This patch. Should show up an option when you bring up an aetheryte menu.What? I been using the token since vanilla FFXIV. When was the free warp thing started? Because I have no free warps.
This patch. Should show up an option when you bring up an aetheryte menu.What? I been using the token since vanilla FFXIV. When was the free warp thing started? Because I have no free warps.
There's an option on the PC side to cap your framerate to 30 or 60 frames per second. The difference is pretty easy to see, especially if you're sensitive to framerate drops.
King_Moc's estimation is a bit off however. It definitely runs higher than 30 frames per second in most areas. Mor Dhona and one of the Crystal Tower fights (mini-boss before King Behemoth) are the only places I've seen significant framerate loss. Outside of cities, it's usually near the 60 FPS end, if not at it.
EDIT: Add Camp Tranquil to the list of areas with significant framerate loss.
Couple of questions:
1. Do you always have to type in your SE password ? Even in the final release ?
2. Could you buy the FFXIV LE for PC right now and continue the character from this beta on PC and on PS4 later ? Do you still get the 30 free days if you continue this beta-chara ?
3. Lets say i buy the game and stop playing(paying) 3 month from now - how long will the character data be saved on the server before they delete it ?
4. I saw a bunch GAFer running around in ULTROS ( nice) - would like to play or team up with some Gaffers, is there a easy way without having to join the guild/obligations etc. ? Since i am new to the game there isnt much i could add a guild and still dont know if`ll stick with the game.
5. Does the PC version also support the Playstation control setup ?
6. Is it possible to enjoy and finish the game by playing alone most of the time ? Or if not at which point in the game you need to rely on guilds/multiplayer etc. ?
7. Is there anything stopping you from joining every guild that interests you or should you focus your attention ? Same goes for classes - playing the Lancer right now - will he be later able to learn/use mage spells or do you have to strict keep the path you started with ?
Quick question: how do you teleport to the housing area? I have done the quest for the mist but can't seem to be able to find where I teleport from, I figured it would be added to the aethernet in limsa but it is not on my list.
So i may have asked this before but what the hell i will ask again!
When the 30 days trial is finished could i just buy a time card from amazon pop the code into the PS4 and continue playing or is that only for PC?
I don't know all the particulars about how they do it on the PC, but adding time or a subscription is done through the Mog Station. (Just google Mog Station)So i may have asked this before but what the hell i will ask again!
When the 30 days trial is finished could i just buy a time card from amazon pop the code into the PS4 and continue playing or is that only for PC?
So I was just wondering. I just got achievement unlocked on the PS4 beta (so that means in the full game I got a trophy).
What happens if I start the full game, do I still get those trophies? Or can you only get those Trophies if you start completely from the beginning again?
Yeah that city is confusing as hell.Does Square know the maps in this game are complete crap. I'm stuck in old gridania and i cannot find the airships, where exactly are they and how do i get there.
Yeah that city is confusing as hell.
Get to the Drowning Wench and take the elevator to the Airship dock.
Oh shit, that's where I was thinking you were. Sorry, nevermind.You serious? Gridania is easy as pie to navigate with the map. Lisa Lominsa is what throws me for a loop.
So is there anyway to go above level 20 during ps4 beta with transferring ps3 - ps4 or any other work arounds?
Don't currently have my own ps3 and can only play on ps4. From what I understand I would only be able to go past 20 on ps4 when early access begins as of April 11th?
So is there anyway to go above level 20 during ps4 beta with transferring ps3 - ps4 or any other work arounds?
Don't currently have my own ps3 and can only play on ps4. From what I understand I would only be able to go past 20 on ps4 when early access begins as of April 11th?
Oh shit, that's where I was thinking you were. Sorry, nevermind.
It's in the southern part of this map in new gridania.
thanks soo much
I'm starting to have second thoughts on this game. The most major problem i have with this game is there is not a proper map. I need a large map to tell me where to go or a marker with a path or something. Its so dumb i have to go searching online for a map and the some F-ed up thing is i cannot find any only stupid ass wikis for stupid crap i dont want. Are MMOs? like this? frustrating crap. All i want to know where is camp drybones, why is that so hard.
thanks soo much
I'm starting to have second thoughts on this game. The most major problem i have with this game is there is not a proper map. I need a large map to tell me where to go or a marker with a path or something. Its so dumb i have to go searching online for a map and the some F-ed up thing is i cannot find any only stupid ass wikis for stupid crap i dont want. Are MMOs? like this? frustrating crap. All i want to know where is camp drybones, why is that so hard.
No more level limits. That was only for Phase I.
I would like to know that too. @@Thanks! So upgrade question - do I have to patch the ps3 version and actually create a character so I can do a transfer from ps3 to ps4 to get the copy free for ps4 or is just linking the ps4 version to my SE account sufficient?
Thanks! So upgrade question - do I have to patch the ps3 version and actually create a character so I can do a transfer from ps3 to ps4 to get the copy free for ps4 or is just linking the ps3 version to my SE account sufficient?
No more level limits. That was only for Phase I.
Are you sure? I thought that if you created a character on the PS4 beta, the cap was still 20.
The playable content will be the same as that of the official Windows and PlayStation® 3 versions; however, for Beta Test Phase 2, characters that were created on the PlayStation® 4 will not be able to level beyond level 20.
Characters that have been made in the Windows and PlayStation® 3 versions will have no level restrictions when logging into the PlayStation® 4 version.
You are correct. If you have an existing character/account, you can level freely. However those who don't own the game are limited to level 20. Source.
So it sounds like if just starting a new character it may be beneficial to create on ps3 and just transfer over at level 1 so you can go past 20.
There is no transferring characters. Characters are saved to the account/server. Your client is irrelevant. The option that exists on the PS3/4 Launcher is actually for transferring UI settings.
Press square to pull up the map. You can resize it and make it as big as your entire screen if you need.There is a larger map.
No idea how to access it on PS4, but on PC you just click the mini-map in the top right to get a full map view, and there are markers pointing you where to go for every quest.
I can't seem to get past this one password thing :/
I've tried that, I have reset my password like 5 times and still tells me invalid ID or password. I'm giving up.If you don't have a one-time password, leave it blank.
I've tried that, I have reset my password like 5 times and still tells me invalid ID or password. I'm giving up.
I mean.....really.....What next Square? Bra and a dildo?
I mean.....really.....What next Square? Bra and a dildo?
I mean.....really.....What next Square? Bra and a dildo?