Classic_Gs said:What is wrong with that?
Played XI? :lol
Classic_Gs said:What is wrong with that?
Classic_Gs said:What is wrong with that?
Well one can hope, right?Darte said:Played XI? :lol
nataku said::lol Nothing, as far as I'm concerned. I wish SE would take a hint from other MMORPG developers and make the whole experience less of a guessing game.
4)Ask about the difference between Companies and Linkshells, if there is a difference? Basically just explain them both as much as possible, including bonuses such as special transport, etc, that may be included later on.
- Linkshells are smiliar to those in FFXI, you can have more than one and its more for friends.
- Companies are more like Guilds, like in other MMOs, property can be shared.
Munba said:
So they seem two different systems. Hope to see something about it in OB.
1) What are the team's thoughts on MP regeneration? How do they intend us to play casters when soloing?
(No answer/Wasn't asked/Off the record/etc)
LeMaximilian said:End of beta screenshot time...
nataku said:Hopefully they just forgot to ask.
i did :lolZalasta said:Do people use their real birthday for their character's nameday?
I do. I don't know the effect of the nameday stuff so I just used my birthday. I also put my guardian deity to the Scholar one because that seems more suitable for a mage (being all educated and what not with the learnings of magics)Zalasta said:Do people use their real birthday for their character's nameday?
Got no one to blame but himself and his team, if he explained this shit to his players then we wouldn't have to speculate.Awntawn said:Seems like Tanaka's pretty pissed at the overblown misinformation on fatigue judging by his twitter :lol
Yeah seriously. "We put an XP penalty in the game with no explanation at all and people got upset...I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY!".Valru said:Got no one to blame but himself and his team, if he explained this shit to his players then we wouldn't have to speculate.
the tweet btw
Jinko said:What the hell are they thinking, that just over 2 hours a day.
Physical level will also gain this fatigue so after 15 hours per week you won't gain anymore physical XP LOL.
I'm sure it will look amazing, i mean just seeing this armor (lvl40?)..Alex said:Yeah, that looks pretty bad on the Lalafell. But in general I'm really enjoying most of the armor designs. Very rustic and natural and that's what I want to see.
I hope the high end stuff, when it comes, is pretty impressive.
This weeks issue of Famitsu revealed the singer of the opening theme, one Suzan Calloway. The piece is, naturally, composed by Uematsu.
It stated that this song can be heard in the opening scene, so they are presumably referring to the vocals heard while on the boat. It also provided details regarding the openings for Uldah and Gridania. In other news, Dengeki featured an interview with director Komoto, concepter Iwao and planner Sato regarding the design and scenery of the two new areas.
-Based around the themes of wealth, power and excess, Uldah has had a coliseum, casino, etc. planned for it since the start of development.
-It wont be ready in time for official release, but they want to make such facilities usable by players.
-Uldah is known for its glass handiwork, and youll see stained glass around the city akin to that adorning guildleves.
-Among the three nations, Gridania has the strongest influence over magic.
-Moogles this time around will make their appearance as mysterious denizens of the woods.
-Battle music differs depending on the area and nation.
-Climate affects monsters ecosystems.
-Moon phase has an impact on various things.
-Guild Tokens can be attained via Class Quests in addition to Guildleves.
*Famitsus article doesnt seem any different from the other things weve seen about the new areas. Maybe a couple new things:
-Uldah opens with a parade sequence in which a wild goobbue runs rampant. It occasionally uses an ability called Beatdown.
-The Gladiator guild is fittingly located in the Coliseum. Uldah is also home to the Mining guild.
-Moles use an ability called Breakout, during which they dig underground and burst up underneath you.
-If you head north out of Uldah, youll find yourself in an expansive desert region known as Central Thanalan.
-Gridanias collection of guilds includes Lancers, Archers as well as Conjurers, etc.
-Funguars and Morbols will make an appearance.
-A new guildleve pits players against a swarm of beastmen of varying classes. Overcoming this challenge rewards players with a chest undoubtedly full of enticing spoils and bounty.
-Gridania is surrounded by a dense forest that can prove to be rather labyrinthine.
Moogles this time around will make their appearance as mysterious denizens of the woods.
-Moon phase has an impact on various things.
Climate affects monsters ecosystems.
Guild Tokens can be attained via Class Quests in addition to Guildleves.
Gridania is surrounded by a dense forest that can prove to be rather labyrinthine.
Londa said:please not Yuhtunga Jungle (but made into a forest) all over again.
Zomba13 said:If Gridania being the magic capital wasn't enough to get me started there the moogles definitely are.
going to start in Ul'dah for the OB though, not gonna spoil Gridania.
Londa said:Exactly my plan. I'm not even going to be a mage but the moogle's and the forest/windurst feel, it draws me in. lol
What if there are cute little moogle huts all around the forest? That would be so awesome.
2:08 mark in this video.Londa said:Exactly my plan. I'm not even going to be a mage but the moogle's and the forest/windurst feel, it draws me in. lol
What if there are cute little moogle huts all around the forest? That would be so awesome.
Salaadin said:Itd be even cooler if moogles were mobs in the game so we can kill them >;(
Londa said:What if there are cute little moogle huts all around the forest? That would be so awesome.
Zalasta said:The way how the retainers can be placed anywhere in the room without any kind of organization freaks me out >.>
Meanwhile your XP timer is counting down...:lolfalastini said:That's half of one "market". Imagine 15 more you have to zone into . Who needs an AH to buy stuff, amirite!?
notworksafe said:Meanwhile your XP timer is counting down...:lol
We'll see. At this point I've got very little faith in SQE. There are some points where they will listen to fans and some where they feel the need to press ahead in their silly agenda. I can't quite tell which way they will go on fatigue.Salaadin said:XP timer stops counting down and actually recovers when you arent doing anything that earns XP.
This is what really gets me. Are we really expected to check out all the market wards? Or did they say there will be a search?falastini said:That's half of one "market". Imagine 15 more you have to zone into . Who needs an AH to buy stuff, amirite!?