Seeing as we're eventually getting class/job specific limit breaks.
Dog Limit Break.

make it happen SE and i will play again
for 5 minutes
Seeing as we're eventually getting class/job specific limit breaks.
Dog Limit Break.
I want to know when he's going to nuke Gridania again. Also, while the Novus is a step in the right direction, is there going to be any further ways to customise your class so that one DRG isn't always the same as every other?Okay I got the Leviathan shirt.
Talking to Yoshi tomorrow. Anything you guys want to know?
I swear if this low level roulette gives me Toto Rak again
Yoshida appeared as a guest speaker in today's SqueEnix Chan!, Square Enix's talk show program, which was held in E3 today.
There aren't too much new information but he did reveal the following bits:
Consideration about a Mac version. Still in discussion stage.
Work on DX11 version still ongoing.
The new area of Crystal Tower to be implemented in 2.3 will be called "Syrcus Tower" (the alternate name for Crystal Tower in FFIII).
PvP Frontlines will feature 3 opposing forces in one large battlefield (at or near the Carteneau Flats)
The Hunt ("Mob Hunt") will feel similar to FFXI's NM and FFXII's Marks Hunt system.
Despite the introduction of Echo and other measures, many players are still having problems clearing due to the instant death mechanics in many of these fights.
Changes/modifications to these mechanics are now being considered for at least some of these contents.
Due to demands from players who want more solo or small party contents, some ideas are being floated around, such as opening up 4-man dungeons to solo-players without level sync. (no guarantees!)
Although the idea of introducing gears with skill-specific stats is enticing, a lot of thought and planning would need to go into it first to ensure balance is maintained.
A free return campaign is being considered for 2.3's release to entice players back.
A free trial period is also being considered for new players.
Large updates (2.x) are still being scheduled for release every 3 to 4 months, with smaller patches (2.xx) in between.
Well, honestly, Titan Brutal and Extreme is more of a chore than a fun challenging fight. If they were to remove some of those incredibly frustrating mecanics, I would consider that an improvement.
It's not actually that silly. Chances are they had a debug/testing tool that allowed their testers to select specific quests, and during beta they made a build that left the tool on.
This. I think that most, if not all big post-wow mmos had an option to choose which quests are displayed on the screen.No. It's very silly. The option to select which quests the user wishes to display on their quest log on screen has been in MMOs (that do it) up until...THIS ONE.
Yeah, I hate not being able to manage that. I often open up quests then wait to complete them with the FC which means that quest is taking up duty list space for no good reason. Then when I accept my six dailies... :'(This. I think that most, if not all big post-wow mmos had an option to choose which quests are displayed on the screen.
No. It's very silly. The option to select which quests the user wishes to display on their quest log on screen has been in MMOs (that do it) up until...THIS ONE.
So many times I've gone back to camp before realising I still have one to complete. :'(What's stupid beyond imagination is that you can accept 6 Beastman dailies at a time...but the quest tracker can only show up to 5.
Why? Because fuck you, that's why.
Sometimes it is brain lag. In that case, obviously, the player needs to improve his/her skills. But when it is just plain old regular lag which is the cause for someone's death, because he moved 0.5 sec too late (when, on his screen, his character is in a safe zone), it is kind of ridiculous.
Sure. But the explanation of it being a bug in beta is plausible. Whether or not you think it is a feature that should have been in the game doesn't make their explanation 'silly' or 'nonsense'. You're making a mountain out of a molehill.No. It's very silly. The option to select which quests the user wishes to display on their quest log on screen has been in MMOs (that do it) up until...THIS ONE.
Congrats. Good luck on Turn 8Cleared T7 last night with my static. Felt good!![]()
Sure. But the explanation of it being a bug in beta is plausible. Whether or not you think it is a feature that should have been in the game doesn't make their explanation 'silly' or 'nonsense'. You're making a mountain out of a molehill.
You probably have to refresh on recent patch changes and reconsider your batch of questions. Although you don't seem to have played the game a long time if you don't know that we can prioritize our quests again, so it might be better to have questions from someone who does play the game answered.
This. I think that most, if not all big post-wow mmos had an option to choose which quests are displayed on the screen.
What's stupid beyond imagination is that you can accept 6 Beastman dailies at a time...but the quest tracker can only show up to 5.
Why? Because fuck you, that's why.
Just like the majority of their design excuses.
Okay I got the Leviathan shirt.
Talking to Yoshi tomorrow. Anything you guys want to know?
Okay I got the Leviathan shirt.
Talking to Yoshi tomorrow. Anything you guys want to know?
Cleared Titan EX a week ago..
Alienated haf of my FC because they didn't got what it took and made a select group.
if someone has lag or frame drops forget about it.. that fight just doesnt go along with it.
You don't like boring linear dungeons with a false sense of choice, repeating bosses, and a bunch of needless off passages for no other purpose than to artificially extend the length?![]()
Lol it actually gave me Brayflox so it's all good
Not sure what they could do when it comes to class customization, maybe change up how the stats you put points into work, aside "from class x pours all of their points into stat y". Maybe have abilities affect differently depending on how much points you place into a stat (i.e. gladiator's flash gets a longer blind debuff depending on how much extra int/mnd you have)?Truth to be told, some class customisation would be a nice change, though I guess we would not avoid the inevitable optimal build(s).
