps4 I still can't select my character.
Am I doing something wrong?
Gridania if you love trees
Limsa Lominsa if you love the sea
Transfer just transfers the hotbars and some settings. After logging in, did you make sure to pick your server center (i.e. Ultros, Adamantoise, etc.)?
I was Gridania in Beta 1. Didn't realize I was picking a healer lol
It wouldn't let me select a new server...Im on Diabolos. (but want Ultros for the NeoGaf community)
I just had to hit start, and sit through the intro.
Im just where I left off.
Thanks for the advice!
Gridania if you love trees
Limsa Lominsa if you love the sea
Trying my best to get into this but just cant
Trying my best to get into this but just cant
It's got what I like to call a shitty curve. It sucks a lot for the first 15 levels, and then gets better. I hate having to relevel a character after hitting 20 in the beta.
I tried to log in and I kept getting errors do I have to redownload?
So, I played a lot back at launch (2 relics, etc), but haven't played since any of the new patches have dropped. Have a quick and simple do I unlock the roulettes for trials and high level?
Will the beta release become the official release digital copy where I just have to pay for the license?
I don't want to transfer my character from PS3 to PS4 I want to be able to play on PC/PS3/PS4 as needed.
My goal was to place a pre order at gamestop as the PSn store doesn't seem to have an official PS4 download/purchase option outside of the beta copy.
Okay, so I need Gilga for Trials and and the HM dungeons. Thanks for the info.Complete all of the respective duties within those categories manually. Trials is A Relic Reborn, Gilgamesh, the HM Primals, etc. High Level is Copperbell Hm/Haukke Manor HM/Pharos Sirius.
Okay, so I need Gilga for Trials and and the HM dungeons. Thanks for the info.
Also, how's the challenge log work? Unlocked how?
You do not transfer your characters. As long as you're using the same service account on all three systems, you'll have the same characters.
Thanks again. Lots of work to do!To unlock the Challenge Log, complete the quest Rising to the Challenge. It's at Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks at x11,y10
The log has several categories, with objectives in each category. They reset weekly. Complete them for the XP/Gil shown.
But from what i understood, unless it changed, I have to pay for an individual copy of the PS4 version or my PS3 version becomes unplayable unless I buy a license again.
Or is that no longer the case? That would make the PS4 version free?
I play PC/PS3 but I had to buy the PS3 version it wasn't free.
If you do the free transfer from PS3 to PS4, you will lose access to the PS3 version. If you wanted to play on the PS3 again, you would have to add a new copy of the game to your account. Nothing would happen to your characters in any case.
There isn't a whole lot of reason to keep the PS3 version however, seeing as the PS4 version is superior in every way.
Man, this is so beta it keeps giving me "server error" I try to log in. I just want to play the beta!
can't find the game on the canadian store![]()
Can we do the PS3-PS4 transfer right now?If you do the free transfer from PS3 to PS4, you will lose access to the PS3 version. If you wanted to play on the PS3 again, you would have to add a new copy of the game to your account. Nothing would happen to your characters in any case.
There isn't a whole lot of reason to keep the PS3 version however, seeing as the PS4 version is superior in every way.
Can we do the PS3-PS4 transfer right now?
Played on my bed....Awwwwww yeah
Can we do the PS3-PS4 transfer right now?
Can any body advise me, I "initiated" a levequest, and then all of a sudden all of my commands disappeared. So holding down L2 or R2 gave me none of my abilities. Not sure why all my abilities were removed from my hot bar. How do I put them back?
Can we do the PS3-PS4 transfer right now?
thnxGames> New> New This Month
If you mean the license transfer, no, not yet. That begins on April 11th.
The license transfer is not available yet. All you can do is transfer your UI settings over.
So if you have the PS3 version, you can't play with your character in the beta and must wait until 4/11 to do so? Perhaps that's why I'm getting a no service account found error when trying to log in with my PS3 details?
Ok, thanks.If you mean the license transfer, no, not yet. That begins on April 11th.
The license transfer is not available yet. All you can do is transfer your UI settings over.
No. You may use your characters in the beta. The license transfer is only for the retail release after the beta is over.
Did you download the new beta client during April 1st to April 3rd? You may need to "repurchase" it from the shop to get the service.
I may have. Do I simply find it in the store and reselect it?
Yup. That's all you have to do. Add it to your cart and checkout. You won't even need to redownload.