Man, they dropped the ball with putting Cordials on the GC vendor.
Perfect opportunity to give alchemist something worth making.
Perfect opportunity to give alchemist something worth making.
Definitely. Really dumb.Man, they dropped the ball with putting Cordials on the GC vendor.
Perfect opportunity to give alchemist something worth making.
I guess that depends on whether they tune any of the new Coil to be super difficult like Twin was at launch. But either way, people don't have to level first so the only time we'll get times equivalent to launch is when we have a level cap increase.Most of the people will be done with this content way faster than previous ones, which is sad
Most of the people will be done with this content way faster than previous ones, which is sad
Comparing difficulties of fights in different content pushes via item level doesn't always work well. I would be surprised if Leviathan EX is actually harder than Twin. He drops better ilevel because he's part of a higher tier of content that came out later. On same note I would be surprised if Turn 6 is as hard as Twin.Still kind of annoyed they opted for i100 on those. Does this mean Leviathan Extreme is harder than Twintania? idk.
This wouldn't be such a big deal if they didn't have such a wonky design plan. If they continue like previously planned the next endgame addition won't come for a good 6 months after this patch. Pretty sad.Most of the people will be done with this content way faster than previous ones, which is sad
That's true; we apparently can't fill out gear with tome gear anymore so we're at the mercy of whatever the RNG in Coil gives us.
Do we know what the iLvl of the new GF is supposed to be? Even if it's only iLvl100 vs A2's 110, it'd probably still be sufficient as a temporary standby.
Even if it was 110 though, as with 2.0 it'll probably take a couple weeks Tome farming to get each piece of gear, so it'd only do so much to speed things up.
Dunno about that man. I don't expect to spend TOO much time on Levi HM, but if Levi EM is harder then Titan EM and Twin, then, even with a good group it could take many many weeks to really get him down.
Coil 2 is supposed to be as hard for people as Coil 1 was when everyone was under-geared. This means the level 90 gear the best players have is probably only barely sufficient. As such, a, "LOT," of groups will need to gear up before making significant progress in Coil 2, and the process of gearing up can take weeks, and even months, depending on a players luck and what items they prioritize.
That's true; we apparently can't fill out gear with tome gear anymore so we're at the mercy of whatever the RNG in Coil gives us.
i hope group skill and communication will allow people to get reasonably far. i beat turn 4 for the first time back when there weren't enough weeks in the games life for people to have that much i90. at most you would have had your zenith, one of the lesser mythology pieces, and if you were lucky a piece of allagan. of the the tanks had myth crown, the tank body that used to drop from AK, and darklight. the other tank criticized that guy and left the group, we waited a day and repped, then we beat it with a tank replacement with similar gear.
...and noone in my current group believes me lol.
aeana's group cleared t4 pretty early before you could amass enough myth to matter, iirc?
Tiv actually wasn't part of our group at the time, but yes we cleared it in mostly Darklight.
Most of the people will be done with this content way faster than previous ones, which is sad
The slowdown would come from not being familiar enough with your hotbar setups and having to glance at them during battle. If you know which hotbar shortcut to press and what button the ability you want is on then it isn't any slower than one very quick intermediate keypress.
This wouldn't be such a big deal if they didn't have such a wonky design plan. If they continue like previously planned the next endgame addition won't come for a good 6 months after this patch. Pretty sad.
Don't worry, when I'm in full caster allagan 3 weeks in I'll put you guys on my back!
I'm just not as good at that as you are
My biggest worry. And this time I won't have any classes/crafts to level to extend my interest during the raiding down time.
Could see it going either way really. I mean, the weapons you got for dealing with Titan HM were, iLvl80, despite the fact that you only need iLvl57 level gear to be able to fight against.
So iLvl requirements don't appear to be the best method to determine the ilvl of the items that drop from the fight.
Don't worry, in 2.3 you'll have new CT to run 8 times a week! Frontlines! Uh, new CT!
I'm sure at the very least Maple could be persuaded to hire you on as the FC gardener.
Don't worry, in 2.3 you'll have new CT to run 8 times a week! Frontlines! Uh, new CT!
I'm sure at the very least Maple could be persuaded to hire you on as the FC gardener.
Dat HP
I like that they're making crafting even easier to level up without adding anything significant to make them relevant again. This game was headed straight to the gutter because of those sneaky crafters like me. But now that I'll be undercut by 50% by twice as many people that I currently am this game might yet have a chance.
