Corum said:Do we have a linkshell up yet? I don't have much cash but I could contribute a little bit.
Yes, we do. I don't know who is online atm. I'm sure the Linkshell Master or Linkshell Leaders will help you if they are online right now.
Corum said:Do we have a linkshell up yet? I don't have much cash but I could contribute a little bit.
Traits (All are level 30 Traits)
All are bought with 500 marks from the respective guild NPCs. Most of the NPCs are just before the bridge heading out of Limsa, or on the bottom floor of the inn (near the chocobo)
THM Trait = Increases Defense while casting
PUG Trait = 10% to incoming heals
GLD Trait = 50% increase to Guard Length
MAR Trait = 10 additional enmity generated
ARC Trait = 10 less enmity generated
CON Trait = Increase Casting Speed by 10%
LNC Trait = Increases Movement Speed by 20% in Active Mode
Carpenter = Temporarily avoid enemy encounters. Effective only against Cloudkin.
Goldsmith = Temporarily avoid enemy encounters. Effective only against Forgekin.
Botanist = Temporarily avoid enemy encounters. Effective only against Seedkin.
Leatherworker = Temporarily avoid enemy encounters. Effective only against Scalekin.
Osaka said:Honinbou Osaka - Lancer, for now!
I'll pm you once I get this shit running, Gromph!
Mister Zimbu said:___Gaf Name_____:_Character Name___:__Main Job____:__Secondary Job
1. Corum-------------Corum Stratos ------------Pugilist
2. Londa--------------Lolo Landerlu -------------Marauder------Blacksmith/Clothcraft
3. Jinko --------------Jinko Jinko ----------------Archer----------Armourer
4. Zomba 13---------Zomba Thirteen-----------Gladiator
5. IonicSnake---------Lirion Eli-----------------Gladiator
6. Munba------------Munba Lunru---------------Gladiator
7. Sacha ------------ Kamal Nafur ------------ Gladiator
8. Gromph -------- Gromph Beta ------------ Conjurer -------Alchemist/Cooking
9. Gromph----------Tirel Beta-----------------Conjurer
10. Osaka-----------Honinbou Osaka --------- Lancer
11. Nakazato--------Isamu Nakazato----------Pugilist
12. Mister Zimbu----Khiqshi Enamtsal--------Conjurer
I'll probably be on sometime this afternoon during my lunch break if someone wants to send me a /w and meet up to get me a linkpearl.
Salaadin said:
Google spreadsheet of the name list. Might be easier to add to/keep track of
nataku said:So I'm guessing the beta invites from all those contests have already been sent out?
Teknoman said:___Gaf Name_____:_Character Name___:__Main Job____:__Secondary Job
1. Corum-------------Corum Stratos ------------Pugilist
2. Londa--------------Lolo Landerlu -------------Marauder------Blacksmith/Clothcraft
3. Jinko --------------Jinko Jinko ----------------Archer----------Armourer
4. Zomba 13---------Zomba Thirteen-----------Gladiator
5. IonicSnake---------Lirion Eli-----------------Gladiator
6. Munba------------Munba Lunru---------------Gladiator
7. Sacha ------------ Kamal Nafur ------------ Gladiator
8. Gromph -------- Gromph Beta ------------ Conjurer -------Alchemist/Cooking
9. Gromph----------Tirel Beta-----------------Conjurer
10. Osaka-----------Honinbou Osaka --------- Lancer
11. Nakazato--------Isamu Nakazato----------Pugilist
12. Mister Zimbu----Khiqshi Enamtsal--------Conjurer
13. Valru-------------Grim Fandango----------Pugilist
14. Salaadin-------------Craig Ferguson--------Marauder
15. Teknoman----------Teknoman Blade-------Gladiator--------Marauder/Miner/Fisherman
Salaadin said:
Google spreadsheet of the name list. Might be easier to add to/keep track of
The application period for the upcoming open beta on Windows® is also scheduled to commence in the near future.
Osaka said:I made the most stupid looking character ever:
Teknoman said:Anyone have any idea how to fix the "cant equip any actions you've learned" glitch? I cant even see the skills i've learned under sword...and I know i've learned stuff up to Circle Blade, but nothing pops up under sword.
What did you used to get?desu said:Started teh game with my old settings = 10fps.
Changed the buffersize to half = 40 fps but game looks like utter shit.
Mouse seems better, not sure if its perfect.
