Curious how long it will be until we start seeing gil sellers get really creative like they did back in the day in WoW. Anyone who played wow back then remember this kind of stuff?
Curious how long it will be until we start seeing gil sellers get really creative like they did back in the day in WoW. Anyone who played wow back then remember this kind of stuff?
Curious how long it will be until we start seeing gil sellers get really creative like they did back in the day in WoW. Anyone who played wow back then remember this kind of stuff?
Basement crafting station incoming! Too bad it only works on classes that are level 40 and below.
Crafting/gathering is so relaxing
Can we lose the rooms people claimed (sorry Elliott) and put the crafting tables in there?
Crafting/gathering is so relaxing
Can we lose the rooms people claimed (sorry Elliott) and put the crafting tables in there?
idk why that would be necessary- we have plenty of extra space in the basement to put that stuff. A lot of what is down there is pretty much filler anyway. It would be silly to get rid of some of the rooms- they're some of the more unique parts of the house unless we just want a house full of couches and tables.
idk why that would be necessary- we have plenty of extra space in the basement to put that stuff. A lot of what is down there is pretty much filler anyway. It would be silly to get rid of some of the rooms- they're some of the more unique parts of the house unless we just want a house full of couches and tables.
No way, I say we scrap the hot tub room and any others that people actually hang out in or visit and create COUCH HUT. All couches, all the time. Could even do a crazy furniture store style commercial starring Bara. "You want couches, well come on down!" Maybe have Mira in the background posing on a couch in a revealing outfit.
Do you really want to scare people away?No way, I say we scrap the hot tub room and any others that people actually hang out in or visit and create COUCH HUT. All couches, all the time. Could even do a crazy furniture store style commercial starring Bara. "You want couches, well come on down!" Maybe have Mira in the background posing on a couch in a revealing outfit.
Crafting & Gathering preview
Just awesome stuff.
Really? How can they do this but not allow the settings to co-exist between PC and PS3 (when they're setup in essentially the same way)?![]()
Really? How can they do this but not allow the settings to co-exist between PC and PS3 (when they're setup in essentially the same way)?![]()
Settings are saved on the PC.
PC master race confirmed.
Although I have to agree this is kinda stupid, I don't see why settings could not be saved in a universal setting file that could be moved around the network.
No way, I say we scrap the hot tub room and any others that people actually hang out in or visit and create COUCH HUT. All couches, all the time. Could even do a crazy furniture store style commercial starring Bara. "You want couches, well come on down!" Maybe have Mira in the background posing on a couch in a revealing outfit.
Do you really want to scare people away?
The ostrich neck is frightening.
Mira looks like a worm sticking out of an apple in that pic. D:
Looks like someone took the boob slider to 11.
You dun' went and made me sad.
You dun' went and made me sad.
New crafted high level gear, and also presumably a lot of vanity recipes.Is there any confirmation of super uber awesome crafting things that people already maxed out can do? Or do they get screwed and this is just a benefit for those before 40.
You dun' went and made me sad.
:'(PC master race confirmed.
Although I have to agree this is kinda stupid, I don't see why settings could not be saved in a universal setting file that could be moved around the network.
The following text commands have been introduced.
/lockstyle on/off
Makes it so that your character's appearance remains the same even after changing equipment.
on  Locks in equipment appearance.
off  Removes lock on equipment appearance.
Displays current setting if no subcommand is specified.
This command will be automatically disabled under the following conditions:
Zoning in to a different area
Equipping items that affect character motions, such as weapons
Being the recipient of an attack that removes equipment that influences character motions
Logging out
This command cannot be enabled while participating in the following content:
Monstrosity / Ballista / Brenner
While the user's appearance will stay the same to those in the area, switching equipment will grant the attributes of the new equipment.
The command will remain in effect even when changing into equipment that covers multiple slots.
Mira one of the only pretty Elezen. I normally am terrified of them. When I first started the game, I thought I saw slenderman, but it was just one of those dark ones...
Someday I'll get fishing to 50
I wonder how you get the Master Recipe Books? Kinda bummed about the crafting furniture only benefitting level 40 or below players... Looks like I'll still be crafting in my little nook in Gridinia.
Mira one of the only pretty Elezen. I normally am terrified of them. When I first started the game, I thought I saw slenderman, but it was just one of those dark ones...
Mira one of the only pretty Elezen. I normally am terrified of them. When I first started the game, I thought I saw slenderman, but it was just one of those dark ones...
Basically I just fish in these areas until I level up?Fishing is hella easy to level up
Can do it in under 30 hours:
I know the first thing I'm gonna do when the patch goes live!New dance emote:
New dance emote:
Giving Lalas a new dance is like giving meth to an addict.
May god save us all.