Nose Master
Do you have to quest the new post 50 job actions or do they just unlock?
WHAT IS THIS CRAP? Better be available outside SDCC...
Yeah... Event exclusive for a bit.WHAT IS THIS CRAP? Better be available outside SDCC...
Do you have to quest the new post 50 job actions or do they just unlock?
WHAT IS THIS CRAP? Better be available outside SDCC...
Bar the subligar, THIS GUY GETS IT:
The game needs, like, brutally difficult four-man content or something. At some point in 2.x "Hard Mode" just turned into faceroll content; it'd be nice to have something challenging that doesn't revolve around needing 8 people.
so the open world mobs are still piss easy and we still don't have smaller scale mid tier content? nothing casual but skilled players can look forward to?
SE, you goddamn losers.
I agree. Also, this one...
When it kicks up at 3:51 I just want to hop on a flying mount and soar. Often times, I do!
... (no Savage Bennu)...
Successful losers!
:v :v :v :V :V :V :V :V
Allowing Phoenix to summon one bennu causes raid wide damage taken to increase by 500%.
Patch 3.01 Notes said:FATEs
[3.0] New FATEs have been added.
Why did they add more? Who's even doing them? D:
When I saw that, the small, evil part of me hoped they added another quest similar to how original CT had to be unlocked.
Hello, everyone.
We understand that there are currently the following issues with FATEs in 3.0 areas:
Monster HP is too high and it takes too long to complete.
The amount of experience points rewarded isn't commensurate with the amount of effort put in.
Especially in regards to the first point above, due to the fact that FATE monsters' HP will increase based on the amount of participants of the previous occurrence of the FATE, it makes it so more work is required to complete it. This in turn increases the feeling that the experience points reward is not enough.
As there are many FATEs, we will need some time to make adjustments; however, we are planning to make the following adjustments to FATEs in 3.0 areas:
Increase the amount of experience points earned.
Change the feature where the monsters' strength is adjusted depending on the amount of players that participated in the previous FATE. If players failed to complete a FATE, the previous number of participants will not count and a modifier will not be placed on the new FATE.
Increase the range of the level sync.
With the above adjustments, it will become easier to complete FATEs even with a small group, and you'll be able to earn more experience points.
We're currently working on this, and we're aiming to implement this as quickly as possible.
That'll be for the raid that isn't Alexander, and it'll require all the boss FATEs in HeavenswardWhen I saw that, the small, evil part of me hoped they added another quest similar to how original CT had to be unlocked.
"The development team definitely understands all of the feedback everyone has been posting in regards to the methods for obtaining items to upgrade equipment that can be purchased with Allagan tomestones of law. They're currently in the midst of planning new ways to obtain these items, and while it didn't make it in time for Patch 3.01, they will be working towards implementing it in patch 3.05."
Good news for hunt haters.
From what I understand you get 5 feathers for each recruit, but you'll only get feathers from time subscribed from the recruit that has been subbed the longest.I..genuinely don't know. Like I'm not sure if you'll get feathers for every stage of the subs or just the highest stage you have. So will one person who subbed for a year give you like 20 feathers? Or just 5 for the registration and 5 for having 270 days?
I don't even trust that their retroactive thing will work. I very randomly had some people sign up before all of this was announced and am afraid they won't be counted. I think the best way to do it is raw registrants, not months subscribed. Each registrant should get you 5 tickets (up to max of 5 people I think?) and so 3 people should equal 15 tickets.
Man it really sucks we gotta wait 2 weeks longer for actual progression content. Progression content is why I play this game outside the story.
When was 1st CoB released after 2.0?
Same day.
FFXI did it right by always having "impossible content" available (i.e. AV) for people to constantly work towards. I mean all they would need is a couple bosses where it's nearly impossible to clear with current HP & DPS levels until maybe i230, so everyone has something to work on.
And Turn 5 was insanely hard until the first nerf right due to twisters? See, that's what they need to have. Near impossible content that takes a couple patches until the average raider can clear. Gives something for the world firsts to do and the rest of us to learn with.
"The development team definitely understands all of the feedback everyone has been posting in regards to the methods for obtaining items to upgrade equipment that can be purchased with Allagan tomestones of law. They're currently in the midst of planning new ways to obtain these items, and while it didn't make it in time for Patch 3.01, they will be working towards implementing it in patch 3.05."
Good news for hunt haters.
Yeah T5 scared many, many people. I remember a lot of groups content with doing 1-4 for the week and going on their way.
And Turn 5 was insanely hard until the first nerf right due to twisters? See, that's what they need to have. Near impossible content that takes a couple patches until the average raider can clear. Gives something for the world firsts to do and the rest of us to learn with.
I know better than to believe your lies.I'm your friend Sabre, I will protect you from the bullies.
And what's wrong with that? Why does the average player need to be able to clear everything? Most people didn't beat Ozma in FF9 for example.
And what's wrong with that? Why does the average player need to be able to clear everything? Most people didn't beat Ozma in FF9 for example.
I like how FATEs and hunts have the exact opposite problems. HW FATEs have too much HP for little reward. Hunts don't have enough HP and everyone needs the shit.
I think their HP scaling system for FATEs is fine, just HW somehow scales too well. I don't get why hunts don't scale, or why hunts can't be FATEs.
There are so many boss FATEs around HW that no one touches. I wonder if that'd still be the case if they all dropped Centurio.
Are you forgetting how long it took for you to clear turns 9 and 13 after they were released?
Because people actually care about the story in this game? People get really salty in mmos when they can't see the full story, especially when said story is a continuation of 1.0. Coil/Alexander actually have some amount of story to them also, Ozma had nothing.