Zomba13 said:Anyone know if the beta is on tomorrow 12pmGMT - 10PM GMT? It says nothing about it being off (only 12am - 10am being off, the one later on tonight)
Was canceled. (think you got the days mixed up)
Zomba13 said:Anyone know if the beta is on tomorrow 12pmGMT - 10PM GMT? It says nothing about it being off (only 12am - 10am being off, the one later on tonight)
>.< I was looking at the wrong date. Makes sense then. Silly me.Baloonatic said:There isn't one for that time.
Kagari said::/ They probably should delay the PC version as well at this rate.
LaneDS said:It's absolutely lacking in direction once you complete the starting quest (Treasures of the Main) and the Levequests available to you. You can roam the barren zone and fight monsters that probably shouldn't be there.
As for exploring, you can find a variety of empty locations and invisible walls if you set out to do so.
I know it's beta, and some folks have already replied to me directly saying this is all intentional on Square's part, but damn if it doesn't fill me with me with worry for the launch of this game. I very much want to be proven wrong on all of the above, mind you, just waiting for Square to actually do so.
Teknoman said:Something probably just screwed up with the servers. I'm sure stuff like this has happened with other MMOs and even happens with Steam, PSN, and XBL servers from time to time.
Plus there were never any weekend tests (was supposed to be some maintenance period), so it's not that big a deal.
If anything i'd expect an update with a decent amount of fixes by the end of the week.
To test class balance, content difficultly and balance, and for bugs related to quests/cutscenes/instances/etc so they don't have to do it after launch.Londa said:I don't understand.
Why would SE release a ton of content for a beta test. They just want to make sure the game is working right. If they released more content, what would there be to look forward to on release day?
Also why would they give us a lot of content in beta when we are playing the game for free?
Jinko said:Cause I was bored ..
LaneDS said:Yeah, I've been in countless betas over the last decade, XI included. If people want to attack my opinion on it lacking in content, that's fine. But there's nothing saying beta tests can't be full of content to test, or quite a bit of fun. If you have to convince yourself otherwise though, by all means.
Kagari said::/ They probably should delay the PC version as well at this rate.
Jinko said:Cause I was bored ..
LaneDS said:But there's nothing saying beta tests can't be full of content to test, or quite a bit of fun.
Ronok said:Menu's require the most work really, at the moment they are pretty hard to follow. The Abilities and Traits and Equipment sections require a lot of work.
In Abilities and Traits, the drop down menu needs to default to the weapon you are currently holding. It's pretty frustrating and confusing not seeing anything there when you first enter the menu.
It's also pretty important that it saves the action bar every time you switch weapons so that when you return you don't need to set it all up again.
Also, they really need to make it so that you don't have to be in passive mode to add something to that bar. Or at least make it clear that you do. I was finding it incredibly frustrating when I couldn't work out why the ability wouldn't go into the bar.
Finally they need to make it clear what slot on the action bar you are highlighting right now.
The Equipment section is a complete mess. It's almost impossible to work out what is what. At the very least though they need to make it easier to compare two pieces of equipment. I can't for the life of me work out what changes a new piece will make without taking note of all the stats on both pieces and working it out manually. It gets pretty frustrating when you're comparing more then two items.
It would also be helpful if they made it easier to navigate with the keyboard. I really don't want to have to grab the mouse for this particular menu.![]()
Jinko said:Cause I was bored ..
holy shit on a boat collage[/QUOTE]
We need more
Wait--what?Teknoman said:Im still wondering about the Armory system as far as abilities go, not weapon skills.
Take pugilist's blindside, chakra, and featherfoot abilities. Once you learn those, are there no restrictions to using them with another class? I guess it sorta balances out since everything (other than normal light and heavy attacks) has an action point cost to set.
I forget who mentioned the "create a class" focus awhile back, but I guess thats what it balances out to.
Corran Horn said:All the sudden the SC2 beta feels like its running much smoother :lol
SnakeswithLasers said:Wait--what?
Is this like in the old FF games where you could select one or two abilities from any job you learned while you're playing as a different job? Like you could take "double cast" from your RDM and equip it to your summoner?
Or is it a free for all where you can take ALL of your abilities all of the time?
Actually, wasn't that in FFXI? (Or was that system you could use your subjob's abilities, but only at the subjob level (so max 50% of your current main level)?)
