I'll take a level 80 dungeon over a level 60 dungeon any day, thats for sure.
WE FALL!!!!!
The dung boss theme of ShB is just so good.
I'll take a level 80 dungeon over a level 60 dungeon any day, thats for sure.
They're re-running the FFXV event in September I think. Just make sure you have 200k MGP left over after Make It Rain is done so you can buy it immediately.Is the Regalia not part of the Gold Saucer event this year? Or is it coming at a later time?
Thanks, I'll save what I have then. I don't play GS too much but I have enough to grab it when it does come out. Cheers!He says they're trying to add a new Data Center to NA. For the love of God I hope it's an NA East server. It sucks having the same ping for NA and EU servers
They're re-running the FFXV event in September I think. Just make sure you have 200k MGP left over after Make It Rain is done so you can buy it immediately.
Regarding the Growing Player Population and Plans to Alleviate World Congestion | FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone
Regarding the Growing Player Population and Plans to Alleviate World
My wait times to get into Coeurl are only like 20 seconds. But apparently some servers are getting absolutely ass blasted?
I’m a lv 80 dragoon and my soul crystal is ilv 30. Is it possible to get a better one or level it up?
Otherwise my current ilvl is 513 and doesn't seem to be affected by the soul crystal.
Started the Ivalice questline yesterday. The only other Alliance raid I had done wad Crystal Tower. This is such a huge increase in production quality from that. The bosses aren't total pushovers but aren't hair pulling either. The story and Tactics/XII music are on point. Good stuff.
Will have to do those as well. Only reason I even bothered with Ivalice is because its required to start the whole relic weapon thing (I know its a long process, probably won't do every upgrade I just wanted somethin chill to do after work). Glad its a prerequisite cuz its been fantastic; even the little wine fetch quest they throw in to waste your time was funny.:O why did you skip the lvl60 ones? They are top tier in the game.
just found out that Max from the Maximilian Dood channel is back in XIV as well. it's pretty funny seeing someone who came back after such a long time who also happens to be an addict of XI. hopefully he has a good time.
He used to be a GAF member, but then he dropped the n-word in a stream and a lot of people attacked him for it (this was pre-Era GAF), even though he was very apologetic about it. But it seems he's doing fine now so good for him.![]()
How do you get the Cryptlurker set? Tomestone vendor in Eulmore?Finished all main story quests. Been working on relic weapon.
This is a looooooooooooooooooooooong process. Dunno if I will do every single step. But I'm fine with the grind for now since I'm building towards a full Cryptlurker armor set, which will take weeks.
How do you get the Cryptlurker set? Tomestone vendor in Eulmore?
If so, that FATE grind has been very un-fun.
Min level on this is 30 to start it. Usually it takes like 20 minutes to bang out a really easy and short quest line to get the rewards.New player here. What is typically involved to get the mount in these events?
Very good interview. I'm waiting for the Namazu Picture Book to open up for pre-order, it was written by Banri Oda as well.Banri Oda (the main scenario writer for XIV... aka THE lore guy) had a Q&A hosted by 4Gamer with some unorthodox questions that led to some pretty interesting answers
¡ÈDo Namazu speak Ibaraki dialect?¡É ¡ÈWhy can we summon Phoenix?¡É ¡½¡½ Q&A session from our readers with FFXIV¡Çs Mr. Banri Oda
On May 28th, 2021, we asked our raders to send in questions for Mr. Banri Oda, lead story designer of Square Enix¡Çs MMORPG ¡ÈFINAL FANTASY XIV¡É (PC / PS5 / PS4 / Mac), planning to sit down with him for a Q&A session from our readers. Our¡Ä
One interesting answer is the reason why corrupted crystals are orange, of all colors... (Coils of Bahamut spoilers)it's because of Phoenix's aether being spread throughout the land!