MetatronM said:___Gaf Name_____:_Character Name___:__Main Job____:__Secondary Job
1. Corum-------------Corum Stratos ------------Pugilist
2. Londa--------------Lolo Landerlu -------------Marauder------Blacksmith/Clothcraft
3. Jinko --------------Jinko Jinko ----------------Archer----------Armourer
4. Zomba 13---------Zomba Thirteen-----------Gladiator
5. IonicSnake---------Lirion Eli-----------------Gladiator
6. Munba------------Munba Lunru---------------Gladiator
7. Sacha ------------ Kamal Nafur ------------ Gladiator
8. Gromph -------- Gromph Beta ------------ Conjurer -------Alchemist/Cooking
9. Osaka-----------Honinbou Osaka --------- Lancer
10. Nakazato--------Isamu Nakazato----------Pugilist
11. Mister Zimbu----Khiqshi Enamtsal--------Conjurer
12. Valru-------------Grim Fandango----------Pugilist
13. Salaadin------------Craig Ferguson--------Marauder
14. D-Dex--------------Ciro Dex --------------- Marauder
15. Teknoman---------Teknoman Blade-------Gladiator--------Marauder/Miner/Fisherman
16. Kintaro -----------Darsh Schneider ---------Marauder
17. MetatronM-----------Drake Metatron----------Pugilist
Salaadin said:What did you used to get?
I have shadows on high and everything else max (dof and ao off, 4x msaa) and I didn't really notice much of a difference in how it ran compared to before
desu said:the limit?
Also I should note that I played on 720p with AA and so on.
As of Aug. 11, 2010, we have confirmed the following issues. Please note that these issues need not be reported via submission of Bug Report forms.
[Known Issues]
- During gameplay, the following may occur:
・ Graphics may display incorrectly.
・ Error messages may appear.
* If this occurs, please log out and then back in.
- During gameplay, characters may become unable to move in certain locations.
* If this occurs, please use the Return or Teleport command. If the problem persists, please log out and then back in, or create a new character.
- During events when players are "bound by duty," the screen may occasionally black out, preventing gameplay.
* If this occurs, force the FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta Version to close and then log in again.
- If a player is KO'd just as the Return command takes effect, they may be unable to move upon reaching their destination.
* If possible, please log out and then back in. Otherwise, force the FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta Version to close and then log in again.
- Information regarding ongoing levequest may not appear properly.
- If a player moves the compass widget outside of the screen and then opens the main menu, they may not be able to move it back within the screen.
* Please avoid moving the compass widget, followed by opening the main menu.
- Recast timers may occasionally display "00:00" after using an action.
- It may take a while until the durability of equipment is properly displayed.
* The durability will display properly by closing the window, and then reopening it.
- The following filter settings are not operational:
→ "You perform a synthesis"
→ "ther player performs a synthesis"
→ "ou perform a gathering action"
→ "Other player performs a gathering action"
* The filter settings in question are under "System Messages."
- If a player invites another player who has received a linkshell invite, the message The player has already been invited to another party may appear.
- A player may be unable to successfully join a party if they were removed from a linkshell.
* If this occurs, please log out and then back in.
- A player may be unable remove a member from the linkshell once they are assigned as the linkshell leader.
- The linkshell member list may not display properly if linkshell members are too far from the player that is trying to view the list.
- Words provided by the auto-complete/auto-translation feature may not display properly when used in macros.
- If the leader of a party leaves, the remaining members may be unable to ask the leader to rejoin the party in certain situations.
--- Added: 8/10/2010 ---
- Players are able to hear all the sound effects of surrounding players that gain a level.
[Planned Adjustments]
Listed below are details on some of the upcoming changes. Although these changes will not be in place by the time of the first test, we are currently working to ensure that they are implemented at some time during the course of beta testing.
Battle Related:
- The archer ability Refill will display how many arrows have been obtained.
- A new function has been added which enables players to specify targets such as "NPC only" or "PC only."
System Related:
- Adjustments to the main menu.
→ The delay experienced when opening and closing windows will be reduced → Exiting query windows with the cancel button will be made possible → Adjustments to chat controls.
→ Using shortcut keys to reply will be made possible → Sending tells to a targeted player will be simplified → The directional keys to control the camera will be changed in order to improve gameplay using the keyboard..
→ Closing the main menu with the mouse will be made possible.
[Resolved Issues]
--- Added: 08/11/2010 --------
- When you are in a Limsa Lominsa instance, it was previously impossible to move as you wish. When moving to another location, you would be moved back to your original position.
* NPCs may not display in some cases.
Salaadin said:Im just wondering what were your resolution and graphical settings at then compared to now. Going from the 30FP limit down to 10FPS is a hefty drop. You sure Ambient Occlusion and Depth of Field arent checked off? Theyre big performance killers.
desu said:I didnt change a thing, 720p no AA no extras before beta and I constantly hit the cap. Well now ... 10 fps. No changed drivers or system either.
thefil said:I'm curious; do all of you beta testers feel the game is ready for a release in a month and a half? My impression (especially from the above patch notes) is that it's still a little far out from being "solid".
thefil said:I'm curious; do all of you beta testers feel the game is ready for a release in a month and a half? My impression (especially from the above patch notes) is that it's still a little far out from being "solid".
demonkaze said:demonkaze - Astraer Lavia - Lancer
Went with lancer because it seems a bit less played.
Also wondering if my brother can get in on the ls, if so his name is Novus Akane and a marauder.
mcdomination said:Any word on if our phase 3 characters will roll over into retail?