You defeat you"... wtf? I guess you can be emo and kill yourself in this game?
They have to test the Samurai and Dark Knight class out some how.
You defeat you"... wtf? I guess you can be emo and kill yourself in this game?
Canti said:Ahh I wondered why the game just froze up on me.
Doesn't seem very well optimised? I can run Crysis in windows 720p with max settings on my radeon 5870/i7 but here I was pushing 15-20 fps (with double buffer and x8 AA mind). Lowering shadows to high (instead of highest), 4x AA and native 720p resolution I'm getting a playable 35-40 fps average, about 25 fps around busy area like Blackbush. Can keep ambient and DOF on with no problems doing that.
edit: pic sample -
Eaten By A Grue said:Will do. Either the game is coded poorly or this is the first game to challenge my gaming rig. I am hoping the former.
I know, but looking at pics of the game I thought my 5870 would be able to handle it (which, evidently, it cant XD). But I think my new settings are fine, I'd rather play with ambient and dof on and hover around 35 rather than turn it off for a 10 fps boost.Jinko said:LOL double buffer is twice the resolution, so you in fact running the game at 1440p and downscaling.
Aesthet1c said:Anyone else having a terrible time trying to apply for the beta?
I got the server busy page all last night, then I got the page this morning saying they are suspending giving out any more keys, and now I'm back to the server busy page![]()
Jinko said:For the Gridania emote quest these are the following emotes you need to use .
Ryd = Surprise
Elyn = Lookout
Aunuille = Beckon
Powle = Cheer
Sansa = Bow
Nicoliaux = Clap
Took me for every to figure them out.
I have messaged a bunch of the Gridania people but no response will just let you message me in your own time i guess lol.
Hold Scroll Lock then push Print Screenblackmamba707 said:is there a shortcut to capture screens?
I'm stuck at 47.3% as well.DrForester said:Newest update wont go past 47% ><
zlatko said:I have an issue now where I can't get back into the game.
It's stuck on "now loading" in the lower right after I select my character. I tried restarting my computer. Changing from windowed to not windowed mode. I downloaded the two patch files from today and put them in where they go, was able to log in fine after that, then the game crashed again later by going to R0, so I had to quit out.
I think it said something about "direct x" but I think that was with the fact that I alt tabbed when the game was full screen instead of windowed.
Anyone know the remedy ?
Same problem here, after patching the game stalled with R 0, then after restarting I'm left on the now loading screen. Can't even try the game with all the patches installed XDzlatko said:I have an issue now where I can't get back into the game.
It's stuck on "now loading" in the lower right after I select my character. I tried restarting my computer. Changing from windowed to not windowed mode. I downloaded the two patch files from today and put them in where they go, was able to log in fine after that, then the game crashed again later by going to R0, so I had to quit out.
I think it said something about "direct x" but I think that was with the fact that I alt tabbed when the game was full screen instead of windowed.
Anyone know the remedy ?
jiggle said:lv 5 already
and still rank1
this stinks
zlatko said:I love the 48hr cool down on leves too. Like it's my god damn fault your game crashes while I'm mid quest, so I have to wait 48 hours to try again? Hell even if you DIE during a leve quest you can keep resuming it, bug lord knows if the game crashes you should be punished. UGH!
jiggle said:didn't they fix this so u can reflag failed quest?
zlatko said:I backed out to try again and it's error 1015.
Basically means we won't be getting to play again for 30 mins to an hour, and when we do I believe it sets up a log in queque. Last time I was 287 in line, which made me wait another half hour.
I love the 48hr cool down on leves too. Like it's my god damn fault your game crashes while I'm mid quest, so I have to wait 48 hours to try again? Hell even if you DIE during a leve quest you can keep resuming it, but lord knows if the game crashes you should be punished. UGH!
Munba said:Concert hall!
Ok, i'm sold![]()
zlatko said:Not sure. When I went to the crystal to pick a leve(after a crash) it showed it grayed out. I guess it's partly my fault for not clicking the grayed out one to see if I can try again.
Velion said:R0'd here and its not letting me back on, anyways so 1k~ users is the number the queue starts I see.
jiggle said:iirc
u have to go back to the NPC to reflag it
zlatko said:Is there a quick travel method from the camp site out of Ul'dah back to the counter to get the leve ? Or should I just hoof it back ? I think when I looked at the teleport option I didn't see the option for the town I started in or maybe I'm not familiar with its name.
Nolimit_SS said:Now every time I get to select character screen game crashes...