Also, it's no surprise that Heavensward was heavily inspired by A Song of Ice & Fire, among other works like the Bible and Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together. Quite the gamut for inspiration lol
But thank god they didn't because I'm not touching Ultimates lmaoOverall just glad it isn't another Feast related thing I'd never get. I can't imagine why they wouldn't have made this a reward from Alex Ult or something though.
The thing about content in this game is that it gets progressively easier as time goes on due to item level creep. Therefore, the first two wings of each raid series are easy by the end of its respective expansion because everyone's gear is synced at a MUCH higher item level than originally intended (in Alexander's case, you're synced down to ilvl 270, while the first two wings are designed for 150 & 200 respectively). That's why the Crystal Tower raids are a joke as well. The third Alexander wing is closer to the original intended experience because it was designed for 230, but is still fairly easy in comparison to what it used to be when it was new/relevant.This weekend I did the Alexander raids. They were way too easy, yeesh. The last third was the only one to put up any sort of fight. I understand there's Savage versions, tho, so I may try those.
The Omega raids are proving to be much more satisfying. Still easy but more involved & interactive. The FFVI fanservice was done rather tastefully, I felt.
They said that ALL numbers will be corrected, even bosses HP.![]()
I suspect a number of things will get marginally less faceroll when they do the damage adjustment. They'll have to add higher echo to a lot of things to compensate.
The thing about content in this game is that it gets progressively easier as time goes on due to item level creep. Therefore, the first two wings of each raid series are easy by the end of its respective expansion because everyone's gear is synced at a MUCH higher item level than originally intended (in Alexander's case, you're synced down to ilvl 270, while the first two wings are designed for 150 & 200 respectively). That's why the Crystal Tower raids are a joke as well. The third Alexander wing is closer to the original intended experience because it was designed for 230, but is still fairly easy in comparison to what it used to be when it was new/relevant.
If you want to experience the Normal raids with some difficulty, you can start or join a Party Finder for a minimum ilevel / no echo run, but most people just don't bother with that unfortuntely because they just want to get on with the story lol
As for Savage, they're still VERY difficult synced so you need to use PF. Duty Finder groups will not be able to clear most of Alexander Savage synced... but you can certainly try.
I've seen plenty of fully geared level 80 PUGs fail HARD at unsynced Alex 12 Savage, Omega 12 Savage. The instant death mechs are still a thing. At least usually if people stick around it gets done, but far too many people expect to queue into free mounts.
The most i talk with randoms these days is when the alliance raid roulette is IVALICE and there's a lot of new people. My gosh.I'm 100% fine with wiping multiple times. Its the only time I interact with other players beyond "hello" so its kinda refreshing even if its antagonistic.
The most i talk with randoms these days is when the alliance raid roulette is IVALICE and there's a lot of new people. My gosh.
Yeah, as a tank, I find it to be a good idea to be as prepared as you can be for Alliance raids. But on day 1 of new raids, there's only so much you can do... so prepare for lots of death and wipes!So I looked up short guides for the Lighthouse & Monastery before doing those. I always go in blind but for Alliance raids I understand I can kinda fuck things up as one of the only 3 tanks so I figured its better to read up a little. Came in handy, the Monastery has some crazy mechanics (in a good way).
Oh good... a parasol I'll use exactly once and prisms that eat up more precious inventory space...
my inventory full of junk since ARR lol and it started getting worse once i get into crafting. recently i started to clean those things..watching tons of empty slot in inventory did give me peace in mind.On the subject of inventory space, I need to do some serious cleaning prior to Endwalker. So many crafting materials...
I've soloed the math robot from like 45% HP in the 2nd FFXII\FFT raid a bunch on tank after everyone else died. Some people complain, others are impressed. I'd rather tank it solo for 10 mins than wipe on it twice in in my first playthrough of Rabanastre I ended up fighting the first boss without realizing literally everyone else had somehow already died. When I glanced at the chat it was like
"really dude?"
"[player] slapped you"
I was thinking on reactivating, and you just convinced me not to.I have 399 minions and goddamn 9S won't drop, and when he does drop I roll single digits.