Lindblum is the official main GAF server. Nothing else. As crowded as it maybe. That's the majority census.Kintaro said:Dammit, now all my friends are split up between servers.
kiryogi said:Nice! I guess I can still access LindblumYay for playing open beta. see you folks in a few. Actually, who's on right now in Limsa?
Talk to every npc you see, one will help you (it's a story thing). To get Onion Helm, register the code for it with your account, after that any new character you create will start with it in your inventory (but not equipped)TAJ said:WTF? I don't have an Onion Helm. What, did they give it to my beta account that I was never able to use?
EDIT: This is just sad... I can't even figure out how to get out of the town they started me in.
EDIT: Seriously, WTH... Everything that looks like an exit on the map is an invisible barrier.
I registered the code first. Like I said, I think it accidentally got tied to my beta serial.Dreamwriter said:Talk to every npc you see, one will help you (it's a story thing). To get Onion Helm, register the code for it with your account, after that any new character you create will start with it in your inventory (but not equipped)
TAJ said:After registering my codes, the game now won't go past the SE logo. It shows the logo then goes to a black screen and stays there. Awesome.
EDIT: Now, it's still giving me black screens, but with a pop-up window that says, "Unable to detect DirectX device. The program has shut down. Please restart FFXIV.".
Yeah, I'm currently boned.Dreamwriter said:If you enter the reward code before entering the ffxiv code, then yes it will get tied to your beta account. Then when you enter the ffxiv code, it asks if you want to merge ffxiv with the beta account - say yes to this and you will have your rewards in the full game. If you set it up as a new service instead, you are currently boned, but Square is working on a solution.
kiryogi said:Lindblum is the official main GAF server. Nothing else. As crowded as it maybe. That's the majority census.
KaYotiX said:30 day buddy pass, your welcome![]()
valenti said:What is the best method for traveling between the cities?
Quote for justiceUnknown Soldier said:Come on guys, have a little patience. Don't start creating GAF LSes across multiple servers because you don't want to wait maybe a day max to start. You might be spending months or years on the server you pick now, do you want to be with GAF during that time or not? :lol
The official GAF server is Lindblum. Please stick to the fucking plan!
Unknown Soldier said:Come on guys, have a little patience. Don't start creating GAF LSes across multiple servers because you don't want to wait maybe a day max to start. You might be spending months or years on the server you pick now, do you want to be with GAF during that time or not? :lol
The official GAF server is Lindblum. Please stick to the fucking plan!
HappyBivouac said:Why would you do that -_-
At least say "first one to PM me gets it" or something.
nickcv said:are we making an official linkshell on Limbdum?
Who do i have to contact ingame to get in?
i just got my CE, and i think i'll log in on monday.
kiryogi said:?Its up
These are the current pearl holders. Those that are sacked can get you in.
nickcv said:thanks a lot Kiryogii didn't notice the tab when i was checking the char list.
Is the guild hardcore or more casual friendly?
Unknown Soldier said:Come on guys, have a little patience. Don't start creating GAF LSes across multiple servers because you don't want to wait maybe a day max to start. You might be spending months or years on the server you pick now, do you want to be with GAF during that time or not? :lol
The official GAF server is Lindblum. Please stick to the fucking plan!
Shouta said:Quit your bellyaching.
Some folks choose to do a different server and it's perfectly fine if they want to start a group for GAF players on that server. This isn't some magically place where the only chat that belongs in it is folks that belong to the same mass of folks, it's open to anyone that visits here and plays the game.
Shouta said:Quit your bellyaching.
Some folks choose to do a different server and it's perfectly fine if they want to start a group for GAF players on that server. This isn't some magical place where the only chat that belongs is the chat belongs to the same mass of folks, it's open to anyone that visits here and plays the game.
Shouta said:Quit your bellyaching.
Some folks choose to do a different server and it's perfectly fine if they want to start a group for GAF players on that server. This isn't some magical place where the only chat that belongs is the chat belongs to the same mass of folks, it's open to anyone that visits here and plays the game.
pancakesandsex said:How come you wont play with us
Kintaro, HG, I'll sack you later tonight hopefully with a bunch more people and we can teleport to a bunch of towns.
Also, no matter what server you're on, come join the steam community so we can shoot the shit outside of the game. If nobody in chat can send you an invite, I'll grab you when i get home, so just idle in there.
Londa said:Can anyone explain Crysta to me for NA?
I can't seem to find where to buy Crysta with a paypal account.
Salaadin said:Has anyone dabbled in Armorer yet and have any suggestions for good low level starting recipes? Im going to start with that tonight by doing the leves for it but would like to get it a little higher in level.
I hardly crafted in beta so Im excited to start it tonight. I hear good things (especially with the gloves)
Amneisac said:Have you looked at these yet?
Londa said:very much agree, I'm starting on a different server myself. So what if most are going to Lindblum. There is always a way to change servers. Its just not given to us yet.