If you are on PC or PS4, this is possible.Does anyone know if it's possible to use the cross hotbar, while still using the keyboard for some abilities? Wondered if I could assign a macro for marking to 1/2/3.
And if you use it on successive targets, they will mark 1/2/3 automatically./mk attack <t>
/mk off
Does anyone know if it's possible to use the cross hotbar, while still using the keyboard for some abilities? Wondered if I could assign a macro for marking to 1/2/3.
Is there a way to get rid of this floating pet hotbar?
How do you normally do the quests' actions without the pet hotbar?
\o/Yea you can but you will have to remember what you have bound to the number keys.
Is there a way to get rid of this floating pet hotbar?
had it when I got onto theduring story roulette recently and just now here with this daily.Magitek
I had it happen after a recent patch with my normal SCH/SMN pets but got rid of it somehow, yet it remains for the two instances above :/. (II hadn't done story roulette in a while or dailies... at all until recently so didn't even know it would still happen in those cases)
So after 3 jobs to 50, we finally decided to try a FATE group.
Because I couldn't take leveling Black Mage anymore (I really hate the Astral Fire/Umbral Ice mechanics).
And... wow... I have to say I was really dumb for holding out so long. FATE grinding is so much faster and it's not any less active than running dungeons over and over.
I was so wrong about this.
It's like we've come full circle. They buffed dungeon exp because everyone complained about fate grinding.
So what day is the game going down, exactly? This Weds? Or Thurs?
Wed the 26th IIRCSo what day is the game going down, exactly? This Weds? Or Thurs?
there is very little dungeon variety and it gets really boring.
I've said it before and, at risk of sounding like a broken record, I'll say it again. Play the game at a pace that's comfortable for you. If leveling jobs, whether it be via Fates Dungeons or whatever, isn't all that fun after an hour, then don't spend more then an hour leveling jobs.
Just using myself as an example. I've been playing since launch, nearly every day, and only have three jobs leveled to 50. WAR, PLD, and DRG. I still enjoy leveling jobs, but I'm forcing myself to spend a week or two between jumping into new jobs, because I know I'll burn myself out if that's all I do.
You just kinda, gotta know what you can handle, and budget, your gaming time accordingly.
Is there a way to get rid of this floating pet hotbar?
had it when I got onto theduring story roulette recently and just now here with this daily.Magitek
I had it happen after a recent patch with my normal SCH/SMN pets but got rid of it somehow, yet it remains for the two instances above :/. (II hadn't done story roulette in a while or dailies... at all until recently so didn't even know it would still happen in those cases)
I have a question. During my time with the beta, after I got my char 15-20 I went to the other cities and saw lots of lv 5-10 missions. Is it better to wait and do those with an alt job, like I did with a conjurer, or isn't it worth it? Also, regarding attribute points, do they screw you in case you jump from a melee DPS to caster?
Also, regarding attribute points, do they screw you in case you jump from a melee DPS to caster?
I have a question. During my time with the beta, after I got my char 15-20 I went to the other cities and saw lots of lv 5-10 missions. Is it better to wait and do those with an alt job, like I did with a conjurer, or isn't it worth it? Also, regarding attribute points, do they screw you in case you jump from a melee DPS to caster?
Thanks guys, I never noticed my lv15 CNJ in the beta had unspent attribute points. I feel like a fool now.
Put them into MND
Most of the AP is already set in stone, not many try to skew from the stats most beneficial to said class
Hey GraveRobberX, are you playing on the PC or PS3. Seeing you post in the thread on gaming side about racking up the PS3 achievements like a boss I imagine you play on the PS3.
Oh and do you still have that wicked awesome beard. I bet that nets you extra XP.
I wonder whose idea it was to have the distinctive and interesting music for each dungeon play only for the first 30 seconds or so, befose switching to the utterly boring generic dungeon fight music.
It would give the dungeons much more character and flavor if their theme music were allowed to keep playing in the background the entire time, with perhaps just a switchover for the bosses.
If your FC won't help you clear content, it's pretty easy to find some groups to go with.More newb questions. Should I worry about end game content, are there people in the guild still needing to do it or is it pretty much l33t players that have their own cliques? I recall in WoW that the guild I was in had 2 raid groups and everyone else was ignored for end game content.
