zlatko said:I have a question that I can't figure out at all.
I got to about level 17 marauder about 2 days ago. I exped that day and noticed whenever I was killing mobs it said I was getting "bonus exp" per kill. I was like wooh sweet. I checked my stats and it showed my # of exp gained so far was in yellow font instead of the usual white(or green if you are under guardian favor on a guild leve).
I assumed this yellow font was fatigue as people had mentioned it, so I hadn't played Marauder until today for a leve. I still got bonus exp, but when the leve was over my exp font went to white again.
Did I ever have fatigue? What was giving me this bonus exp?
Square-Enix said:We would like to thank everyone who has participated in the FINAL FANTASY XIV Open Beta Test.
The open beta test currently being conducted is scheduled to end at 5:00 p.m. on September 19, 2010 (PDT). Following the end of the open beta test, the beta test site will close at 12:00 a.m. on September 20, 2010 (PDT).
Client downloads will cease simultaneously with the end of the open beta test.
The bug report form will be closed simultaneously with the beta test site.
There isnt much time left in the open beta test, but we would like to thank everyone for their cooperation and support..
Kintaro said:I'm fine to stay in Lindblum. I will be starting in Limsa. I'm more than willing to hang out in Limsa during the first few days to get people pearls who start out in that area. Problem is, getting a pearl out to me. :lol
Teknoman said:That'll be easy, unless they make it harder to hit the ferry in retail.
So far it looks like we're staying on Lindblum, which will be cool since everyone can keep their names...if it was the name they wanted.
zlatko said:Lindblum is what the server is going to be?
I'll try to see if my real life buddies/LSmates from XI would want to roll onto that server instead of Figaro, but I doubt it.
I made my third and final character tonight just to view the opening cut scene for Gridania. It's like all the Vanille level voice actors got into one room. The cut scene was great, but the voice acting and dialog was so blah. The other towns are pretty much the same in that sense, but I'm going to stick with Limsa when game launches. The pirate story stuff has me hooked to know more.![]()
Unknown Soldier said:This game is a piece of shit. Playing as an Archer means that your accuracy in hitting a target depends on lag. I'm dead serious here. When I an soloing as an Archer, I have no problems hitting mobs. But then I get in a party and I miss 9 out of every 10 shots. Squenix are seriously the most incompetent pieces of shit in the history of incompetent pieces of shit if they can't even figure out how to make netcode which doesn't screw up the ability of players to play the fucking game.
I absolutely, positively will cancel my preorder if SE doesn't fix this before launch. Archer is the class I want to play. Yeah, I'm pretty much just pissing in the wind by posting this, I know that SE doesn't care. Well, they might care if the game crashes and burns as everybody cancels preorders because of the state of this open beta. But then it will be too late, and another promising MMOG will join a long line of promising MMOGs in the dustbin of MMOG history.
Londa said:Ever think that the mob you was soloing had less evasion than a mob you are partying on which is most likey higher level than the mob you soloed? Higher the mob the higher the evasion they have.
Unknown Soldier said:No, because everybody else in my party who were melee classes were kicking it's ass liberally in good measure. :lol
Jinko has noticed it too, that archer accuracy is dependent on latency. I'm not imagining this, I spent ~5 hours in a party killing goats and giant enemy crabs to reach my conclusion.
Londa said:The only thing I have noticed is that lag will not allow me to do actions. It has never made me miss. Only time I have missed that bad is when doing level 20 leves as a rank 7 mar.
Unknown Soldier said:Try being an Archer.
Unknown Soldier said:Try being an Archer.
Unknown Soldier said:I should describe exactly what I was up to the last 12 hours or so of play.
First, I spent a few hours soloing dodos in Limsa. I worked my way up from level 11, rank 9 Archer to level 15, Rank 12 Archer. Most of the leveling up was gained by doing Alchemy leves, most of the skilling up was done by contributing to the future extinction of dodos in Eorzea. In general, I rarely if ever missed landing the big damage skills fighting the dodos, and most of the time if I did miss it was only once a fight. After awhile of doing this, it became very easy to tell when I was going to miss, all I would have to do was look at the R/S color arrows in the upper right side of my screen and see if it was green or yellow. Green meant a good fight I was almost guaranteed to win, yellow meant that I would need to see if I was being allowed to attack or not and if my shots were landing. In general, yellow during a fight was an indicator I should run away and wait for the lagstorm to end before resuming soloing.
