If I have to drag people through those dungeons so they can do the new roulette, no biggie.
Dog keeps waking me Lol.go to sleeeeep
Which is a HUGE boon! It means that places like Pharos won't be half as annoying when they come up on Roulette. Since you will always be paired with people who have completed the dungeon.
Not necessarily. You could go through duty roulette and group with people that went there with duty finder as their first time, if I'm not reading it wrong.
Only this:I haven't had a chance to read the notes yet, anything about the conversion rate of Philo to Myth?
patch notes said:Allagan tomestones of soldiery have been added.
* Players can only obtain 450 Allagan tomestones of soldiery per week, and carry a maximum of 2,000.
The weekly limitation on Allagan tomestones of mythology has been removed.
Allagan tomestones of philosophy are no longer obtainable.
Please note that any Allagan tomestones of philosophy obtained prior to patch 2.2 will not be lost. All trials and duties that formerly yielded Allagan tomestones of philosophy will now offer either Allagan tomestones of mythology or Allagan tomestones of soldiery.
The NPC Auriana in Revenant's Toll will now give players the option to exchange Allagan tomestones of philosophy for Allagan tomestones of mythology.
Items which required Allagan tomestones of philosophy can no longer be obtained from the NPC Auriana.
* Items that were previously purchasable can be obtained through other means.
It feels like their developers found the problem "too hard to fix" so they gave up.
It's sad to see Odin become so trivialized that he has no reason to really be in the game.
Bit of a Scholar question for folks:
When do you SCH folk use Sacred Soil? I find myself using it quite a bit (though in fights where I know things may be difficult dmg wise, I tend to save stacks for lustrate or for mp during longer fights) but in CT and dungeons (even when I'm on my DRG and there is another SCH healing us), I hardly see SCHs use Sacred Soil at all.
I see it as a waste when you know it could help and/or you know your aetherflow will be off CD by the time you need it for lustrate. But I hardly see it used, you're more likely to see a Shadow Flare than a Sacred Soil from some of the SCHs I've been with.
Funny thing is if they had just gone with a simple vanity tab Odins armor would have worked fine.
I can get behind this. Not being able to compare is bad enough without worrying about stats across slots.Multi slot armor needs to fuck off, regardless.
Dog keeps waking me Lol.
Side note: I need this http://commu.jp.playstation.com/blog/details/20140326_ff14.html
Congrats Tia!
And i feel they need to do something with fishing. I fished a lot this weekend and most of them outside of the countless hammerhead sharks, some silver sharks and red coral...is totally useless! I even caught a one star fish at 38, the Giant catfish and was so annoyed i couldn't use it for anything. As opposed to something like BTN where everything i gather can be useful.
That's a special edition PS4 I thinkIs that a sticker? Now I want that too...
I think what it means is that if you have not completed Pharos Sirius once, then you won't get it in High Level Duty Roulette.
Simple vanity tab would've been nice, but they're trying to kill two birds with one stone by giving crafters more to do.Funny thing is if they had just gone with a simple vanity tab Odins armor would have worked fine.
SE just being retarded as usual and feeling they have to reinvent the wheel.
That I would be 100% fine with as I unlocked it and tried it ebcause it was a new dungeon and Siren and it was a very cool dungeon but have never completed it due to either healers not doing their goddamn job during the fight or someone else letting the crawlers get through (I've tried as both Tank and DPS and never beaten it).
The full patch notes are looking really good.
I probably won't be able to resist doing Amdapor and Leviathan, but part of me wants to go straight into crafting and gathering on patch day to try to capitalize on the market as much as possible. Strawberry and I transferred our Legacy characters and stripped them dry earlier this week. I'm a millionaire again and have all my shards maxed out, with over 300 of each crystal, and a bunch of clusters. I had to pay $18 for the transfer but it was totally worth it. It almost feels dirty. That 1.0blood money.RMT
I don't think it's an instance thing, but we can have up to 3 gardening patches for the large house. I figure 1 patch is definitely going to be hogged by the leaders, so it's possible for the rest of FC who are interested in gardening to try and agree about the other 2 patches.So, is Gardening an "Instance" like thing, where everyone plants (and sees only what they've planted), or is it something that only a few people can do in the house, before all available room is used up?
