Haha Duckrolls' posts always make me excited for the future. In the meantime...
I went ahead and got Lancer going and after doing some initial Lancer quests and side quests in the area to get to around level 9, I finally tried out the Palace of the Dead. Yep, I went up a level while being close to my next level up every run of floors 1-10. I think I more or less know how it works now too except that I'm not sure how you activate the portal, is it from killing x enemies? Or opening a certain chest? I'm assuming the latter because some people prefer to skip enemies on a floor for speed runs.
Anyway, got to lvl 15 and went back to U'ldah to pick up the Monk quest and I'm now officially a Monk, ready to accrue gear for my future Samurai

I have to say though it feels like I'm still a pugilist. It gave me a single skill from the Monk job and that's it. No change in appearance and I'm fighting just as I did prior to being Monk. Maybe that will change after I knock out more Monk quests? I have to hit level 35 to do the next one. I'm not going to be able to take advantage of the cross class stuff since I only got Lancer to 15 but there's no reason for me to bother since that's going away in ten days anyway. Oh, and my little master plan of cashing in the quest completions for high level quest as Lancer didn't work, game made me switch back to Pugilist to redeem them...well played Square, well played.
I then moved on with the story and after a never ending string of quests to obtain food ingredients and wine, I finally got to fight Titan! Thankfully for me I'm a foodie and an amateur wine enthusiast/collector so I was able to appreciate these quests a little more but lord did it drag out this punk telling me how to get to Titan haha I'm so glad Y'shtola played a part in accessing him because lord was she worthless like the other Scion members during this whole section of the story. Her talking about how unreasonable it was to do these quests for information and then now helping out only compounded it and rubbed it in ;p I actually manged to level up right as I cashed in the last lvl 33 quest so was thankfully able to do Titan right away. I can only imagine if I had to do more after all those food and wine quests haha
Anyway, the Titan fight was much more challenging than Ifrit, you can get knocked off the arena fairly easily if you don't know how to dodge his move set. I'm still not quite sure the optimum place to be for when he leaps into the sky but I'll just assume as far opposite the side of the arena as possible. The important thing as a melee dps was learning the most effective way to dodge the move that can blow you off the arena while keeping your dps going. It was also neat because FFBE has the FFXIV Titan trial and Raid going right now so he looks the same, has Tumult, and even has the heart implemented into the fight in BE. It's fun seeing all the source material and I told the guys in the FFBE thread I can actually care more about the FFXIV units in the game now that I know their background a bit and who they are from playing this game.
There was an interesting development in the story after Titan, I knew this was bound to happen eventually but I didn't expect it this soon. I'm curious to see how my character will proceed at this point

Alas, I've now hit the level barrier again to continue the story.... I just barely hit level 34 and I need to be 35 to continue both the story and the Monk quest line. So.....
This means it's time to subscribe! So when I get on the game later I'll be looking to join the GAF FC

I'll be able to go deeper into the Palace of the Dead which I'm guessing is what I should do to get to 35 quickly. I was going to wait to suscribe until my buddy from Japan left as he arrives tomorrow but I plan on playing the heck out of this tonight so I need to be able to go past 35 haha I might as well pre-order SB now too. Wait, can I just add as subscription to my trial? Or am I going to need to buy ARR on top of that? I was planning on buying the big collection that has all three so I'd have to buy ARR twice in a sense if I subscribe tonight, right?