The choco strut near the windmills was breathtaking, the lighting in the dungeon area with the dragon was also a sight to behold even on the crappy camera video, really dynamic looking. The new music is also amazing as well. Wish they had this ready in time for E3 because I think this would have gotten a ton of people interested more so then now.
Asked this in the newest thread but its probably better to ask it here.
Is there any word on what the new classes and jobs are?
Also is there a release date for Realm Reborn?
Is FFXIV in 2.0 right now? Or is it still 1.whatever?
EDIT: kiryogi just said there is still more 1.0 story to come so thats that then.
Answered your question in the other thread but the official site accidentally put the pages up for Arcanist and Summoner and were promptly taken down in like 15 minutes, but people already got screen captures. Arcanist has its own magic and will use carbuncle; summoner takes on the essence and can summon primals (but if previous talks lead to anything, they will be 'lesser' summons, and the current primals will be huge group summons you have compete with against other players in the form of guild/free company content).
My biggest goal with red dot is again "United" and "Active"
It's Gaf you will always suffer that problem .. (runs away)
Stream has started!
Alpha is only japan.
First phase is japan only, we should have our own alpha page up later according to the Producer Letter earlier this week for phase 2-4.
Well It's on the NA site so I'm signing up.Alpha is only japan.
Yes i know, that page says. "Different Region"
It's Gaf you will always suffer that problem .. (runs away)
I agree with Ironicsnake though forcing one free company is the way to go and will solve some of this issue.
Edit:- That trailer was the best one so far.
That new Akihiko Yoshida artwork is so gooddddddddddd. :Q
You can say that again. Damn. Now I want to play ARC/SMN.
So is ARC the class and SMN the job? Or are they two seperate jobs.
Also isnt ARC the abbreviation for archer?![]()
seems so, arc is the base class and smn is the advance job for arc
seems so, arc is the base class and smn is the advance job for arc
The full OST is out on iTunes now... is it me or are some of the tracks mislabeled?
After reading that Square ordered the original FF14 disc to be destroyed and discontinued. I decided to buy it from Amazon dirt cheap. My guess 2.0 will relaunched at full retail price.
I just got it in the mail, is the current form of FF14 playable or should I wait for 2.0 to come out?
Holy Consult gives me Fabul vibes. Really cool to see official song titles...Coerthas = Unspoken...I really hope that theme doesnt change for ARR.
I can't seem to find Coerthas battle song though :/
Names still off confirmed. Bathed in woodsin is playing King Moggle Mog's theme...but then again King Moggle Mog plays a slightly different version of the same theme? Seems like the instrumental version before the lyrics pop in (first phase). Into the Adders Den plays Limsa Lominsa's theme... Imperium seems labeled correctly (I know thats gotta show up in ARR somewhere).
Want to buy this, but then again I use a Zune. Guess I could figure out how to convert it, or just wait until they straighten out the names.
I dunno, seeing them condense a lot of enemies into what is seemingly the very low level area makes me have hope that the tougher enemies aren't just reskinned versions of lower level ones.It's a pity they don't seem to be putting the same effort into updating the game's bestiary as they are redoing the maps. The new zones are gorgeous, but seeing the same old diremites, squirrels, and beetles roaming around everywhere is a downer.
I dunno, seeing them condense a lot of enemies into what is seemingly the very low level area makes me have hope that the tougher enemies aren't just reskinned versions of lower level ones.
I dunno, seeing them condense a lot of enemies into what is seemingly the very low level area makes me have hope that the tougher enemies aren't just reskinned versions of lower level ones.