After that, I joined a party which was busy killing the nanny aldergoat mobs. Early on it was just me, a healer, and a tank. The healer was Alex Smith and the tank was Mister Oop, you're welcome to ask them what they saw and if it corroborates my account of events. So, with just 3 of us, we went off and starting killing goats. I was landing almost all of my attacks and doing my assigned task, which was to deal damage to the goat while the healer healed the tank. Later on, 2 more people from GAF LS joined our party and we were now 5. We went off to kill giant enemy crabs. I noticed from that point forward, when the size of the party grew from 3 to 5, that I began missing almost all of my shots. Landing a shot 2 out of 9 or even 1 out of 10 times suddenly became the norm. At first I thought something was wrong, my gear was broken or something so I went back to town to repair all my gear and buy arrows. Nothing had changed other than there were now more people hitting the mob, creating latency for me. After awhile Eithne Rain logged off and we were 4, so we went back to killing goats. Sure enough, I was still missing almost every shot I took. These were the same fucking goats that I was able to hit earlier in a party of 3. After awhile I got pissed about this and the party broke up, I went off by myself to test a hunch and killed a dodo. I was again hitting every shot I took and the dodo soon joined the hundreds of other dodos I had genocided today.
So no, I do not believe that this is working as SE intended. Something is screwed up which makes the Archer's accuracy become effectively zero when latency increases beyond a certain point. I noticed this even when soloing, if there were other people busy fighting their own mobs while I was trying to solo, my accuracy suddenly went down. If I then walked away on my own and looked for a spot without a bunch of people, I could magically hit the dodos again. This is not a fluke, and I am not full of shit. This is what I observed during normal play grinding XP in Limsa.
Londa said:It is because after your party grew you guys decided to stop killing goats and kill the crabs. Crabs are harder than Goats. They also are harder to damage even when you hit them.
Unknown Soldier said:Try harder next time and read all the way until the end of my post before you reply. Otherwise do us all a favor and don't bother replying at all.
Londa said:What is there to try? you decided to fight harder mobs making it harder to hit. You should prolly stop posting because you don't understand acc isn't effect by lag.
Londa said:What is there to try? you decided to fight harder mobs making it harder to hit. You should prolly stop posting because you don't understand acc isn't effect by lag.
Londa said:It is because after your party grew you guys decided to stop killing goats and kill the crabs. Crabs are harder to kill than Goats. They also are harder to damage even when you hit them.
You could always try...reading the whole post. :lolLonda said:What is there to try?
The person who should stop posting is you, since your apparent only purpose in this thread is to reflexively defend this game against any possible criticism which may be leveled against it. Again, read my fucking post to the end, and then try replying in a manner other than a blind fanboy.
notworksafe said:You could always try...reading the whole post. :lol
notworksafe said:Maybe yes, maybe no. There's no way to tell because Square are so scarce with any type of helpful info. It wouldn't even be the dumbest decision they've made for this game either.
notworksafe said:Oh boy, here we go...
Cue 2-3 pages of Londa bitching that he's being attacked unfairly and people responding about his overly inflammatory posts. This may lead to bitching about FFXIV and unreasonable expectations from both sides. Expect liberal use of the words "fanboy", "easy mode", "challenge", and probably some clearly uninformed disses of both WoW and FFXI / FFXIV.
Accuracy seems to be shit for almost everyone. My Marauder will sometimes go multiple swings or weapon skills in a row without hitting and thats after I tried pouring the majority of my points into DEX. Either ACC is broken or enemies have ungodly high EVA. Theres also the issue that a lot of us are currently lacking in equipment to pad the necessary stats.
And just like the issue Unknown Soldier talked about, Ive noticed my Marauder get these odd ACC drop offs. Ill kill 15 mobs fine and then the next 10 will take forever as I spend the majority of the fight whiffing. I cant explain it.
It could be lag causing it, I dont know. But, theres also a ton of other factors in this game that could be causing it. Hell, for all we know SE might make ACC drop when its night time because our players cant see =P