Kyoufu said:Shit doesn't work. I'm confused. :/
Jinko said:Open the menu.. you will have the option to mine aslong as you have the correct tools equpped.
Gromph said:Redownload the setup. the one you downloaded is corrupted
Londa said:There is no end game in FFXIV yet because the cap is only at level 30 and the game is in closed beta.
Robobandit said:Anyone else using an ATI card just getting horrible performance?
a ton of framerate drops.. into the teens and lower..
any tips would be appreciated.
I read that there were performance issues for some ATI users.. but never saw anything additional about it.
I've borrowed a friends account, so I didn't want to post on the official forums.
Druz said:It's not though. Downloaded it many times from several computers.
chris-013 said:Omg the gameplay is awful with the keyboard/mouse. :/
Its not keyboard/mouse because the mouse is useless.chris-013 said:Omg the gameplay is awful with the keyboard/mouse. :/
I will try ps3 pad + HDTV after the break...
MiloFoxburr said:Yeah I plugged in my 360 pad after about 2 minutes of messing with the Keyboard/Mouse and haven't looked back. Plays so much better.
MiloFoxburr said:I'm on Shadowlord but I don't have much issue rerolling onto another server if a GAF Majority picks one.
-edit- Shadowlord is fairly quiet I've found. I've had no issues doing quests.
Gromph said:Im shadowlord too..(Gromph Beta) deleted my old char
Corran Horn said:Go to one of those crystal things and you can activate it through the menus/QUOTE]
Ohhhh okay, that's why I wasn't getting anything. Thanks!
NarcissisticJay said:on Exdeath.. anyone else?
Teknoman said:On Emperor, there was a big discussion going on about ATI performance. Nvidia card users werent experiences many issues (some were, but from outdated cards). Mostly ATI complained about really low framerates in certain areas (in town, near certain camps outside, near certain desolate areas outside). I will say the framerate stayed a steady 30 fps most of the time further out near Cedarwood and that Bay place.
Gromph said:Try the one from here.
and shutdown your antivirus maybe it is corrupting your ffxivgame.exe
Druz said:Keep in mind I'm a computer nerd by trade. Downloaded it and it's still giving me Windows 64 bit compatibility issues.
Salaadin said:If its not too much of a pain, can you post what cards people were having issues with? Im so paranoid about my 5850. I think I want to get in the beta more to see how well it runs more than I want to actually play it.
It sucks.daebo said:Has there been ANY talk from square about using the mouse?
Quiet you!Wes said:Don't believe you!
Coldsnap said:ATI HD 4850 here and I'm getting frame rate issues in town, outside, and around camps. I ventured way off this morning to where no one was and I was getting a smooth 30fps while logging / fighting.
Salaadin said:Why cant an interviewer ask about mouse support? Id like to know if SE at least is thinking about it.
eh after playing FFXI I am so use to not using a mouse and I imagine its gonna be the same here. Keyboard only ftwdaebo said:I know... I don't think I've seen a question about it in an interview or at least SERIOUS questioning about it. They need to be drilled. I'm sure it has mostly to do with console version. DOnt' want to give PC players an edge over ps3 players, but.. whatever. I'm still going to play but i want superior mouse controls.
Limited control schemes FTL.Corran Horn said:eh after playing FFXI I am so use to not using a mouse and I imagine its gonna be the same here. Keyboard only ftw
Yoshichan said:It sucks.
Salaadin said:If its not too much of a pain, can you post what cards people were having issues with? Im so paranoid about my 5850. I think I want to get in the beta more to see how well it runs more than I want to actually play it.
notworksafe said:I guess SQE is going for the ultra-casual market. Old people who don't even own mice with their computers!
Valru said:Limited control schemes FTL.
CcrooK said:I'm using a 5850 Sapphire Toxic card. If you look back at my screenshots and the couple of movies I posted, the game looks great. How it runs? Varies. In the city it sucks hard. Goes from 30 to 1 fps all over the place. Outside of the city when you're near the hubs with crowded folk, it stutters all around. Once away, a solid 30fps. When you get to do instances within the city, 30fps. So again, it varies. The card can handle the game perfectly and will once the client gets more optimized.
How about your CPU? What you using?
I would imagine PS3 version does. At least it did on FFXISalaadin said:Exactly.
If the PS3 is the reason, why not patch it in there. If UT3 could have KB/M support on PS3, Im sure FFXIV can. Give both platforms both options.
Salaadin said:If its not too much of a pain, can you post what cards people were having issues with? Im so paranoid about my 5850. I think I want to get in the beta more to see how well it runs more than I want to actually play it.
Coldsnap said:ATI HD 4850 here and I'm getting frame rate issues in town, outside, and around camps. I ventured way off this morning to where no one was and I was getting a smooth 30fps while logging / fighting.
CcrooK said:I'm using a 5850 Sapphire Toxic card. If you look back at my screenshots and the couple of movies I posted, the game looks great (and those shots were with AAx1. AAx4 looks much better). How it runs? Varies. In the city it sucks hard. Goes from 30 to 1 fps all over the place. Outside of the city when you're near the hubs with crowded folk, it stutters all around. Once away, a solid 30fps. When you get to do instances within the city, 30fps. So again, it varies. The card can handle the game perfectly and will once the client gets more optimized.
How about your CPU? What you using?
I've rarely used the mouse myself. Only time I've used it was for the drop down menu for my abilities to place on my bar. Numpad works great though I'd like for a few things changed on it with a key mapper but have to see if SE will do that. If not, it's that big of a deal. Just have to adapt.
MomoPufflet said:Would anyone be kind enough to either post some screenshots or a 10 second video scrolling through the available female Lala hairstyles?
MomoPufflet said:Would anyone be kind enough to either post some screenshots or a 10 second video scrolling through the available female Lala hairstyles?
Give addons/mods to the PS3 as well! UT3 allowed it as well!Salaadin said:Exactly.
If the PS3 is the reason, why not patch it in there. If UT3 could have KB/M support on PS3, Im sure FFXIV can. Give both platforms both options.
LaneDS said:My biggest issue presently is the seeming lack of content. You've got Treasures of the Main, which is pretty cool and takes a while, and then you've got... nothing? Levequests are all very similar (kill X mobs at Bearded Rock or chop Y amount of trees, or slightly harder but entirely similar missions at Skull Rock) and you can only do them every two days? Most of the mobs populating the zone are either really easy (Wharf Rats) or really hard, and even with the faster combat system combat pretty much is just spamming one or two abilities endlessly (my Pugilist has four to choose from presently).
I know it's beta, but the fact they're content to just launch this in two months is mind boggling to me. There's just not enough game here yet, assuming that the beta is reflective of what we can expect for this area.
Salaadin said:For those with ATI cards and having some issues, are you guys running the latest Catalyst 10.6 drivers? I know of a few people who had to roll back to 10.5 after having issues with other games. Maybe FFXIV is one of those games.
Teknoman said:If no one else does it, i'll try during todays second test.
CcrooK said:I could do that Thursday evening. Unless Tek beats me to it.