Get that swimsuit ready Mira, it's time to sell those couches. :c
Damn I missed the live letter, I ate medicine to overcome the flu, and was just drowsy till like 11am
Oh wells, read the notes, great things happening, looks like the ilvl 20 increase that I was theorizing was right ^_^
I have no experience healing though, but I usually just tell our healers to "quit with the suck and press the heal button." That seems to get things rolling.
Yeah, developers really need to break the habit of developing finite content."Some," groups will clear this content super fast, yeah. A very small number of players were past Ifrit EM within a week of the 2.1 patch, after all. Still, keep in mind, that these players are not representative of the population as a whole. They aren't even representative of the population of, "reasonably good," players as a whole.
A lot of groups are held back by scheduling, or less then ideal communication skills, or they don't have a group to run with, or whatever.
Yeah, kinda bites for the people that clear through content super fast. At the same time though, I'm not sure there's much you could do to keep these players busy for, THAT long. I mean, short of making every new fight in the game Twin level difficult.
Dat HPAnd that s without Party and food bonus
I was about to say that this wasn't all that impressive, then I saw the sword and realized this was a PLD and not a WAR.
That's almost absurd, I can only begin to imagine how high WAR HP will get with Defiance on, and Thrill of Battle active.
Gonna have to rethink my Macro, "IT'S OVER FOURTEEEN THOUSAAAAAAND!" doesn't have the same ring to it.
I was about to say that this wasn't all that impressive, then I saw the sword and realized this was a PLD and not a WAR.
That's almost absurd, I can only begin to imagine how high WAR HP will get with Defiance on, and Thrill of Battle active.
Gonna have to rethink my Macro, "IT'S OVER FOURTEEEN THOUSAAAAAAND!" doesn't have the same ring to it.
Gotta prepare for all that Coil 6-9 damage.
about 1.5k HP for 20 ilevel gain.
I thought you were going to hire me as a gardener for ODO LAND© once individual housing released. Wtf man?
And Vero as the pool boy.
Wolven Twin's Death Sentence keeps you in check
I had Thrill up, and lost 9500HP instantly, was hovering 500HP for a few secs lol
Thank fuck I had Inner Beast + Second Wind to go to recover with healer bombing me with heals
Breaking 10K HP looks awesome, but your brought back to the ground, when mob abilities can wreck you in 1 hit
As an OT in Twin, the only things you should be worried about is: getting yourself as second highest aggro on Twin so that jails in phase 4 do not target you, timing your stuns on the dreadknight during phase 4, snd eating the egg that spawns underneath twintania and figuring out what to do if you get targetted by liquid hell in phase 5.Does the Off Tank get hit by Death Sentence? Cause that's the position I've been practicing during my few Twin practice sessions so far. Also, I'm perfectly aware that the absurd HP I can reach with Thrill of Battle doesn't make me invincible. It just makes me fairly hard to kill, for most the battles in the game anyway. XD
Why are they nerfing content like the hard mode primals and Amdapor Keep? They're easy already and will become easier over time anyway as tomes are easier to farm and better gear is available. Pharos Sirius needed an adjustment but I would have rather they improved the loot from it than make it easier. It was my favorite dungeon because it was fun and challenging and even the trash mobs had stuff to watch out for, but the rewards weren't good enough.
It would be cool if that 16-bit Titan fight became a Gold Saucer mini-game.
Why are they nerfing content like the hard mode primals and Amdapor Keep? They're easy already and will become easier over time anyway as tomes are easier to farm and better gear is available. Pharos Sirius needed an adjustment but I would have rather they improved the loot from it than make it easier. It was my favorite dungeon because it was fun and challenging and even the trash mobs had stuff to watch out for, but the rewards weren't good enough.
It would be cool if that 16-bit Titan fight became a Gold Saucer mini-game.
As an OT in Twin, the only things you should be worried about is: getting yourself as second highest aggro on Twin so that jails in phase 4 do not target you, timing your stuns on the dreadknight during phase 4, snd eating the egg that spawns underneath twintania and figuring out what to do if you get targetted by liquid hell in phase 5.
also typing in my galaxy 4 is a pain....
Theres also phase 3 but ill let qhon do the talking
Egg? Dreadnaughts? What happened to dodging Dive Bombs and Kiting Snake Adds?
Kiting snake adds????
People do that D:!
Egg? Dreadnaughts? What happened to dodging Dive Bombs and Kiting Snake Adds?
Kiting snake adds????
People do that D:!
Bees too hard. Wipe on demon wall for 3 hours.
So is there a particular class I should go for after I level BLM up completely?
I know you can level up every class but for serious end game raid content, is there an order to it or should I stay concentrated just in DPS?