Jinko said:Becareful buying accessories, you are only allocated 12 slot points and each item costs 3 points each, so you can only wear 4 accessories although we have 9 slots in total... WHY SE WHY ?
That ability is quite neat.
Munba said:I love this shot (famitsu has always exclusive screens lol)
Btw, uldah seems very charming imo. A nice mix between sandoria and rabanastre..i'm coming to change my mind about starting city..
LaneDS said:Man, those shots make me forget, momentarily, all the problems I have with the game. Looks incredible.
Salaadin said:I hate grinding!
I hate crafting!
I hate guildleves!
I hate mining!
Oooh! Pretty!!!!
Salaadin said:I hate grinding!
I hate crafting!
I hate guildleves!
I hate mining!
Oooh! Pretty!!!!
desu said:Have to say I prefer the other cities much much more than the one we got in the beta so far. Hope we get to play them before the end of the beta.
Salaadin said:They will be selectable in the open beta which starts early September.
Londa said:Does anyone know where Gromphs FFXIV client download is? i can't find it.
MomoPufflet said:Ul'dah is looking really plain, especially compared to Gridania and Limsa. I still plan on starting there but I hope the screens we've seen are just bad.
Zomba13 said:
Go to the atheryte crystal at bearded rock and activate your first guildleve, after that head back to town to the drowning wrench tavern in the central tower talk to either the dude at the glowing desk for more bearded rock guildleves OR talk to Balderon at the bar counter for a story quest.Pacman2k said:Hey guys. Just started on there, really have no idea what I am doing.
Name is Glissa Sunseeker and I am in Camp Bearded Rock... I think I am on the right server? Shadowlord.
Played a lot of 11 but its been a while. Linkshell would be nice if anyone can get to me.
Valru said:Go to the atheryte crystal at bearded rock and activate your first guildleve, after that head back to town to the drowning wrench tavern in the central tower talk to either the dude at the glowing desk for more bearded rock guildleves OR talk to Balderon at the bar counter for a story quest.
Looks to me like Limsa is blue (from the boat on the blue one and the limsa concept art being it's background)Khrno said:Why did Limsa had to be the red state, why?![]()
Limsa's flag is red. http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/#/world/eorzea/limsalominsaZomba13 said:Looks to me like Limsa is blue (from the boat on the blue one and the limsa concept art being it's background)
Teknoman said:I keep getting tons of pms to add people to the LS. Dont we have more than one pearlsack person?
hgplayer1 said:I think my linkshell list is broken. I can see all the names but I never see anyone on. Ive seen some people chatting in the ls chat but never looked at the list during those times.
Finally got in a satisfying play session tonight. Finished off some bearded rock leves after losing 2 earlier to crashes, then did some skull valley leves with a random guy. Got some good gear from those!
Has that Aleport always shown up on the map? Its south of Skull Valley.
NeoForte said:Weird, I changed my resolution and now my UI is gone partially. I don't see the chat box and HP/MP bar. Anyway to reset them?
Valru said:Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta Version\user\XXXXX(There are a few folders in here one will have the UI file)\UI
delete UI and the next time you launch it should be the correct size.
hgplayer1 said:I had the same problem. Valru to the rescue!
After FINAL FANTASY XIV's service has officially started, simultaneous players of both FINAL FANTASY XI and FINAL FANTASY XIV can enjoy a significant discount on their FINAL FANTASY XI monthly service fees, receive a FINAL FANTASY XIV in-game item, and transfer their FINAL FANTASY XI Player Character name to FINAL FANTASY XIV.
Info here
Munba said:This is a mastodontic job by ZAM, first Item Database (i dunno where the hell they found all the items.. maybe from SE directly): http://ffxiv.zam.com/db/itemlist.html?1&page=1
..finding interesting things :0
*checking the currency items*
Beastmen races so far: Ixal, Sylph, Kobold, Sahagin, Amali'ja, Qiqirn.
Interesting items: Nautical Maps, Goblin Sweetbox.
Atrus said:Beastcoins at rank 95 appear to mean that those beastcoins will not be implemented on release. In fact, it likely means that there will be a tier of Beastmen which won't be implemented in the game at release and they'll likely be higher than rank 50 to fight just like those Platinum Beastcoin beastmen from FFXI which were all level 70ish.
Try Kenshiro Sylph.Kintaro said:Sadly, the name you get if your XI name with your server's name as the surname. For example, if Fairy was still around, it would be Kenshiro Fairy. >.> No thanks.
Atrus said:Notice that the Minimum Rank for the highest beastcoin is 95?
Given that the highest weapon rank I've seen is 50, and there are few weapons past 45 it appears that the vanilla game may cap at either 45 or 50. Probably 50 to keep it in line with vanilla FFXI, though there won't likely be enough items between 45 and 50 at the moment which hints at a later update.
Beastcoins at rank 95 appear to mean that those beastcoins will not be implemented on release. In fact, it likely means that there will be a tier of Beastmen which won't be implemented in the game at release and they'll likely be higher than rank 50 to fight just like those Platinum Beastcoin beastmen from FFXI which were all level 70ish.
GM Judge equipment is also in the game, made of luminium which means they'll likely be shimmering/glowing.
Oh and...
"Star-Spangled Subligar : A tight-fitting loinguard made of milk-white buffalo leather and decorated with tiny adamantium plates to reflect the light. The sexiest, sparkilest, shiniest leg armor in Eorzea."
I'm assuming to give people the chance to use popular names as first names and avoid the LionheartXXXIIVXXIs out there. And of course, to be different.Kweh said:I wonder why they opted for a Forename + Surname approach, as the whole name transfer over from FFXI seems pretty awful.
Mister Zimbu said:The best part about the surnames is that it essentially gives people at least double the chance to make a terrible character name. And the people (most players) who already had horrible names have the potential to make their character names four times worse.
HappyBivouac said:Nah, I think that's pretty much what it's gonna look like. To me, Limsa has the most boring design. Maybe you just don't like Ul'dah? I'll admit the concept art was a lot more colorful, but I love this design so much, especially the architecture as seen from outside.