Try running it in administrator. Right click over file > properties > compatibility > check "run as administrator. Apply then try it.Kuraine said:Thanks for the link, but unfortunately that didn't work eitherStill got the same error with that disabled...
Salaadin said:Try running it in administrator. Right click over file > properties > compatibility > check "run as administrator. Apply then try it.
What error are you getting?
Could have a Ul'dah chapter, a Limsa chapter and a gridania chapter and merge them into a company (if there are companies in the OB and that is indeed how they work, a collection of link shells)Teknoman said:Heh how will we get the LS together this time? I know im starting in Ul'dah.
No other anti virus other than avg?Kuraine said:I'll try as administrator now; takes a while to update that 1.5 gig file, rar.
My error is:
"An update error has occurred.
Error 20524"
Zomba13 said:Could have a Ul'dah chapter, a Limsa chapter and a gridania chapter and merge them into a company (if there are companies in the OB and that is indeed how they work, a collection of link shells)
I guess Emp if they keep the names. If they change then I dunno. I'm sure someone would decide and we'd all jump on with him.vivin said:with under 24hours until Open beta starts, and still very little is known. Someone said they are adding additional servers for OB? But for now, we are all rolling Emperor right? who's making the linkshell? Anyone from current SoD FFXI playing? Tek maybe?
FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta Test Operations Department said:In preparation for the official release of FINAL FANTASY XIV on September 30, 2010 and the early release on September 22, we will be starting an open beta test to help put the finishing touches on the game. We ask that all users who can participate in the open beta test apply from the following website.
1.Access the following URL.
* The page will become accessible starting at 19:00 on Aug. 31, 2010.
2.Log in with your Square Enix account and have a registration code issued.
* Depending on the access status, we may temporarily suspend the issuance of registration code. If you cannot have registration code issued, we ask that you please wait a little while before trying again.
3.Register the registration code you received by e-mail on the Square Enix Account Management System.
Click "Select Service" from "Services and Options" on the left menu. Select "FINAL FANTASY XIV" from the services available and then "Add a service account." Enter the registration code you've been issued and proceed to the end of registration.
The Square Enix Account Management System:
As stated above, Open Beta Test requires a dedicated registration code and the login to Beta Test Site will become unavailable starting at 0:00 on Aug. 31, 2010 (PDT).
* Once the registration code is registered, you will be able to log in to Beta Test Site once again.
- Transferring your Character Name from the Open Beta Test to the Commercial Release
As long as the World you choose in the commercial release is the same as the World you chose in the open beta test, you will be able to transfer your character name. If you choose a different World for the commercial release, your character name will not be transferrable. For details, please refer to the beta test site.
- To PlayStation 3 Version Applicants:
This test phase will deal only with the Windows version of the software. Details regarding the test schedule for the PlayStation 3 version will be released by e-mail at a later date. If possible, we still ask and encourage you to take part in the testing on a Windows PC.
- Note:
・The open beta test is being conducted on the Windows version of the game only.
・Latest news and notifications will be periodically posted on the forums of the tester site.
・The game to be tested is under development, and may differ from the commercial release.
・Please direct all inquiries regarding FINAL FANTASY XIV to the Square Enix Support Center ( ).
FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta Test Operations Department
notworksafe said:Square just sent me a guide to the Open Beta. I guess everyone that has access now has to get a code to get access to the Open Beta?
notworksafe said:Nothing would make me happier. I'd love to eat my hat on everything. Content, mouse, UI slowness, fatigue...etc etc.
This page linked me to ffxivsetup.exe. When I run it after installing it crashes.Khrno said:You can go ahead and download everything now, but we couldn't tell you how to get on it if you weren't on the closed beta before.
Khrno said:More hype:
Eorzea ― The Making of a Realm #6
Making Music in Eorzea : Interview with Composer Nobuo Uematsu
DeathNote said:This page linked me to ffxivsetup.exe. When I run it after installing it crashes.
What do I do with the .rar and patch after I download it?
Khrno said:As explained by notworksafe
Unrar to C:\Users\*user*\Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta Version\downloads\ffxiv-beta\d96437e6 after installing the Beta but before updating. Then run the updater to get the rest of the updates.
