I'm fairly certain they'll be using different server names for retail. They always used different server names for test servers in ffxi.
Kirashi said:tried it a bit last night...
how can anyone approve this shitty control on the kb?
it's totally designed for gamepads
i played 4 years of ff11 (2002-2006) and wow (late 2005-2009). i remember i used to really like ff11's control. maybe wow's flawless control really did it for me?
I am about to cancel my preorder because of the shit controls, arg.
Playing FFXI the controls feel fine. My only issue is the camera control which I hope they move back to the arrow keys. I never use the mouse for XI so not using the mouse for XIV feels fine.Kirashi said:tried it a bit last night...
how can anyone approve this shitty control on the kb?
it's totally designed for gamepads
i played 4 years of ff11 (2002-2006) and wow (late 2005-2009). i remember i used to really like ff11's control. maybe wow's flawless control really did it for me?
I am about to cancel my preorder because of the shit controls, arg.
Forbiden said:Question. Once I download the .patch file for the newest update, where do I place the file?
Forbiden said:Question. Once I download the .patch file for the newest update, where do I place the file?
Metalmurphy said:Only if I can have it back later
Kirashi said:tried it a bit last night...
how can anyone approve this shitty control on the kb?
it's totally designed for gamepads
i played 4 years of ff11 (2002-2006) and wow (late 2005-2009). i remember i used to really like ff11's control. maybe wow's flawless control really did it for me?
I am about to cancel my preorder because of the shit controls, arg.
At retail there should be one server called Biggs&Wedge. I would so play on that server.Corran Horn said:Biggs and Wedge servers!
sky said:Are there any other explorable areas?
Almost all the screens I've seen are of the same few zones...
Teknoman said:
Pai Pai Master said:You should be able to wear whatever the hell you want, IMO. Leave it up to the players if they wanna be jackasses and go tank mobs in mage gear.
HappyBivouac said:It'd be end up a balancing nightmare I think.
But since they're more keen on players making their own classes, maybe it could work.
Teknoman said:La Noscea is really big. There is a place called Casseopia Hollow that I want to check out in the zone though. Same with a bay section that looks like it has Drakes. Not sure if anyone has covered the entire zone yet...
But once I get situated on Shadowlord, thats the first thing i'm going for.
Teknoman said:Well in Dragon Quest IX, anyone can wear a turban, however, it boosts Magic mending, magic might, and defense stats. This means even though anyone can wear it, it's best for mages or priests. So im sure it could work out somehow.
On Jul. 14, 2010 at around 23:15 (PDT), we performed a version update of the FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta Version. The update will be performed automatically when you next run the FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta Version.
Details on the update will be announced separately.
HappyBivouac said:It's in beta, and they've been testing different control schemes. People have been going crazy complaining about the way it is right now, so they'll change it.
Protip: move using numpad, not wasd. It's a lot less clumsy, since you can lock onto mobs using the numpad, then take your left hand off the camera controls for battle and have your left hand on the numbers for actions, and right hand on the numpad for movement. It works out decently if you're used to numpad movement, but it's still not as good as ffxi or wow controls.
Gromph said:New update:
Ok, here is a workaround for anyone who didnt make to the last update.
Download the SquareEnix.rar file and extract to FFXIV instalation folder, then launch FFXIV and i will update to the last one (small file)
2h 20mLonda said:how many more hours til servers are open?
desa said:
It's 15MB. If you've updated and installed the 7.12 patch you are ok.Kulock said:I've spent since Monday night trying to download the patches. I finally just found the link here this morning to download the 7/12 3 gig patch, so I did... now it wants to download another 3 Gig patch (H2010.07.15.2000.patch), and by the time it'll be done, today's beta testing will be over too. What a mess.
Hazaro said:It's 15MB. If you've updated and installed the 7.12 patch you are ok.
Kulock said:I've spent since Monday night trying to download the patches. I finally just found the link here this morning to download the 7/12 3 gig patch, so I did... now it wants to download another 3 Gig patch (H2010.07.15.2000.patch), and by the time it'll be done, today's beta testing will be over too. What a mess.
Kulock said:I figured it was trying to redownload the whole thing with the recent changes rolled in, but how do I force it to install the 7/12 patch? Something to do with ffxivupdater.exe?
Really? That's... unfortunate.The patcher is fairly stupid, if you're in the middle of downloading or have downloaded an older patch but not installed it by the time a new patch is released the patcher will begin downloading the new full patch.
Hazaro said:
Place the 3.5GB .patch file in the patch directory that the .txt file says along with the other 3
I mean you could still try it.
MiloFoxburr said:What you need now is http://awk.cenobyte.org/ffxiv/SquareEnix.rar which Gromph awesomely uploaded. It's the full FF14 install folder rar'ed up. So you can download that and just have to download a couple of small patches with the updater.
Kulock said:Of course, if I could force the patch I already downloaded to install, that would be great too.
HappyBivouac said:It's in beta, and they've been testing different control schemes. People have been going crazy complaining about the way it is right now, so they'll change it.
desu said:Trying to play with Dual Shock 3 this time, is there a recommended button layout for it?
Komoto: We want players to focus on how they engage a monster. In FFXI, you would just kill one after the other, but now there are party vs. party battles which demand players focus on tactics and strategy. This is just something I found funny, but there are monsters that will stare in your direction. So, you might think "What are you lookin' at?" and smack them only to find out they're ridiculously strong. (laughs) Even in regular battles you will find yourself in wrapped up in all sorts of situations. I think that's something people will really enjoy.
If I plug in my DS3 do I need the drivers that I've seen floating about?Jinko said:See they fixed the Nvidia problems but not the ATI Ones, thanks a bunch SE, server selection is in at least.
Default works great you may want to swap the circle (action) and cross (cancel) button over though in the configs.
- On certain AMD (ATI) graphics cards, the FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta Version may run slowly.
* Partial measure has been implemented during the Jul. 14, 2010 version update.