I wish they would stop adding FATE content.
In any case, as long as they continue to lock player's progression with arbitrary limits (such as 1 Bahamut run per week), I don't think I'm coming back (this system has caused a lot of problems and goes against my vision of a multiplayer game). And, well, in all honesty, MMOs are too addictive for me, it's probably better that I stay away from those games.
Titan EX makes me wonder why they don't have the echo dramatically boost resistance materia effectiveness. Mandatory resist to pass a fight is crap, but tuning the fight to no resistance and then letting users gear up to nerf a fight themselves a few patches later wouldn't be the worst way around a roadblock. 50% echo boosting somebody in full-on earth materia to 70% earth resist (especially if it gave you good odds of avoiding Landslide knockback or could reduce knockback distance) would be an interesting way to nerf that wouldn't 'ruin' the fight for people looking to go back and revisit the challenge itself.
Also it would make resist materia not totally useless.
Not sure what they could do when it comes to class customization, maybe change up how the stats you put points into work, aside "from class x pours all of their points into stat y". Maybe have abilities affect differently depending on how much points you place into a stat (i.e. gladiator's flash gets a longer blind debuff depending on how much extra int/mnd you have)?
This was your question:The hell is up with this?
I know we can prioritize the order of the quests. That is a standard thing too. We should also be able to take them off as well if we like. That is a standard too. Look at the other responses to this as well.
The only one defending the lack of a simple, quality of life standard is you. I just posed a simple question. Especially after the recent QOL changes, it continues to baffle me why this simple one continues to go ignored.
I also don't see anything wrong with my other questions. If you have a problem with me, take it to PMs.
This is the answer, already given and explained before:Will we ever gain the ability to select which quests we can choose to display on the quest log on the HUD again? It was in beta, then gone. Why?
You called it an answer that made no sense and is silly. What I am defending is not the lack of a quality of life option, what I am defending is the response they gave regarding the question about selecting the quests you display in beta compared to the final version. The response you called silly without thinking about it first.They've explained this one before. The ability to do so in beta was actually a bug and not intended, whatever the bug was was fixed and that's why it wasn't possible anymore. To make up for it they added the ability to prioritize 5 quests at a time in 2.1, so those will always be the ones that show. There are little checkboxs in your journal for this purpose.
Hardest part of the fight is not damage, is not getting blown up outside of the arena.
Plumes can be a problem, but with echo and most people already on i90 gear is no longer a run breaker.
The Hunt ("Mob Hunt") will feel similar to FFXI's NM and FFXII's Marks Hunt system
I'm sorry, I totally missed this postYou said you have a YoshiP interview tomorrow (later today now) - if you're not busy after (what time will it roughly end?), I can at least swing by and say hello real quick.
Can you then put a fat chocobo on a diet? Or fatten up a little one?
He's beautiful because he's that big! That's an interesting idea: giving a lot of food to your fit chocobo and making him a fat chocobo, and the fatter it gets the more inventory slots it has.
Such a roller coaster of emotions. FFXI NM and HNM camping was ultimately the reason I quit that game, but FFXII's Marks Hunt system is one of the main reasons I love that game so much.
:O Make it happen Yoshi. I need more inventory slots for my crafting mats.
Q: Any chance we can find out about what equipment Rogues/Ninjas will wear so we can prepare ahead of time?
A: First off, because the class is going to be a melee DPS-type class, that gear that you have for other melee DPS classes and jobs is probably something that you'll want to hold on to. On the other hand, weapons are all going to be new because it's going to be a special type -- the dual wield. While you can use existing gear, the weapons will be all new and players can have fun collecting them. As for the special and Primal weapons, there will be rogue and ninja versions.
Q: Is patch 2.3 still on track for a July release?
A: We want you to watch the Producer Letter Live that's going to go on tomorrow [June 12th] and we can give you an actual date for 2.3. Hopefully everyone will hear that date and go, "Wow! That's sooner than we thought."
My interview is from 3-4.
Kagari my question too~~
Q: Will there be implementation for the chocobo companion stat resets in the forseeable future due to the fact that we never knew that we could get special mounts for our chocobos if we went for one area of expertise for our chocobos?
My interview is from 3-4.
Kagari my question too~~
Q: Will there be implementation for the chocobo companion stat resets in the forseeable future due to the fact that we never knew that we could get special mounts for our chocobos if we went for one area of expertise for our chocobos?
PVP-related question/issue you can bring up... I am having trouble reducing the amount of words involved.
2.28 allowed players to reset and re-allocate PVP actions and traits, so players can try different jobs/classes in PVP. However, the grind-heavy PVP gear progression system in place basically forces players to commit to collecting specific gear sets to be competitive in level 50 PVP.
Do they have any plans in place to decrease the amount of grind involved in getting PVP gear or maybe providing an option of trading PVP gear to the vendor (e.g., trade a i90 pvp casting robe for i90 mnk chest piece) to provide players more flexibility in their PVP roles?