There is a new patch: D2010.08.31.2000 9.29MB
DeathNote said:And what about 1.2GB file D2010.08.30.2000.patch?
My "My Games" folder was not there until I tried to run ffxivboot.exe. It lagged for a second then created "My Games\FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta Version\downloads\ffxiv-beta\bca2a8ae".carlo6529 said:I downloaded the installer and installed it. Then I downloaded the squareenix rar file. When I went to unzip it, the downloads folder is not there, and thus no folder after that.
C:\Users\*user*\Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta Version\downloads\ffxiv-beta\d96437e6\patch?
The game is under program files for me though, not user>documents. I couldn't figure it out so I just starting updating from scratch and left the pc on all night, but I'm only at 24 % after 12 hours.
Any suggestions?
DeathNote said:After I download the rar I'm assuming I'm supposed to manually create "\d96437e6".?
carlo6529 said:Any suggestions?
Wait. As far as the .rar goes...Khrno said:As explained by notworksafe
Unrar to C:\Users\*user*\Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta Version\downloads\ffxiv-beta\d96437e6 after installing the Beta but before updating. Then run the updater to get the rest of the updates.
Don't you already have the right folder?DeathNote said:My "My Games" folder was not there until I tried to run ffxivboot.exe. It lagged for a second then created "My Games\FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta Version\downloads]ffxiv-beta\d96437e6\ffxiv-beta\bca2a8ae".
After I download the rar I'm assuming I'm supposed to manually create "\d96437e6"??
I meant to say...Rentahamster said:Don't you already have the right folder?
Teknoman said:Heh how will we get the LS together this time? I know im starting in Ul'dah.
.....So, I've lost my security token and can't quite work out how I'm meant to get into my account now.
I found a support page which directs me to request more assistance, but following their steps just takes me to an error page.
Does anyone know what I'm actually meant to do in this situation?
Jinko said:----------------------------------------------------------
Limsa Lominsa
Jinko said:I suppose we may have to end up with 3 LS's for each area, I'm starting in Gridania, might need to make a list of where people are going to start.
Limsa Lominsa
If the linked PlayOnline IDs FINAL FANTASY XI is in the free trial period.
Rentahamster said:Does that mean it'll be pointless to buy FFXI just to get the shoes, as one would have to wait one month for the free trial period to expire, then pay for the next month of play?
Khrno said:Code:[B][U]Gridania[/U] [/B] Jinko Londa Gromph vivin Khrno [B][U]Ul'Dah[/U][/B] Teknoman CcrooK [B][U]Limsa Lominsa[/U][/B]
FixedKhrno said:Code:[B][U]Gridania[/U] [/B] Jinko Londa Gromph vivin Khrno [B][U]Ul'Dah[/U][/B] Teknoman CcrooK Bento [B][U]Limsa Lominsa[/U][/B]
Easier to quote.
FINAL FANTASY XIV Open Beta Test Postponed
FINAL FANTASY XIV Open Beta Test, which is scheduled to begin at 02:00 (GMT) on Sept. 1, 2010, will be postponed due to a confirmation of critical bugs. New schedule will be released at a later date.
Along with the postponement of FINAL FANTASY XIV Open Beta Test, the issuing of registration code for FINAL FANTASY XIV Open Beta Test will be postponed as well. With the download of client software's installer, it will be suspended at 02:00 (GMT) on Sept. 1, 2010.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
The FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta Test Site can only be accessed by those who have been granted Beta Test accounts.
Beta testers can log in from the link below using their Square Enix Account.
DeathNote said:Wait. As far as the .rar goes...
FINAL FANTASY XIV Open Beta Test Postponed
Same for north americaJinko said:Limsa is guna be a ghost town, I suppose new testers will flock there though.
I wonder if they plan to give us a look at the town before selecting it like FF11 did.
WHAT !!! but my excitement ;.;
Lmao this is so dumb:lolSquareEnix said:Along with the postponement of FINAL FANTASY XIV Open Beta Test, the issuing of registration code for FINAL FANTASY XIV Open Beta Test will be postponed as well.