Londa said:I don't really get why SE would need to release 80% of the content for a beta test. I actually think its impractical. All they need to release is a couple of examples of what they plan to have on release.
About the guildleves, there was more leves in Alpha from what I remember. So apon release there will be much more.
I saw a Scythe in one of the shops for a Botanist. You can be a crazy, magic wielding flower pickerKhrno said:I already see myself getting all the melee abilities with a few dark magic to change my Marauder into sorta like a DRK. Although I'd probably main whatever job they introduce as a Scythe user.
Londa said:I don't really get why SE would need to release 80% of the content for a beta test. I actually think its impractical. All they need to release is a couple of examples of what they plan to have on release.
About the guildleves, there was more leves in Alpha from what I remember. So apon release there will be much more.
Zomba13 said:I saw a Scythe in one of the shops for a Botanist. You can be a crazy, magic wielding flower picker![]()
jersoc said:You don't get why SE would want to release something to keep people playing and testing?
Mister Zimbu said:One could argue that the purpose of a beta test is to test the game.
LaneDS said:Dark Botanist!
Londa said:It is a test... it isn't suppose to be 100% fun.
I wonder how many people complaining about no content just log out and never give feed back in the beta forums... Those people shouldn't even be testing. It's not a free trail of the game. Its to help SE make the game fun. Because right now it isn't, it's in testing for goodness sake...
desa said:Like how the community ran with the Ninja job in FFXI, totally straying away from how the job was intended to play (as well as other jobs like RDM solo, etc) I can anticipate some crazy shit with the amount of freedom this system has.
It's like FFXI's sub job system except you're not restricted to one sub job's abilities.
Londa said:You don't need 100% access to test the game.
Teknoman said:As long as I dont get walled into a corner/stuck being forced to use the same set of abilities as everyone else. Of course some abilities will probably be better paired with certain weapon skills (not just TP attack abilities like in XI) than others, so it wont be too much of a free for all.
Palmer_v1 said:However, the most recent batch of beta testers don't have access to the bug report forums and such, so what ARE we supposed to be doing?
LaneDS said:If you think they don't have to test all this content they're withholding, you'd be wrong.
Nobody is saying it has to be 100% fun. But being critical of the game (again, not on this forum, but directly to Square) is the only way we, as consumers, can have any effect over it's quality.
The most successful MMO of all time had tons more content many, many months before it launched at retail, and, well... it went on to become one of gaming's biggest success stories. Whether or not you like WoW has no relevance on this argument, but what is important is that giving beta testers plenty of content to test, for free, is not guaranteed to hurt the performance of a game in the least.
In my opinion, it'd be in Square's best interests to get as fun and complete of a beta out there, so people are talking about how great the game is before it launches instead of how unfinished it is.
Zomba13 said:I saw a Scythe in one of the shops for a Botanist. You can be a crazy, magic wielding flower picker![]()
Salaadin said:Right. I also hope that every job has a place everywhere. I hated in XI when some groups will basically just say "we cant do this unless we have this job" and never try to think outside of the box and roll with what they had.
As a PUP, nobody ever wanted me![]()
Londa said:You don't need 100% access to test the game.
Gromph said:Ok, i see a problem here.
Blizzard offer like the 90% of content every beta/ptr, and the problem there is after they launch, people dont enjoy the game, only rush to the end. Trust me i was in Apha F&F and Beta of WoW.
Yo test the beta/feedback the beta, but you also learn all the content on the beta... so when it come to release you allready know it, except a 10%.
Sincerly i preffer a 20% oer 10% content beta, testing the mechanics, the core, and enjoying the game at release.![]()
LaneDS said:I'd agree with that Gromph. But I think there's a balance they can (and probably will, in time) strike between "here's everything" and "here's practically nothing". Especially when they're limiting the hours people can test, you should at least be able to put in enough content that lasts a player more than four to six hours to complete. In MMO terms, that should be practically nothing. And yet, that's what we have, being generous.
The Equipment section is a complete mess. It's almost impossible to work out what is what. At the very least though they need to make it easier to compare two pieces of equipment. I can't for the life of me work out what changes a new piece will make without taking note of all the stats on both pieces and working it out manually. It gets pretty frustrating when you're comparing more then two items.