If you bought FFXIII early, you got a code that gives you a chance register for the PS3 beta of FFXIV and a special in game item for XIVtenderoni said:What's this talk about a XIII code?
DrDogg said:I just called the GameStop I pre-ordered from and they have them in the building. The clerk is going to call a few other stores to see if they're allowed to sell them to me now. Any suggestions on convincing him to do so in case he tells me no? :lol
zlatko said:Okay, so I bought 1,000 crysta jumping through these new hoops SE has set up for us monkeys to get through. (Seriously... I am finally getting why the Jap devs keep saying they are over 5 years behind the western devs...shit like this is so idiotic)
I am trying to uninstall the beta, but it looks like I'll have to manually delete all the folders it made, since Windows seems to think me clicking uninstall from programs means keep it on my computer.
The game should show up tomorrow and I'm just wondering if I'm set. I do have that FF13 code I believe I registered. How can I check if it's set up and where will we have to put in the new ones tomorrow ?
DrDogg said:I just called the GameStop I pre-ordered from and they have them in the building. The clerk is going to call a few other stores to see if they're allowed to sell them to me now. Any suggestions on convincing him to do so in case he tells me no? :lol
Salaadin said:User Interface
Q. Will I be able to keep the actions set to my action bars when I change classes?
A. Beginning with the launch of game service, action bars will no longer reset when players change classes. Actions that can no longer be used once a class change is made will simply not consume action points. In this manner, players will no longer find themselves without sufficient action points to equip the actions they desire when changing from, for example, a miner to a gladiator. In addition, by employing user-defined macros, players can change their class, equipped gear, and actions simultaneously.
Cathcart said:OK, wtf does that even mean. Let's say I'm an archer and I have 8 abilities on my bar. Then I switch to Conjurer and have 8 completely different abilities on my bar. Now I switch back to archer. What's on the bar? Is it the 8 abilities I had at the start of the story when I was an archer or is it some weird bullshit where it keeps some of the stuff I had as a conjurer because it works cross class? The wording of this is just confusing.
Cathcart said:OK, wtf does that even mean. Let's say I'm an archer and I have 8 abilities on my bar. Then I switch to Conjurer and have 8 completely different abilities on my bar. Now I switch back to archer. What's on the bar? Is it the 8 abilities I had at the start of the story when I was an archer or is it some weird bullshit where it keeps some of the stuff I had as a conjurer because it works cross class? The wording of this is just confusing.
Jinko said:I can't help but think it will be the later :\
I think macros will be the best way about switching classes and actions still.
Rentahamster said:Question about crafting and those crafting guildmark rewards.
You don't need to buy them first in order to make stuff, right? They just improve your success with that stuff, right?
For example, as a blacksmith, can I do smelting synths without having purchased the "smelting training" guildmark reward first?
Salaadin said:Do not delete the folders in your "My Documents" since that holds your character creation info if you want to keep that for retail.
As for the XIII code, Login and go here:http://member.square-enix.com/na/features/ff13/serialcode/ps3.php
That will display your code.
To register the in game item to your SE ID, Login https://secure.square-enix.com/account/
and goto Select Service > FFXIV > Add a Service Account > Type in Code > and then confirm a couple of times.
So what do the guildmark rewards do? Just increase your success rate with that particular synth?demosthenes said:All you have to do to synth is equip the weapons and open your menu.
Rentahamster said:You don't need to buy them first in order to make stuff, right? They just improve your success with that stuff, right?
zlatko said:Okay so I can delete Program Files X86 Square Enix Folders contents, but keep the documents, my games, FF14 open beta ?
Can I just leave them all on there or do I run the risk of getting install errors? I have tons of space left on my PC so it's not a big deal if it just sits there never to be used.
Thanks for the link I got the code from the first link and put it in at square enix ID member site so I should be set for my asuran armguards.![]()
Rentahamster said:So what do the guildmark rewards do? Just increase your success rate with that particular synth?
desa said:Has it been stated that character customization is more expansive than what was in beta?
DrDogg said:So... the Game Stop clerk said that, "anyone who is caught with the game before midnight will be banned from playing". :lol
I <3 Game Stop ignorance...
Looks like I won't be getting my game until tomorrow morning since GS is being dumb.
notworksafe said:So wait...maybe I am not understanding correctly but I had a question. Is Square making people buy crysta to access their free month of gametime? Seems shady.
Yeah that would be lame on Square's part. I was just wondering why everyone is already buying Crysta now.Jinko said:I hope not. :S
DrDogg said:So... the Game Stop clerk said that, "anyone who is caught with the game before midnight will be banned from playing". :lol
Rentahamster said:So what do the guildmark rewards do? Just increase your success rate with that particular synth?
Excko said:Was anyone able to register their FF XIII Code? And if you managed to register it, did you register FF XIV first?
Excko said:Was anyone able to register their FF XIII Code? And if you managed to register it, did you register FF XIV first?
Yeah, that's what I thought. It is such a ridiculous answer. Like how do they think that helps anyone?Jinko said:I can't help but think it will be the later :\
I'd be OK with macros if they didn't take a minute and a half to run. Switching out gear and ability buttons one at a time is lame.I think macros will be the best way about switching classes and actions still, kind of annoying there is only 9 lines in the macro though and it takes 20 seconds to go through it all.
Hopefully WindowerXIV will have a better macro system in a few weeks.
notworksafe said:Yeah that would be lame on Square's part. I was just wondering why everyone is already buying Crysta now.
Also the Crysta buying itself makes little sense:
So I would have to make two Crysta purchases (1000 and 500) to play without wasting more money by just buying the 2000 Crysta pack? Very odd.
EDIT: Also it seems you can use Paypal to buy Crysta but not to just pay SQE directly? Is this true?
notworksafe said:Yeah that would be lame on Square's part. I was just wondering why everyone is already buying Crysta now.
Also the Crysta buying itself makes little sense:
So I would have to make two Crysta purchases (1000 and 500) to play without wasting more money by just buying the 2000 Crysta pack? Very odd.
EDIT: Also it seems you can use Paypal to buy Crysta but not to just pay SQE directly? Is this true?
Jbird34 said:1. Yes
2. No
http://lodestone.finalfantasyxiv.com/pl/envi/envi04.htmlFFXIV Lodestone said:To play FINAL FANTASY XIV, you will need to pay a basic account fee and fees for each character.
Excko said:Humm. That`s odd. i can`t register mine. It says I have an invalid code...
notworksafe said:The subscription costs 999. But you have to pay 300 Crysta for each character you have. That includes the one "free" character. So 1299 Crysta per month.
http://www.develop-online.net/news/33514/Final-Fantasy-XIV-a-serious-WoW-rival-says-WadaWada went on to outline the subscription and microtransaction models that FFXIV will employ, adding the company is looking to improve on the Final Fantasy XI system.
The basic model hasn't changed, he said. It's a monthly flat rate service with additional charges for items that users want to buy.
Asked if he thought Final Fantasy XIV was a serious rival to World of Warcrafts throne, Wada said yes, but the flipside is that they are a tough competition.
Salaadin said:I was able to register mine but I didnt register XIV first so Im a little worried now. I guess I find out what happens tomorrow.
notworksafe said:You can also use Crysta to buy in game items. I read something about them using a model where in game items would be added at some point, so that is probably the idea behind the 500 Crysta amount.
notworksafe said:You can also use Crysta to buy in game items. I read something about them using a model where in game items would be added at some point, so that is probably the idea behind the 500 Crysta amount.