Will iLvl70 armor be enough to keep people going back there?
If your FC won't help you clear content, it's pretty easy to find some groups to go with.
More newb questions. Should I worry about end game content, are there people in the guild still needing to do it or is it pretty much l33t players that have their own cliques? I recall in WoW that the guild I was in had 2 raid groups and everyone else was ignored for end game content.
Well with coil there will always be static parties just because of the way it's set up (weekly lockouts, once you do a turn, or level of coil, you can't go back to it that week). I'm pretty much geared enough to start coil now but it's been hard to find a party because most people are locked up into a static. Granted I didn't try very hard. On thursday this will be fixed for Turn 1-5 cause they are lifting the lockout but it will be the same situation now for Turn 6-9.
Everything else I've had no trouble finding people to run with. This includes relic trains, Ultima HM, CT. Usually I can either get a full party from the FC or enough people that we can fill the other spots quickly in party finder or duty finder.
I know what you mean. The music makes the dungeon intros exciting. I've resorted to playing my own music (usually FFXI...).
Kind of related: I think in general there isn't enough variety in the music of this game.
So, Lost City is supposed to be harder then Pharos Sirius currently is, and I'm assuming that's where they're going to have the Darklight armor drop. (Though I could perhaps see them dropping it at the new HM's and giving new drops for Lost City.)
Assuming however that we are indeed talking about ilvl70 armor however, is there a good chance that Lost City will become the new Pharos? I mean, even if it is it won't be quite as bad, as the roulette will be considerably larger so you'll have fewer chances of ending up there randomly, but still.
Will iLvl70 armor be enough to keep people going back there?
EDIT: PS, I really want to run Pharos one last time, before the nerf, but with a competent party whom I can trust to handle the Siren fight. XD
I think your mistake is assuming that it will only drop ilvl70. With the new cap increase, dungeons are probably going to be getting a boost drop lvl as well. Certainly possible unless the patch notes said otherwise.
Hmm not sure, they were on about that the new craftable gear would be the way to go and how there would be an ebb and flow to the economy with each patch.
It really depends how hard the craftable stuff is to make.
I'm expecting, Craftable + Materia > GF > Coil2, which is pretty much what it was like at Launch.
I think your mistake is assuming that it will only drop ilvl70. With the new cap increase, dungeons are probably going to be getting a boost drop lvl as well. Certainly possible unless the patch notes said otherwise.
Honestly how hard is it to obtain craftable stuff?
I'm not ruling out higher iLvl drops for Lost City. If they did have higher iLvl drops though, that'd mean Darklight went to Brayflox and Halitali HM.
I think iLvl70 armor, and maybe iLvl80 weapons are somewhat more likely.
Why does darklight need to move? Maybe I'm confused as to why that seems like an accepted fact.
Pretty darn certain they said that Darklight was becoming a dungeon drop, since Phil Tomes were being done away with. If that's correct, that means the Darklight gear has to go to one of the three new dungeons.
Kinda hoping that they go to Hali and Bray HM myself, and that we get something new for Lost City.
Is there a way to get rid of this floating pet hotbar?
had it when I got onto theduring story roulette recently and just now here with this daily.Magitek
I had it happen after a recent patch with my normal SCH/SMN pets but got rid of it somehow, yet it remains for the two instances above :/. (II hadn't done story roulette in a while or dailies... at all until recently so didn't even know it would still happen in those cases)
Ah, I see where you are coming from, ok. Yeah, my guess is going to be darklight to the new HMs (maybe even sprinkled into the old ones as well since those loot tables can be changed easily) and Lost City will drop either ilvl75 if they want to keep it below CT or just toss ilvl80 in and call it a day.
I hope that's what they do. I don't think Darklight would be enough to keep people coming back to a dungeon that's more difficult then Pharos. iLvl80 however is typically considered, "acceptable," when people are gearing up their alts, so if Lost City drops i80 it should keep people coming back on a fairly steady basis.
Unless of course, it makes pre-nerf Pharos look like a cakewalk. XD
To be fair, I do think pharos is a cake walk![]()
I've only done that instance twice since coming back and agree, I duno what the big deal is, I guess a lot of healers are lazy and don't like dispelling though.