How is it not? when you click on something you expect it to go the second after, not 2 or 3, you cant tell me with a straight face that retargetting a mole after their annoying ws move is easy, is fucking terrible, what about mages, have you tried combat on a Conj and tried to heal your tank? is fucking offensive, how about when you get locked on on every single action due to the animation, or when you have to go into active mode for everything, from healing to refill your arrows, buffs, flee (and then going passive to take full effect), etc, i could keep going on this but meh, no point.Teknoman said:How is the combat system an unresponsive mess atm?
Londa said:I would suggest not teleporting to skull valley, I got kicked during the teleport and now I can not even view my character in the character selection screen. lol
Everytime I try to log back with my character that is invisible I get an error:lol
Azrael said:The same thing is happening to me. Got an error while teleporting to market wards. Invisible character, can't log in.
carlo6529 said:Can anyone tell me what name has to be original when creating a character? The first or last name?
IonicSnake said:I don't think it matter as long as the combination is not the same as someone else. I saw someone that had the same last name as my character did.
It shouldn't be 10 GB, but I doubt the FFXIV devs have streaming working (I'd actually be shocked if they did, seeing as something as simple as hardware mouse seems to be beyond them).Jinko said:So I am guessing the OB will be around 10 GB's, thats guna be fun downloading that.
falastini said:I got an extra NA beta code. The first one who quotes this can have it.
I've applied to more than that and nadafalastini said:I had an extra one from the fansite contests. I must have applied to like 5 of them.
Kandinsky said:How is it not? when you click on something you expect it to go the second after, not 2 or 3, you cant tell me with a straight face that retargetting a mole after their annoying ws move is easy, is fucking terrible, what about mages, have you tried combat on a Conj and tried to heal your tank? is fucking offensive, how about when you get locked on on every single action due to the animation, or when you have to go into active mode for everything, from healing to refill your arrows, buffs, flee (and then going passive to take full effect), etc, i could keep going on this but meh, no point.
nataku said:I really hope they have a newer build with a lot of bug fixes ready for the OB. At the very least fix the UI. Any new players who try it out in OB won't give the game a second look if it's is still in the current state it's in.
The more I think about this game the more I get frustrated. They say certain things, like making the game for casual players with only 1-2 hours to play, but the systems they put in place go completely against casual players and really just end up hurting everyone instead.
_tetsuo_ said:Soooo how do you revive when you die?
rhfb said:I've applied to more than that and nadaOh well, Open Beta should be soon I guess :| Still think switching my PC Beta application to PS3 with my FFXIII code was a huge mistake : (
rhfb said:It shouldn't be 10 GB, but I doubt the FFXIV devs have streaming working (I'd actually be shocked if they did, seeing as something as simple as hardware mouse seems to be beyond them).
Khrno said:Well, I just got a code from BG and I wasn't even expecting it.
Finally going to see what's this all surplus shit about.
Yoshichan said:I swear I played with a GAFer right now :lol We discovered the whole map and said good bye to each other on the beach (which took 2 hours to find)
No I wasn't saying the size of the full game wouldn't be that big (I'm expecting bigger). I just was meaning the game doesn't have to my knowledge "streaming" where you only download areas/textures/animations you see and only download the other stuff when needed. If you have a fat enough pipe the system works great. So if you only created a character and started in a single city the game would download that city partially during your character creation and continue to stream in the remaining content while you watch the opening cinematic. Then it would start to download the first area connected to that town ect. So you could start playing with an initial download of like 500 mb instead of 10gb.Jinko said:How not, you have Limsa Lominsa at 3.5 gbs compressed, two new area's and prob a bit more so 9-10 gbs sounds about right to me.
I guess you could subtract 1-1.5 gbs for game code so 7-8 might be more like it, is still a lot either way you look at it, especially with there crappy P2P sharing.
So true. Really annoying when you just start a leve and then get an R0 or runtime error or some shit and then lose out on it. They should make it so when you reconnect you are still in the leve but the time were were offline has gone. Like you drop just after starting it and cant get on for 5 mins then you'd still have 25 mins of the leve left (same if you d/s in the middle with 3/6 enemies killed. When you get back you should pick up where you left off)Jinko said:These guildleves suck, just got an R0 on a leve that would have given 350 GLD guild marks, how fucking lame.
Hope they sort this shit out before launch.
Jinko said:These guildleves suck, just got an R0 on a leve that would have given 350 GLD guild marks, how fucking lame.
Hope they sort this shit out before launch.
Jinko said:These guildleves suck, just got an R0 on a leve that would have given 350 GLD guild marks, how fucking lame.
Hope they sort this shit out before launch.
Gromph said:For me as PUG it only give me conjurer marks
Also many r0's here too
Square Enix broke the Miner class beyond belief by making low-level nugget synths require fire crystals. Who the hell is going to synth, say, bronze nuggets when an NPC sells them for 40 gil apiece and the fire crystals to make them are incredibly rare at low levels and sell for thousands of gil? Blacksmiths are better off getting their nuggets from NPCs and crafting items like nails and fish hooks with shards instead. I think for the time being I am done with mining.
Jinko said:The guild marks change, I have had THA, ARC and GLD so far, dont' have enough to buy anything yet though.
Item placement will change, I'm not expecting to see mining resources on any NPC at starter area's and if it does happen it will be a limited amount.
Cook will make next to no money for the first few months, but once people start to get to a point where food buffs are more worthwhile, rank 30+ it will prob be a massive income.
Best way to make money out the starting gate will probably be gathering, name your retainer something like CraftingMATZ![]()
Londa said:Its only broken for beta, because I can't see SE vendering harder to get metal's in town. The only way to get these metals is from a miner or kill a mob that drops it.
If anyone wants to craft their gear, I have found a good link for recipes.
Ideally you would see one of two things.Jinko said:Item placement will change, I'm not expecting to see mining resources on any NPC at starter area's and if it does happen it will be a limited amount.
Jinko said:Item placement will change, I'm not expecting to see mining resources on any NPC at starter area's and if it does happen it will be a limited amount.
falastini said:I wonder if SE asked them to not put it up for obvious reasons :lol.