So, is Gardening an "Instance" like thing, where everyone plants (and sees only what they've planted), or is it something that only a few people can do in the house, before all available room is used up?
Man I really wanted to finish Darksouls 2 before 2.2 hits, but instead I have to spend my time on toilet puking my guts out because of the worst migraine I've had in years :-/.
They mentioned that they're prepping for individual player housing in the preliminary patch notes, so I'm guessing in the future there's room to dig in the mud as individuals.little disappointed in the gardening. I mean, I'm ok with communal works, but it's also something I'd like to futz (and fail) with on my own.
As long as the summoning bell is in the house, though, that'll be great.
Glad they're adding a global UI scaling option and transparency options for the chat window. Item linking is also great.
How so? Lunatic voice can be an issue if no one is stunning it (though it should be Esuna'd ASAP and if DPS are doing their jobs of taking down the crawlers/adds then that shouldn't be an issue). As a DRG with Alice as WHM and random War/SMN, it was a pathetically easy battle that makes me wonder why it needs a nerf. That second fight with the Zu was harder.
Seriously, I just made sure to back the War tank up for stuns with Leg Sweep if it looked like he was going to miss the stun (he even admitted he wasn't the best with stunning it before hand) and I took down the crawlers very quickly with the SMN. Only 2 Lunatic voices got out and were Esuna'd quickly in order of Tank (incase he needs a top up asap) -> healer (again, incase) -> DPS.
Is it a step up from other similarly level'd dungeons? Probably but that's because most dungeons, the hardest thing to deal with is adds without worry of a mechanic like Lunatic voice or that Ghost must top up people debuff (or in HMHM, Healers also have to worry about stupid players that run in the same spot and get hit by the same void fire on that last boss)
tl;dr: Pharos seems like a perfectly fine dungeon if people are actively paying attention and trying to back each other up.
Of course in CT, people can't even deal with adds correctly thinking everyone else would do it for them so many people probably have that same mentality in other level 50 dungeons. Annoys me how many don't understand the simple concept of deal with adds unless it's a boss battle where not dealing with them is easier -_- bleh.
400 level 50 dungeon clears needed for the tank mounts, 200 for each class. Goddamn we got screwed compared to CNJ mount. If it were lower I might be more willing to DF more for it, but 200? Screw that. What a ridiculous number, I would be really surprised if this actually motivates more people to tank for randoms.
I noticed this in the new auto-translation words library:
Crafting & Gathering: materia melding
Crafting & Gathering: advanced materia melding
Crafting & Gathering: gardening
Crafting & Gathering: raising
Crafting & Gathering: harvesting
Crafting & Gathering: master recipe book
Thank goodness for that party sort feature, that is so needed, speaking as a healer.
The full patch notes are looking really good.
I probably won't be able to resist doing Amdapor and Leviathan, but part of me wants to go straight into crafting and gathering on patch day to try to capitalize on the market as much as possible. Strawberry and I transferred our Legacy characters and stripped them dry earlier this week. I'm a millionaire again and have all my shards maxed out, with over 300 of each crystal, and a bunch of clusters. I had to pay $18 for the transfer but it was totally worth it. It almost feels dirty. That 1.0 blood money.
When I was DPS I can't remember if the tank ever stunned but the healers wouldn't esuna (or pay attention, or heal to full or whatever is needed to get rid of the 'you will be charmed in a bit' debuff) when I was tank it was a mix of the healer not avoiding the crawlers (I know DPS should be getting them down but it doesn't hurt to run a bit away from them rather than stand still) and the DPS going after the wrong ones (first few times not going after crawlers, then going after the crawler that was after me first leading to bad things happening when healers got grabbed by the ghoulies).
I'm sure if I went in with a team that was half competent it would be easy. Had no real problems with the rest of the dungeon (apart from the Zu on the first time there on day one).
Had no problems with any of the other dungeons added at the same time.
400 level 50 dungeon clears needed for the tank mounts, 200 for each class. Goddamn we got screwed compared to CNJ mount. If it were lower I might be more willing to DF more for it, but 200? Screw that. What a ridiculous number, I would be really surprised if this actually motivates more people to tank for randoms.
I'll still have to manually do it
I use Player -> Tank -> DPS -> Healer formation, it appears this will set it to Player -> Tank -> Healer -> DPS